
Post 1 dari 28 dalam Fill this in your spare time ^o^

HomeForumGeneral discussionsFill this in your spare time ^o^Post-13227

#1 avatar
eeyore 13 Desember 2004 jam 6:20am  

Starting Time: 10:02

Date: 13/12/04

Name On Birth Certificate: my name

Birthday: once in the life time

School: long overdue

Location: office

E-mail: PM aja

Color of eyes: dark coklat (rasanya)

Hair: very dark brown almost black

height: standard

shoe size: standard

Brothers/Sisters: brothers that bothering

Whenz ur bedtime: ga tentu

-------------------HAVE YOU EVER----------------------------

Ever been so drunk you blacked out: nope

Missed school B/coz it was raining: nope (not that I can remember)

Put a body part on fire for amusement: yep

Been in a car accident: nope

Been hurt emotionally: yep

Kept a secret from everyone: yep

Had an imaginary friend: yep

Cried during a Movie: yep

Had a crush on a teacher: nope

Ever thought an animated character was hot? yep

Had a New Kids on the Block tape: nope

Been on stage: yep

Cut your hair: obviously

Been sarcastic: yep


Shampoo: pantene

Color: green, black, white, blue

Day/Night: night zzzz…

Summer/Winter: whatever

On-line smiley: ^o^

Cartoon Characters: eeyore

Fave Food: too many

Fave Advert: Toyota ads, where the car parts becoming a domino cards, kewl :yes:

Fave Movie: too many

Fave Ice Cream: tiramisu gelato

Fave Subject: too many

Fave Drink: water

Fave Person to talk to online: disclosed information

------------------RIGHT NOW------------------

Wearing: black sleeveless top and brown reddish pants

Hair is: long

I'm feeling: too lazy to work, bludger leh…

Eating: last, yum cookies

Drinking: last, coffee

Thinkin about: not working

Listening to: Josh Groban

Talking to: nobody

Watching: computer monitor

---------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS------------------

Cried: nope

Worn a skirt: yup

Met someone New: nope

Cleaned your room: nope

Done laundry: nope

Drove a car: nope

---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN------------------

Yourself: yup

Your friends: some

Tooth Fairy: nope

Destiny/Fate: nope

Angels: yep

UFO's: nope

-----------------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------

Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: nope

Like anyone?: yup

Who have u known the longest of your friends?: not sure

Who's the shyest: not sure

Who's the loudest: me? :?

Who's the weirdest: not sure

Who do you go to for advice: dad and some friends

Who do you cry with: my guling

When you cried the most: disclosed information

What’s the best feeling in the world: When my dreams coming true ;)

Worst Feeling : when my dreams not coming true

Who will respond to this questions faster: dunno

Who did you send this to who wont respond: newbies

Who sent this 2u: debbie

Do you want all your friends to do this and send it back 2u: yup2

Finish time: 10:14 AM