
Post 3 dari 28 dalam Fill this in your spare time ^o^

HomeForumGeneral discussionsFill this in your spare time ^o^Post-13277

#3 avatar
yinyeksin 14 Desember 2004 jam 11:30am  

Starting Time: 11:10 WIB

Date: 14/12/04

Name On Birth Certificate: you know...

Birthday: hm...when :?

School: long time ago

Location: office

E-mail: use PM

Color of eyes: black

Hair: black

height: emangnya mo adu tinggi :?

shoe size: kenapa mo beliin??

Brothers/Sisters: both

Whenz ur bedtime: gak tentu

-------------------HAVE YOU EVER----------------------------

Ever been so drunk you blacked out: gila kali, gak pernahlah

Missed school B/coz it was raining: gak pernah tuh :p

Put a body part on fire for amusement: nope

Been in a car accident: knock...knock...jangan sampe deh...

Been hurt emotionally: sapa sih yang gak pernah...

Kept a secret from everyone: yakkk...

Had an imaginary friend: gak ada

Cried during a Movie: kalo filmnya emang sedih banget

Had a crush on a teacher: gak tuh

Ever thought an animated character was hot? gak

Had a New Kids on the Block tape: yo...i...

Been on stage: main drama di panggung kan??? yah pernahlah kalo gitu

Cut your hair: pernahlah :angel:

Been sarcastic: kalo lagi esmosi :p


Shampoo: head & shoulder

Color: light blue

Day/Night: night

Summer/Winter: yang penting nyaman :p

On-line smiley: :p

Cartoon Characters: winnie the pooh

Fave Food: buanyak oiiii...

Fave Advert: Mobile Samsung Frensip N 356, Hari gini gak punya handphone...:p

Fave Movie: My beloved (mama hao)

Fave Ice Cream: from haagen dazs and baskin robbins

Fave Subject: saking banyaknya jadi bingung oiii...

Fave Drink: air putih

Fave Person to talk to online: disclosed information

------------------RIGHT NOW------------------

Wearing: kemeja tangan panjang dan jeans

Hair is: long

I'm feeling: dingin oi...

Eating: belum nih :(

Drinking: air putih

Thinkin about: :sleep:

Listening to: radio cakrawala

Talking to: nobody

Watching: tulisan ini

---------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS------------------

Cried: gak tuh

Worn a skirt: gak...

Met someone New: nope

Cleaned your room: yup

Done laundry: gaklah

Drove a car: lha gak bisa nyetir gimana nih :?

---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN------------------

Yourself: oh pasti donk...

Your friends: some

Tooth Fairy: gak

Destiny/Fate: sometimes you can say i believe it but in the others times you can say i don't believe it

Angels: in one moment...

UFO's: give me a prove...

-----------------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------

Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: survey nih :D

Like anyone?: pasti adalah :)

Who have u known the longest of your friends?: wah banyak nih masa disebutin semua :?

Who's the shyest: er...someone :D

Who's the loudest: er...can't think...

Who's the weirdest: my brother

Who do you go to for advice: mom

Who do you cry with: mom and my sis

When you cried the most: hm...lupa tuh :p

What’s the best feeling in the world: eh...ada deh :D

Worst Feeling : lupa juga nih :doh:

Who will respond to this questions faster: gak tau gak dipikirin

Who did you send this to who wont respond: gak bisa dikirim ngapain dipikirin

Who sent this 2u: gak ada yang kirim tuh udah dipost di sini sama eeyore

Do you want all your friends to do this and send it back 2u: kalo bisa dikirim ya pastilah

Finish time: 11:30 WIB