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yinyeksin 1 Juni 2005 jam 10:30am  

Very important - NEVER LIGHT CANDLE in A/C ROOM.

Prevention is Better than cure...Please read this and pass on...


A friend in our group passed away last week due to carbon-monoxide poisoning.

It happened when he lighted an aroma theraputic candle for the night in a room with air-conditioner ON.

Due to lack of oxygen in the room, the burning of the candle cannot fully oxidize & thus forms dangerous carbon monoxide.

Carbon monoxide will prevent oxygen exchange in the lungs, resulting in the person dozing off to a state of unconsciousness & eventually death in less than an hour, depending on the room size.

I am sending this e-mail out to you so that you will be aware of such danger when lighting aroma theraputic candles in any unventilated rooms.