
Post 60 dari 303 dalam What's going on at your office today ?

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#60 avatar
hey_sephia 22 April 2004 jam 4:58pm  

Feeling so mad just now.
Kemarin sore sebelum aku pulang, big boss ama managerku emang lagi di deket2 mejaku. Aku ada stash of wotsits (semacam chiki - corn puff, cheese flavoured, my favourite), got 8 of them left yesterday. Yes, i do count them. Bought 10 of them in a pack. Ate 2 yesterday, so there were 8.

This morning, i didn't check how many they are. Assumed it was 8, of course. Trus salah satu temenku yg kemarin lembur, bilang kalo dia kemarin liat big boss munching on a bag of wotsits. Aku cek my wotsits stash. Tinggal TUJUH!!! :((

Padahal di company tu ada snack box. Ada crisps, chocolates, etc. Kayak vending machine tapi ini box. Dan aku sering intip2 itu box. This week box itu ga ada wotsits. I'm positive on that.

Jelas2 wotsits itu punyaku. Orang aku simpan di laci. Does he think my wotsits are company's property or what????!! Berarti juga dia kan buka2 laciku!!!
Aku tau ni cuma wotsits, satu bag cuman juga yg diambil. But it's a matter of principle. I'd feel ok had he left a note or something. "Hey, i was hungry, saw your wotsits, had one. Thank you." But no. NO note. NOthing! What makes him think he can just have it??!!
Such an a****le!!! (sorry my language, mas admin).