
Post 11 dari 11 dalam How to make life more organised !

HomeForumGeneral discussionsHow to make life more organised !Post-7099

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sorcy 26 Mei 2004 jam 9:55am  

hey_sephia menulis:
sorcy menulis:
I am very disorganised :( I rely on my brain, and my memory normally is pretty good. I just seem to forget people's names and faces. The only thing I want to organise is my earrings collections. I always manage to lose 1 earing from each pair :((
I don't have that many earrings collection :D
I don't know how u manage to lose just ONE from each pair, I always manage to lose both. Apart from the one I wear everyday (never take them off except if I'm going to a fancy party), and my fancy earring (for fancy parties), I dunno where the others are :D It's in the drawer, somewhere :D
I like buying accesories, but only wear them occasionaly. I don't know how I do it, but I do lose one from each pair.(ok maybe not every single pair, more like half of them) I keep the remaining pair though, hoping that one day the other would turn up out of the blue :> Well it's a good thing that I don't have the same problem with shoes:blush: