Kisah Membunuh Naga (To Liong To/ Boe Kie)

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#1 avatar
jacknie_888 15 Februari 2004 jam 8:05am  

Please release the next chapter quickly... Some words I don't understand...

#2 avatar
mo-bin siutjay 26 Februari 2004 jam 3:26am  

Retyping a long book! Whoa, that's always GREAT!
One error, this version of Yi Dian Tu Long was translated by Boe Beng Tjoe, not Gan KL. But the title of this translation, apparently, uses Gan KL version.

Boe Beng Tjoe = Kisah Membunuh Naga (Mekar Djaja c. 1965)
Gan KL = To Liong To / Golok Pembunuh Naga (Pantja Satya c. 1962)

The difference between the two translations is the first couple chapters. The one retyped in this forum is Boe Beng Tjoe's version, because Gan KL version did not include this opening part. All reference to Thio Koen Po/Thio Sam Hong, Kwee Siang and other early characters, are deleted in Gan KL's version. His version started with Thio Sam Hong's third student adventure.

To add to the confusions, in late 70s and early 80s, both versions were reprinted too many times, with many titles!

All and all, I really appreciate this hard work. I am lucky to own the original book, and this also makes me able to offer help in proof-reading the retyped document. Just email me at

#3 avatar
rmz 26 Februari 2004 jam 7:37pm  

mana nih sambunganya ?
boanpwe baca nih seri .. seneng banget

ban ban kamsia deh buat yg terjemahin..

dari palembang.

#4 avatar
pepe haliwell 12 Maret 2004 jam 3:25am  

mo-bin siutjay and all,

my version was published by Tunas Tanjak, Jakarta (no year specified). The only reference to author and translator was "karya CHING YUNG" in every books, and "penerjemah Gan KL" in the first book. You maybe right about the original translator since the subsequent books never mention Gan KL; however, there is no mention of Boe Beng Tjoe in any of the books.

It is possible that someone was creative enough to cut and paste this and that from both versions and came up with a "new and improved" translation. Anyway, I really enjoyed the story regardless of who translated the masterpiece.

There might be a lot of typos in this translation. The publisher didn't seem to use a decent printing machine as some of the letters were hard to read. In many cases, there were typos as well as words that I didn't have a clue what they meant. Since I assumed that the book had the "correct" spellings, structures, and grammar, I was reluctant to change anything. To further complicate the matter, Bahasa Indonesia is not my strong point, and I don't speak a meaningful word of Hokkian.

I'll try to update this work regularly as time permitted. I hope you all enjoy this fine story.


#5 avatar
pepe haliwell 17 Maret 2004 jam 8:03am  

After further inspection of my books, I discovered that
1. The cover page referred this book as "Kisah Pembunuh Naga"
2. The title page referred to it as "Kisah Membunuh Naga"
3. And yet, the first page referred to it as "Boe Kie"
4. There is reference to any translator

Given that facts and my trust that mo-bin siutjay (mbs) has the original translation works, I stand corrected and gave the credit to Boe Beng Tjoe.

Thanks mbs for that correction.


#6 avatar
pepe haliwell 13 Mei 2004 jam 12:59am  

For those of you who have watch the series or read the translation somewhere else and are a bit confused by the names of the characters, you can cross reference the names here

mu99le 18 Mei 2004 jam 1:39pm  

gile cepet loh Pepe translatenya...salut, salut! keep up the good work :D

#8 avatar
pepe haliwell 8 Juli 2004 jam 2:09am  

Woow... embarassingly so many typos. Unfortunately, I have no time to correct them. If any of you are willing to correct it while reading the story, I'll update it and I'll give you cookies :). PM me for my email.

Jojon 4 Agustus 2004 jam 6:51pm  

Hooray, another chapter !!
Hormat pada oom pepe :bow2:

Thor 5 Agustus 2004 jam 8:45pm  

:aha: tetap semangat untuk terus menambah chapter baru

#11 avatar
xikuang 17 Agustus 2004 jam 9:43pm  

mo-bin siutjay @ 26 Feb 2004 03:26 AM

Retyping a long book! Whoa, that's always GREAT!
One error, this version of Yi Dian Tu Long was translated by Boe Beng Tjoe, not Gan KL. But the title of this translation, apparently, uses Gan KL version.

Boe Beng Tjoe = Kisah Membunuh Naga (Mekar Djaja c. 1965)
Gan KL = To Liong To / Golok Pembunuh Naga (Pantja Satya c. 1962

imo mo-bin siutjay is wrong in some details. BOTH translations of HSDS were published at circa 1963.

#12 avatar
xikuang 1 September 2004 jam 3:33am  

answering your question:

menelad (verb) from the noun 'teladan' (someone you think as exemplary, you idolize).

so 'menelad' in this context means: meniru (noun: tiru), to copy

#13 avatar
xikuang 1 September 2004 jam 3:38am  


the noun is 'tiruan', the root word is 'tiru'

bubeng 1 September 2004 jam 1:04pm  

Thanks Pepe,
looking forward for more updates. :)

#15 avatar
xikuang 8 September 2004 jam 7:55pm  

mo-bin siutjay @ 26 Feb 2004 03:26 AM

Boe Beng Tjoe = Kisah Membunuh Naga (Mekar Djaja c. 1965)
Gan KL = To Liong To / Golok Pembunuh Naga (Pantja Satya c. 1962

imo mo-bin siutjay is wrong in some details. BOTH translations of HSDS were published at circa 1963.

I must recorrect this. Both translations of HSDS were published at 1962.

#16 avatar
haryanto 30 September 2004 jam 12:43pm  

:)Thank You Pepe atas sambungan ceritanya

#17 avatar
soing 25 November 2004 jam 7:58am  

saya salut deh, masih ada yang peduli untuk melestarikan saduran cersil era 1960 - 1970 an, dimana pada saat ini sudah semakin sulit untuk dicari, terutama karya para penyadur (Gan.KL, Gan.KH, OKT, Boe Beng Tjoe dll) memang perlu untuk diwariskan ke generasi selanjutnya, agar mereka tahu hasil karya beliau-beliau itu.
walaupun naskah asli masih ada seperti hasil karya dari ; Khu Lung, Cin Yung, Liang I Shen, Ong To lok dll, tapi kan masih harus menterjemahkan
atau menyadur dulu.

untuk itu saya berharap untuk selanjutnya pengasuh berkenan untuk menampilkan cersil yang lain setelah To Liong Too selesai, misalnya cersil karya Khu lung (Gu Long) yang judul aslinya "Duo Qing Jian Ke Wu Qing Jian", yang terdiri dari 89 Chapters, dan telah disadur dalam dua judul yaitu ;

Saduran dalam BI:
Bab 1-25 Pendekar Budiman (GKL)
Bab 26-? Pendekar Merana (GKH)

demikian dan terima kasih.

Azalae 26 November 2004 jam 12:33pm  

iya memang usaha untuk menghidupkan kembali hasil karya lama tidak gampang. biarpun cuma mengetik ulang aja memakan waktu dan tenaga. kita harus berterima kasih pada anggota yang sudah meluangkan waktu bekerja keras demi kepentingan banyak. biarpun ga dibayar.

setidaknya kalo suka bisa mengucapkan terima kasih di sini. nulis comment ga sampe semenit kok. register juga paling beberapa menit. ini ga ada apa2 nya dibandingkan puluhan (bahkan ratusan?) jam yang dikorbankan oleh kontributor kita.

untuk itu translations/terjemahan (dan mungkin bagian lagian juga di masa depan) akan "ditutup" untuk anggota saja. tujuannya agar setelah register mau memberi komentar (terima kasih ataupun kritik membangun) pada anggota yang sudah bersusah payah menulis di sini.

#19 avatar
Wirawan 29 November 2004 jam 3:33pm  

Wah Om Pepe dan rekan.

terima kasih banget masih ada yg mau susah payah menyadur cerita ini di Internet, saya sendiri punya sebagian besar koleksi2 seperti Siaw Tiaw Eng Hiong, Sin Tiaw Hiap Lu, juga To Liong To ini, tapi sayangnya waktu banjir th 2002 koleksi saya To Liong To, dan Pendekar Binal pada hilang ngak tahu rimbanya, hanya tersisa beberapa jilid saja, tapi yg lain syukur masih bisa selamet.
Saya sendiri lagi mencari terjemahan yg masih ejaan lama, barang kali ada yg tahu dimana saya bisa mendapatkannya? kalau ada tolong saya dikabari di
Sekali lagi terima kasih..


#20 avatar
pepe haliwell 1 Desember 2004 jam 1:12am  

Man ... this book is sooooo long. It has already been almost a year since I posted the first book, and I just realized that I have 54 more books to go.

Yes folks, please do write some comment not for my sake but for the sake of the site. Azzy has spent so much time maintaining this site, and now he has to spend his own money to keep the site going. If you like this translation, please show more appreciation, post some comment, post in the forum, post something... anything. A "dead" forum will not last long, and if this site is gone, so will this translation........

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