Last Friend

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eeyore 15 Desember 2008 jam 6:04am  

msh kesengsem sama Last Friend :giggle: apa kata wiki..

A tabloid has rumoured that Ueno was not pleased with how the drama developed. Ueno was upset over why Ryo Nishikido's character, Sousuke Oikawa, was kept alive till the end of the series. According to plans, Sousuke was supposed to die halfway through the drama, but the soaring TV ratings were due to the DV scenes done by Sousuke. A worker on the production staff commented that Ueno's "portrayal of Ruka, a girl struggling with gender identity disorder, was amazing yet all people talked about was Nishikido". The worker went on to say "As a result, the relationship between Ruka and Michiru, which should have been more carefully developed, tapers off towards the end. Juri had worked hard to become Ruka - she even talked to people with gender identity disorder - so for them to put her role aside like that really pissed her off. She and Ryo didn't speak much towards the end of filming."

Last Friends came second in the "Best Drama" at the 12th Nikkan Sports Drama Grand Prix.[28] Juri Ueno won "Best Supporting Actress" while Ryo Nishikido won "Best Supporting Actor." Masami Nagasawa tied in fourth place for "Best Actress" while Eita also came fourth in the "Best Supporting Actor" category.[28]

In the 57th Television Drama Academy Awards, Last Friends was voted 1st for Drama series. Masami Nagasawa won the 3rd Best Female Actress award. Juri Ueno came in 1st for Best Supporting Female Actress, while Ryo Nishikido won the Best Supporting Male Actor award. Both Ueno and Nishikido won with straight sets from the judges, fans and critics. Eita was the runner up in the Best Supporting Male Actor category. Last Friends was also voted for having the Best Script and Directors, and Prisoner of Love won the Best Theme Song award

iya lagunya enak2.. tp gue baru dpt 1/2 dari album nya elo ada nie? dari no 12 onwards? minta.. heheheheheh...

#42 avatar
Tasha 15 Desember 2008 jam 8:46am  

tin gue cari dulu ya itu file SP yg 7 menit, udah gue burn ke cd soalnya....
trus harapan lo soal hub mereka bertiga gak ada perubahan tuh :D

eeyore 15 Desember 2008 jam 9:05am  

eh ga usah nie.. gue ketemu yg versi pendeknya.. krg usaha nyari hehehehehe... thanks eniwai.. yah memang cuma harapan, pasti ga dirubah banyak2 endingnya.. :(

#44 avatar
Tasha 15 Desember 2008 jam 4:38pm  

sip tin.....
gak jadi upload, abis lo liat ryo di last friend sekarang liat dia di ryuusei, bedanya kerasa

yinyeksin 15 Desember 2008 jam 5:16pm  

haizzz...malah ketinggalan dari tina...akhirnya suka juga tin, gak disangka dan gak diduga yahhh...padahal kan awalnya bilang gak gitu suka :lol: kalo gitu musti nonton innocent love tin, sapa tau akhirnya suka juga :p

#46 avatar
djes 15 Desember 2008 jam 11:28pm  

OSTnya ada 1 album? Bagus2kah?
g cm download yg Prisoner of Love aja.

tapi g ga nyangka waktu itu sousuke mau bunuh diri, ga nyangka dia selemah itu.. kirain dia bakal 'cuma' ninggalin Michiru. Tapi dengan dia bunuh diri itu tetep nunjukkin keegoisannya dia, karena dia kan berarti ninggalin luka buat Michiru....Michiru jadi terus ngerasa salah, krn somehow dia yg bikin Sousuke bunuh diri kan.
Iya Eita ga dijelasin lebih detail ttg apa trauma masa kecilnya - takut terlalu kebanyakan masalah dalam 1 film? :p
Ueno emang bagus actingnya, g cm nonton dia 2x, Nodame dan Last Friend ini, tapi g kagum...
Hmm, endingnya gitu lebih bagus lah. Toh dengan begitu mereka bisa tetep saling jaga...

eeyore 16 Desember 2008 jam 5:14am  

lagu nya yah instrumental semua. daku sih blg enak2 yah terutama pas lagi nonton filmnya. Sudah dpt SP nya.. mungkin ntar pas lunch bisa nonton :p hehehehehehee.. cm 9 menit saja. softsub pula.

#48 avatar
Tasha 16 Desember 2008 jam 9:21am  

gue juga cuma donlot Prisoner of Love

yoi djes sayang bagian Eita kurang diceritain, nanggung, padahal dah pengen tau juga

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