Love Changes Everything.....Serious questions!

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RDAK 3 April 2004 jam 11:34pm  

hey_sephia menulis:
RDAK menulis:
Aku punya puisi yg aku tulis kira2 setahun yang lalu :

Tentang kita...
cinta adalah mahkota
yang kupakai ketika kau bersamaku
dan yang kulepas ketika aku pergi dan kau menjauh

hehe...., bagus ngga? kalo menurutku, cinta adalah sesuatu yang mengikat hati co dan ce, tidak usah pake acara peluk2an ato pegang2an, kalo hati udah nyangkut ya udah... ;)

Betapa indahnya kalo cinta bisa dipakai & dilepas seperti mahkota. No more tears, no more broken heart... :cry:

Eh tapi bagus koq puisinya. Bikin thread puisi gih, trus post di sana :D Sapa tau ntar jadi banyak yg ikutan post :D *hint hint*..

Haha... jadi malu nih.... :blush:

#62 avatar
Fatbrain 4 April 2004 jam 1:05am  

People are not perfect but LOVE can be .....
so why looking for a perfect lover instead of creating a perfect LOVE

#63 avatar
Fatbrain 4 April 2004 jam 1:07am  

Sometimes we see things not as they are but as we are: LOVE brings understanding.

bathara_semar 15 Mei 2004 jam 10:44am  

cinta adalah mantera sakti yang telah terbukti dari ribuan tahun yang lalu, hal yang klasik..tetapi akan salalu menjadi warna dalam kehidupan anak manusia.. bahkan manusia pertama kalipun "nabi Adam" telah terpaksa turun dibumi karena cintanya.... Si Pisau Terbang Xiao Li Fei Dao .... menderita dan menjadi pemabuk karena cinta...Arya Kamandanu Si Pedang Naga Puspa pun menjadi terlunta-lunta karena cinta.... ratu Pulau Neraka menjadi baik setelah menikah dengan Pendekar Pulau Es Suma Han karena cinta tidak sedikit cerita cinta yang berakhir bahagia.Pernah orang berkata "bahwa hanya orang aneh dan gila lah yang membuat defenisi cinta "....
Bagi ku Cinta adalah Bahasa Hati dan Bahasa Alam Semesta... tidak dapat didefenisikan dengan verbal kita yang terbatas.... hanya dapat dijelaskan denga bahasa Hati...........

shiro 15 Mei 2004 jam 10:59am  

Love is like pi - natural, irrational, and very important.

- Lisa Hoffman -

justice_121 16 Mei 2004 jam 7:15pm  

sinonim dari mencintai adalah dimiliki, bukan memiliki.

mencintai seseorang, jika tak bisa berkorban untuknya, maka biarkan ia memperoleh kebahagiaan.

yinyeksin 19 Mei 2004 jam 3:12pm  

Love is…

Love is…
Being happy for other person when they are happy
Being sad for the person when they are sad
Being together in the good times
And being together in sad times
Love is the source of strength

Love is…
Being honest with yourself at all times
Being honest with the other person at all times
Telling, listening, respecting the truth
And never pretending
Love is the source of reality

Love is…
And understanding so complete
That you feel as if you are apart of the other person
Accepting the other person just the way they are
And not trying to change them to be something else
Love is the source of unity

Love is…
The freedom to pursue your own desires
While sharing your experiences with the other person
The growth of one individual along side of
And together with the growth of another individual
Love is the source of success

Love is…
The excitement of planning things together
The excitement of doing things together
Love is the source of future

Love is…
The fury of storm
The calm in the rainbow

Love is…
Giving and taking in a daily situation
Being patient with each other’s needs and desires
Love is the source of sharing

Love is…
Knowing that the other person will always be with you
Regardless what happens?
Missing the other person when they are away
But remaining near in heart at all times
Love is the source of reality

Love is the source of life

#68 avatar
andrea7974 28 Juli 2004 jam 1:35pm  

Love really changes everything.

Kemarin baca buku ttg Kierkegaard, seorang filosof Denmark dengan teori eksistensialismenya yang dianggap 'mengguncangkan' teori Hegel. Kierkegaard menulis filsafatnya setelah memutuskan pertunangannya dengan Regina Olsen.

Hmm..kayaknya si Kierkegaard tdk akan menulis teori itu andai dia tdk merasakan kepahitan cinta dalam hidupnya.

I took pity on him :( although I admit that he's a great philosopher!

eeyore 24 Agustus 2004 jam 6:50am  

Nanya dong!!!!

bisa ga kita MEMBUAT diri kita jatuh cinta sama orang? ato jatuh cinta itu something we can't control. Klu kita bisa MEMBUAT diri jatuh cinta, berarti kita jg bisa MENCEGAH diri jatuh cinta... tul ga?

soalnya kan ada tuh pepatah "Cinta tumbuh sepanjang jalan" berarti bisa di pupuk dan bisa di bikin dong jatuh cinta itu.

#70 avatar
pepe haliwell 24 Agustus 2004 jam 7:24am  

eeyore menulis:
bisa ga kita MEMBUAT diri kita jatuh cinta sama orang? ato jatuh cinta itu something we can't control.
Bisa ... ulangi sejam sekali

"Doi cakep. Camer kokai. Doi Jomblo. Camer kokai. Doi baik. Camer kokai. "

eeyore menulis:
.... berarti kita jg bisa MENCEGAH diri jatuh cinta... tul ga?
Juga bisa ... ulangi 3x sehari

"Doi GiNong. Camer Gokil. Doi Pelor. Camer Najong. Doi jutek. Camer budi. Doi kuper. Camer toil"

eeyore 24 Agustus 2004 jam 8:35am  


ditanyain yg serius, gini jawabnya. Klu ini jawaban serius pepe, berarti elo Matre bo! :no:

Azalae 24 Agustus 2004 jam 11:03am  

menurut gua sih ga bisa membuat cinta seseorang tapi bisa berpura2. pura2 pada diri sendiri maksudnya. deep down ga cinta sih. istilahnya maksa gitu lah.

shiro 24 Agustus 2004 jam 11:15am  

Setuju ama Boss yg soal membuat/mencegah... :woot:

Kalo soal dipupuk mah mungkin gara2 udah biasa bareng2 jadi kali mikirnya cinta, padahal mah pasrah... :D tapi mungkin juga gara2 kenal lebih jauh terus jadi beneran seneng...

#74 avatar
andrea7974 24 Agustus 2004 jam 12:08pm  

Azalae menulis:
menurut gua sih ga bisa membuat cinta seseorang tapi bisa berpura2. pura2 pada diri sendiri maksudnya. deep down ga cinta sih. istilahnya maksa gitu lah.
masuk akal sih. dan sugesti itu kadang sgt meyakinkan sampai seolah2 adalah kenyataan

eeyore 24 Agustus 2004 jam 1:00pm  

terus klu da bahagia dan selalu berdua walaupun cuma sugesti, cinta ga penting lagi kan? intinya kan, ada kawan dan bahagia... gimana? :?

shiro 24 Agustus 2004 jam 1:11pm  

Tergantung orangnya kalo gua bilang mah... kalo emang bisa content and happy ama idupnya, ya udah... ;)

yinyeksin 24 Agustus 2004 jam 1:12pm  

setuju cath...:D:D:D

#78 avatar
andrea7974 24 Agustus 2004 jam 1:17pm  

eeyore menulis:
terus klu da bahagia dan selalu berdua walaupun cuma sugesti, cinta ga penting lagi kan? intinya kan, ada kawan dan bahagia... gimana? :?
kalau cuma cari kawan...nggak harus cinta2an kan? hahahaha...

kebahagiaan itu kan datangnya dr kita sendiri...kan nggak menjamin kalau elu punya pasangan elu bahagia ;)

ToOn99 24 Agustus 2004 jam 3:58pm  

eeyore menulis:
Nanya dong!!!!

bisa ga kita MEMBUAT diri kita jatuh cinta sama orang? ato jatuh cinta itu something we can't control. Klu kita bisa MEMBUAT diri jatuh cinta, berarti kita jg bisa MENCEGAH diri jatuh cinta... tul ga?

soalnya kan ada tuh pepatah "Cinta tumbuh sepanjang jalan" berarti bisa di pupuk dan bisa di bikin dong jatuh cinta itu.

jaman engkong sama emak dulu semuanya pake acara jodoh2an. And nggak ada yang kawin-cerai seperti sekarang. jadi mungkin gara2 apa aja berdua lama-lama jadi suka.
Suggestion, jangan terlalu sering dekat2 orang jelek, nanti kalo jatuh cintrong bisa celaka. Kasian keturunan :D j/k

#80 avatar
andrea7974 24 Agustus 2004 jam 5:29pm  

Message: A group of professional people posted
question to a group of 4 to 8
year olds. "What does love mean?" the answers
they got were broader and deeper than anyone
could have imagined. See what you think...

When my grandma got arthritis, she couldn't bend
over and paint her toenails anymore. So my
grandpa does it for her now all the time, even
when his hands got arthritis too. That's love.
Rebecca- age 8

When someone loves you, the way they say your
name is different. You just know that your name is
safe in their mouths. Billy- age 4

Love is when a girl puts on perfume and a boy
puts on shaving Cologne and they go out and
smell each other. Kari- age 5

Love is when you go out to eat and give
somebody most of your French fries without
making them give you any of theirs. Chrissy- age

Love is what makes you smile when you're tired.
Terri- age 4

Love is when my mommy makes coffee for my
daddy and she takes a sip before giving it to him,
to make sure the taste is OK. Danny- age 7

Love is when you kiss all the time. Then when you
get tired of kissing, you still want to be together
and you talk more. My mommy and daddy are like
that. They look gross when they kiss. Emily- age 8

Love is what's in the room with you at Christmas if
you stop opening
presents and listen. Bobby- age 7 (wow!)

If you want to learn to love better, you should start
with a friend who you
hate. Nikka- age 6

Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt, then
he wears it everyday
Noelle- age 7

Love is like a little old woman and a little old man
who are still friends
even after they know each other so well. Tommy-
age 6

During my piano recital, I was on stage and I was
scared. I looked at all
the people watching me and saw my daddy
waving and smiling. He was the only one doing
that. I wasn't scared anymore. Cindy- age 8

My mommy loves me more than anybody. You
don't see anyone else kissing me to sleep at
night. Clare- age 6

Love is when mommy gives daddy the best piece
of chicken. Elaine- age 5

Love is when mommy sees daddy smelly and
sweaty and still says he is
handsomer than Robert Redford. Chris- age 7

Love is when your puppy licks your face even after
you left him alone all
day. Mary Ann- age 4

When you love somebody, your eyelashes go up
and down and little stars come out of you. Karen-
age- 7

Love is when mommy sees daddy on the toilet
and doesn't think it's gross.
Mark- age 6

You really shouldn't say "I LOVE YOU" unless you
mean it. But if you mean it you should say it a lot.
People forget. Jessica- age 8

And the winner was a 4 year old child whose next
door neighbor was an
elderly man who had just lost his wife. When the
child saw the man cry, the little boy went over into
the man's yard and climbed on top of the man's
lap and just sat there. When the boy's mother
asked him what he'd said to the neighbor, the little
boy said "Nothing, I just helped him cry."