the A-Z about relationships

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eeyore 25 Februari 2004 jam 5:46am  

Azalae menulis:

Since we have world population explosion, that means most women don't leave their husbands. Which in turn means.... :D

most women is desperate? :p

I hope I will never get to that phase ><

Nenek 25 Februari 2004 jam 7:47am  

eeyore menulis:
Azalae menulis:

Since we have world population explosion, that means most women don't leave their husbands. Which in turn means.... :D

most women is desperate? :p

I hope I will never get to that phase ><

Don't worry..... there is shortage of woman in Korea...... lots of Korean girls are dating younger guys.. young fresh meat.. handsome.. *drools* (ok. don't tell this to lex... lol )

yinyeksin 14 April 2004 jam 11:43am  

How To Be A Better Couple

10 steps to enjoying each other better...
1. Be realistic about each other.
Don't try to turn your partner into something he or she is not. Let's face it, for guys - there's only 1 Pamela Anderson in the world, and even she has had her implants removed! Give your gal a break and understand that her physical appearance is NOT going to change overnite with the help of a few facials or treatments. And ladies, Brad Pitt has already been taken, so you're gonna have to do with what your guy is like! Chill out, love each other for what you are. There is more to your partner than what meets the eye.
2. Always talk things out.
Now guys, I know this is not your fave pastime or mode of resolving issues, but you know what? This works with the gals. Don't make assumptions about each other's feelings. Learn to express yourself better so that your partner understands what you're angry about, or hurt about, or even happy about! When you stop talking to each other from the heart, it's the beginning of the end.
3. Do stuff together.
Make an effort to do things together. Do some sports or involve yourselves in some shared activities; something both of you enjoys or are interested in. It could be as simple as watching movies together, or just strolling hand-in-hand down Orchard Road. Watch soccer with him once in a while though the green patch on TV puts you to sleep in 3 seconds. And guys, do give in if your gal asks for another day at window-shopping, rather than suggest that she go out with her girlfriends for "that sort of activities" instead. If you're spending more time with your friends rather than with your partner, it's a warning sign that you're drifting apart!!!
4. Meet each other halfway.
If he agrees to throw out that rotten T-shirt with the "The_Rock" print, you shouldn't kick up much of a fuss if he asks you to keep your room tidy...There's gotta be a little giving and taking in a relationship, so learn to meet each other halfway.
5. Show your love.
Buy her flowers or candy or perfume every now and then, even if you have been together for 5 years. It's wonderful to continue showing someone that you care for him or her. Cook him a special meal, paint him a Valentine's Day card. Knit him mini-socks he can't wear (like for decoration purposes =>), buy him a packet of milk for breakfast, or pack his wardrobe for he knows you can still be romantic and loving despite having been together for quite a while.
6. Respect each other.
Stop making jokes about her hair or skin, or whatever it is you love to laugh at. Ask yourself if she thinks if it’s funny. And if he has an inferiority complex about his height, stop ogling at tall guys and make him feel worse! Love is about respecting each other's feelings and being sensitive to each other at all times.
7. Bury the past.
Stop bringing up the past. Gals…don't bring up the happy things about you and your ex to your guy, it would just make him jealous or unhappy. And guys, don't talk about the happy times that you had with your ex or mention about her in your every other sentence as it would make your gal feel unhappy and she might think that you saying all this because you are gonna get back with your ex or not interested in her anymore.
8. Sit on your jealousy.
All of us go thru' spells of insecurity at the beginning of the relationship, but don't translate that insecurity into jealousy. If you're gonna go through your partner's mail and cupboard, and eavesdropping on conversations, you know something is wrong - with you!!! Jealousy is like a poison that slowly spreads thru' the relationship before finally killing it. Trust your partner; love has to have trust in it.
9. Keep your commitments to each other.
If your partner is standing you up all the time and canceling dates and breaking promises, you need to talk! If you're in a relationship, make your partner your priority and don't disappoint them if you can help it. It's really terrible when someone promises to take you to dinner, and then calls to cancel it. Don't make promises you can't keep. If your partner starts to feel that he/she is not important enough to you, you may just lose him/her.
10. Be honest.
Honesty is not scowling at how awful she looks first thing in the morning, or telling him that he has the biceps of a fly! When we say "be honest", we mean expressing <EM> your feelings clearly, not being bitingly cruel. When you're hurt, say so, and when you're angry, tell him/her, without getting hysterical. If you can't be honest with your partner, who can you be honest with? Love is also about honesty, and a relationship where no honesty exists probably isn't worth it!

sorcy 19 Mei 2005 jam 7:55am  

wah totally forgot about this thread...:)) Let me update:

What Happens When You Fall In Love With
A chef? (You get buttered up.)
A chauffeur? (You get taken for a ride.)
A gambler? (He cheats on you.)
A telephone operator? (He gives you a phone-y line.)
A trashman? (He dumps you.)
A clockmaker? (He two-times you.)
A pastry cook? (He desserts you.)
A shoe salesman? (He walks all over you.)
An elevator operator? (He lets you down.)
An artist? (He gives you the brush.)
A jogger? (He gives you the run-around.)

sorcy 19 Mei 2005 jam 8:03am  

Women's Problems
- MEN tal illness
- MEN strual cramps
- MEN tal breakdown
- MEN opause
- GUY necologist
- And when we have real trouble, it's a.....HIS terectomy.
Ever notice how all of women's problems start with men? :rofl:

The RULES as written by Men
Rule # 1: Anything we said six or eight months ago is inadmissible in an argument. All comments become null and void after seven days. :giggle:
Rule # 2: If you don't want to dress like Victoria's Secret girls, don't expect us to act like soap opera guys.
Rule # 3: If we say something that can be interpreted in two ways, and one of the ways makes you sad or angry, we meant the other way.
Rule # 4: It is in neither your best interest nor ours to make us take those stupid Cosmo quizzes together.
Rule # 5: Let us ogle. If we don't look at other women how can we know how pretty you are?
Rule # 6: Don't rub the lamp if you don't want the genie to come out. :blush:
Rule # 7: You can either ask us to do something OR tell us how you want it done -- not both.
Rule # 8: Whenever possible, please say whatever you have to say during commercials or time-outs.
Rule # 9: Don't fake it. We'd rather be ineffective than deceived.
Rule # 10: Women who wear Wonderbras and low-cut blouses lose their right to complain about having their chest stared at.
Rule # 11: When we're turning the wheel and the car is nosing onto the ramp, you saying "This is our exit" is not necessary.
Rule # 12: Christopher Columbus didn't need directions and neither do we.

#26 avatar
pepe haliwell 19 Mei 2005 jam 8:31am  

The his and her control panel

Danger ahead ....

Before and after marriage ....

Guess which one is the female ....

The chance of ....

And my favorite one ... :lol2:

Azalae 19 Mei 2005 jam 2:38pm  

hahahaha :lol: :lol2: :rofl: :rofl2: :lmao:

duhh sampe sakit tenggorokan ketawa mulu.

eeyore 20 Mei 2005 jam 6:17am  

Marketing Itu Apaan Seh ?
Kita melihat seorang gadis cantik di sebuah pesta.

Kemudian kita menghampirinya dan berkata, " Saya adalah orang kaya.
Menikahlah dengan saya."


Kita berada di sebuah pesta dengan teman-teman kita dan bertemu dengan seorang gadis cantik.

Salah seorang teman kita menghampiri gadis itu dan berkata, " Lihatlah laki-laki itu ( sambil menunjuk kita ).
Ia sangat kaya, menikahlah dengannya."


Kita melihat seorang gadis cantik di sebuah pesta Kemudian kita menghampiri gadis itu dan meminta nomor telponnya.

Keesokan harinya kita menelponnya dan mengatakan, " Hi, saya sangat kaya, menikahlah dengan saya."


Kita tengah berada di sebuah pesta dan melihat seorang gadis cantik.
Kita merapikan pakaian, kemudian berjalan ke arahnya dan menawarkan minum.

Kita membukakan pintu untuknya saat mengantar pulang dan berkata, " Saya sangat kaya, maukah kau menikah dengan saya ?"


Kita tengah berada di sebuah pesta dan melihat seorang gadis cantik.

Gadis itu berjalan ke arah kita dan mulai merayu, " Kau sangat kaya rupanya."


Kita berada di sebuah pesta dan melihat seorang gadis cantik.
Kita mendekati gadis itu dan berkata,
" Saya sangat kaya, menikahlah dengan saya."

Kemudian gadis itu menampar muka kita.

#29 avatar
andrea7974 23 Mei 2005 jam 3:51pm  

THE TRUTH ABOUT MAN......................

This is rather long but very worth while not all can
stomach it but its implications are deep and profound
and probably detrimental to ones happiness so take
time to read it. It has a hint of strong feminist agenda
but it remains truthfull. Most of us fellars are guilty as
sin on this issue though most start off with good
>If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away. If
he doesn't want you, nothing can make him stay
>Stop making excuses for a man and his behavior.
Allow your intuition (or spirit) to save you from

Stop trying to change yourself for a
relationship that's not meant to be

Don't force an attraction If he keeps
changing his mind about the relationship, take that as
a BIG sign that he is unstable. Do you really want to
be with a man like that?
>Don't stay because you think "it will get better."
You'll be mad at yourself a year later for staying when
things are not better Honorable men take care of their
business and aren't involved in a whole lot of mess.
>The only person you can control in a relationship is
you. There's only one 'reason' a man dumps you; he doesn't
want you.
>Avoid men who've got a bunch of children by a
bunch of different women. He didn't marry them when he got them
pregnant, why would he treat you any differently?
>You really do have to kiss a few frogs before finding
the prince. If he doesn't call, he just isn't that
>If you want to have a clue as to how he will treat
you, watch how he treats the WOMEN in his family (not just mom).
There's more than physical abuse, there's emotional
and mental abuse. If he causes any of them...flee.
>You cannot change a man's behaviors. Change
comes from within. Please take note
>Don't let him place rules on you that he is not willing
>follow himself - double standard.
>Don't EVER make him feel he is more important
than you are...even if he has more education or in a better job. Do not
make him into a quasi-god. He is a man, nothing more nothing less.
>Demand respect and if he can't give it, he can't
have you Don't compete with other women, but be aware
that men are attracted to what they see.
>Never rely on a man for compliments, look to
yourself for that. Never borrow someone else's man. This shows
that both you and he are cheap, but you are the cheaper one.
>Never even chase someone else's man. Even if
you get him in the end, he probably only gave in because you showed
him you were easy enough.
>When that man is sitting with his friends, do you
know the kind of things he says about you?
>If a man cheats with you, he'll cheat on you.
>Just because he says he loves you, doesn't mean
that he won't hurt you and it doesn't mean that you are meant to
be with him. Give up the lifelong task of trying to make someone
unavailable, available, someone ungiving, giving, and
someone unloving, loving.
>All men are NOT dogs. However All dogs are Men.

>You need time to heal between relationships...there
is nothing cute about baggage... deal with your issues before
pursuing a new relationship
>You should never look for someone to COMPLETE you...a relationship consists of two WHOLE individuals...look for someone complimentary...not supplementary.
>Dating is fun...even if he doesn't turn out to be Mr. Right
>When actions and words conflict- believe the actions. Respond to the actions
>A real healthy relationship requires two people. One
person can end it - but it takes two to make it work.
>Don't fall for the "I'm not the loving type"...when a
man loves you there is nothing in this world (within reason) that
he wouldn't do for you

Make him miss you sometimes...when a man always know where you are, and your always readily available to him he takes it for granted.

>Give him his space...let him go out with his boys, don't pressure him to spend time with you, you can't force a man to hang out with you
>If you wouldn't allow your daughter to be with him
you shouldn't.
>Never let a man know everything. He will use it
against you later

Have your own money. Have your own friends. Have your own life.You are confused and immature if you think men are there to provide money and a reason for living.
>Never let a man mess up your credit. When its time to let go, let go.
>Good men should be treated like good men.
>Compatibility in terms of educational attainment,
values, beliefs,personal and career goals, and
socioeconomic status are important.

#30 avatar
pepe haliwell 24 Mei 2005 jam 8:26am  

andrea7974 menulis:
THE TRUTH ABOUT MAN......................
Very pessimistic view about man :sad:

#31 avatar
andrea7974 25 Mei 2005 jam 8:44am  

pepe haliwell menulis:
andrea7974 menulis:
THE TRUTH ABOUT MAN......................
Very pessimistic view about man :sad:
not really. as a matter of fact I'm still dating men :p :p jadi nggak pesimis kan? :p
juga spt kataku yg di thread lain...kan aku :wub: sama Pepe...kalau dia pas jadi cowok :p :p

#32 avatar
pepe haliwell 26 Mei 2005 jam 2:00am  

andrea7974 menulis:
pepe haliwell menulis:
andrea7974 menulis:
THE TRUTH ABOUT MAN......................
Very pessimistic view about man :sad:
not really. as a matter of fact I'm still dating men :p :p jadi nggak pesimis kan? :p
juga spt kataku yg di thread lain...kan aku :wub: sama Pepe...kalau dia pas jadi cowok :p :p
That was not what I meant. I meant that the view within "THE TRUTH ABOUT MAN" is very pessimistic, and NOT "Andy" is very pessimistic :) My bad! :p

#33 avatar
pepe haliwell 26 Mei 2005 jam 2:05am  


Thor 26 Mei 2005 jam 2:38am  

:rofl2: :lol2: :roflmao:

hoeiii single women. are you want like that? :lol2:

eeyore 26 Mei 2005 jam 6:27am  

well, because perfect man does not exist... it's only a tales that made by men hoping women will wait for them.... :no:

sorry de... singleness is a blessing.. :jump:

#36 avatar
andrea7974 26 Mei 2005 jam 10:20am  

pepe haliwell menulis:
masalahnya: abis gimana lagi??? Pria yang jujur susah dicari sih! mendingan begitu tapi masih happy-happy having dinners, gathering with friends etc. dari pada kawin, stress dan jadi jelek seperti

Azalae 26 Mei 2005 jam 2:48pm  

loh katanya cinta kan mencintai seluruhnya. kelebihan dan kekurangan. ga masalah dong kalo ga perfect.

#38 avatar
andrea7974 27 Mei 2005 jam 9:44am  

Azalae menulis:
loh katanya cinta kan mencintai seluruhnya. kelebihan dan kekurangan. ga masalah dong kalo ga perfect.
kalau kejujuran sih kayaknya kan bukan masalah perfect atau nggak yah ;) emang bener kalau cinta kan mencintai satu paket...tapi kalau sdh nggak jujur..biar paketnya yang lain bagus...untuk apa? :think:

Thor 27 Mei 2005 jam 9:49am  

masing2 orang memang mempunyai syarat2 paket yang beda :D. ada yang biar jelek asal hatinya baik nga apa2. ada yang biar dia sering nyakiti gua, asal dia cinta sama gua (karena dia ganteng) nga apa2. Kalo andy mungkin kejujuran adalah hal yang tidak bisa dikompromikan lagi, tapi yang lain blom tentu. :D

#40 avatar
pepe haliwell 28 Mei 2005 jam 8:25am  

