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#1 avatar
Fatbrain 14 September 2004 jam 12:37pm  

Please share disini:.... film2 yg belon di-release..yg lagi direncana, shooting, post-production, etc, etc...

The Battle of Red Cliffs
John Woo, director, lagi rencana bikin film ini ttg the battles waktu period nya the Three Kingdoms (280AD).
Rencana start shooting thn depan.
Possible actor: Chow Yun-Fat

#2 avatar
Fatbrain 14 September 2004 jam 12:54pm  

Wah...Boss...kalo "movies - work in progress" tapi yg bukan "Ancient China Films & Series" boleh disatuin disini, nggak?
:? ato musti dipisahin di "Asian Contemporary" ato di tempat laen....

Chinese Style Divorce
Chinese Drama
Adapted dari novel dgn judul yg sama
23 eps.
Yg maen: Chen Daoming & Jiang Wenli.
Just finished. 1st episode bakal shown bulan ini.

Silver Times
Chinese Drama
Yg maen: Korean idol Jang Nara + Mainland China, Taiwan & Hong Kong stars.

Azalae 14 September 2004 jam 1:42pm  

gua sendiri personally ga terlalu masalah mao ditaroh di mana. ini bukan markas militer. :p tergantung yang baca aja kalo disatuin ga bingung yah gpp. kecuali ada yang pusing yah dipisah.

ato dikasih kategori aja di samping judul pake bold font ato apa gitu buat nandain biar ga bingung? :?

#4 avatar
Fatbrain 14 September 2004 jam 7:52pm  

More info about..

"Silver Times"«银色年华»
Chinese youth drama - set at the Beijing Film Academy
Stars: Jang Nara, Jackie Chan, Zhao Wei
Director: Xu Jinglei
Producer: Feng XiaoGang


#5 avatar
Fatbrain 14 September 2004 jam 8:17pm  

Memoirs of A Geisha

Based on Arthur Golden's best-selling novel, Memoirs Of A Geisha tells the story of an 18-year-old Japanese girl who must learn how to be a geisha girl so that she can survive.

Watanabe (The Last Samurai, Batman Begins) will portray 'The Chairman,' the high-powered executive with whom the young geisha, Sayuri, falls in love.
Zhang Ziyi (CTHD, 2046, Hero, House of Flying Daggers) will portray Sayuri, the beautiful young orphan from a remote fishing village whose life changes forever when she is sent to the city to learn the ways of the geisha.
Michelle Yeoh (CTHD, Tomorrow Never Dies), who will portray Mameha, the elegant and experienced geisha who becomes Sayuri's mentor.
Gong Li (Farewell My Concubine, Ju Dou, Raise the Red Lantern, 2046) will portray Sayuri's stunning and treacherous rival Hatsumomo.
Koji Yakusho ("Shall We Dance?") as Nobu, the brilliant but tragic businessman who seeks to become Sayuri's patron.
Youki Kudoh ("Snow Falling on Cedars") as Pumpkin, Sayuri's closest friend since childhood who also struggles on the path to becoming a geisha.

Exec-Producer: Steven Spielberg
Director: Rob Marshall
Stars: Zhang Ziyi, Gong Li, Michelle Yeoh, Ken Watanabe
Filming will start in September in Los Angeles and Tokyo




#6 avatar
Fatbrain 15 September 2004 jam 10:02am  

"Magic of Bizarre Love"

started shooting in Beijing.
20 eps.
Stars: Lin Xinru, Su Youpeng & Korean pop idol Ahn Chil Hyun, a member of the popular singing group H.O.T.

The series will present a moving love story that involves magic shows.
The Korean pop star will act as a playboy and the two actresses will try to reveal their true feelings despite suffering many hardships and difficulties.

yinyeksin 15 September 2004 jam 11:25am  

Fatbrain menulis:
"Magic of Bizarre Love"

started shooting in Beijing.
20 eps.
Stars: Lin Xinru, Su Youpeng & Korean pop idol Ahn Chil Hyun, a member of the popular singing group H.O.T.

The series will present a moving love story that involves magic shows.
The Korean pop star will act as a playboy and the two actresses will try to reveal their true feelings despite suffering many hardships and difficulties.

bukannya ini co koreanya yang main Kang Ta :? kalo namanya Ahn Chil Hyun gak tau deh :doh: yang tentang sulap kan :) nah ini yang ditunggu-tunggu nih :aha:

#8 avatar
Fatbrain 15 September 2004 jam 7:50pm  

yinyeksin menulis:
bukannya ini co koreanya yang main Kang Ta :? kalo namanya Ahn Chil Hyun gak tau deh :doh: yang tentang sulap kan :) nah ini yang ditunggu-tunggu nih :aha:
Iyahh Wi...Kang ta ato Ahn Chil Hyun, Korean pop idol :yes::yes:


yinyeksin 16 September 2004 jam 10:14am  

wah Kang Ta beda banget yahhhhh...biasanya tampil cool lho...aihhh makin keren aja deh :wub:

sekilas liat pic alec su yang di atas kok gayanya mirip sama alex to yah :?

#10 avatar
Fatbrain 17 September 2004 jam 9:24pm  

Moment In Peking - Jing Hua Yan Yun

...adapted from the Chinese writer Lin Yutang's classic of the same name.
...will start shooting early next month.

Star: Vicky Zhao Wei

#11 avatar
Fatbrain 21 September 2004 jam 7:44am  

New Police Story 新警察故事

baru minggu lalu ngadain...opening ceremony di Beijing University

Jackie Chan 成龙
Charlie Yeung 杨采妮
Nicholas Tse 谢霆锋
Charlene Choi 蔡卓妍
Daniel Wu 吴彦祖






#12 avatar
Fatbrain 23 September 2004 jam 5:03am  

Ini liat.. ada lagi film baru...gile....banyak banget..:o:o:o

The Legend of Speed
20 eps
premiere nya bakal season ini di Taiwan
Stars: Li Wei & Yang Chen-Lin

#13 avatar
Fatbrain 29 September 2004 jam 4:32am  

The Lady from Shanghai

Stars: Nicole Kidman, Takeshi Kitano
Director: Wong Kar-Wai

Shooting mulai February 2005 di Shanghai


yinyeksin 29 September 2004 jam 10:51am  

Fatbrain menulis:
Ini liat.. ada lagi film baru...gile....banyak banget..:o:o:o
The Legend of Speed
20 eps
premiere nya bakal season ini di Taiwan
Stars: Li Wei & Yang Chen-Lin
et, yang ini mah udah keluar filmnya udah gak bisa dibilang movie work in progress lagi :p, cuma endingnya gantung...kabarnya sih bakalan ada The Legend of Speed 2 tapi pemeran ceweknya ganti...perkiraan sih yang bakalan gantiin Rainie Yang tuh Beatrice Hsu mantan pacarnya Li Wei :D:D:D

#15 avatar
Fatbrain 29 September 2004 jam 11:34am  

yinyeksin menulis:
et, yang ini mah udah keluar filmnya udah gak bisa dibilang movie work in progress lagi :p, cuma endingnya gantung...kabarnya sih bakalan ada The Legend of Speed 2 tapi pemeran ceweknya ganti...perkiraan sih yang bakalan gantiin Rainie Yang tuh Beatrice Hsu mantan pacarnya Li Wei :D:D:D
Oooo....dah keluar yah....gua liat dari news nya pas hari itu...gak bener dong yah:?...di news bilang baru mau premier season ini....gak accurate tuh :(

yinyeksin 30 September 2004 jam 9:47am  

Fatbrain menulis:
Oooo....dah keluar yah....gua liat dari news nya pas hari itu...gak bener dong yah:?...di news bilang baru mau premier season ini....gak accurate tuh :(
yah gak accurate donk, kan saya udah nonton malah udah kasih rate-nya :D:D

#17 avatar
Fatbrain 7 Oktober 2004 jam 11:16pm  

"The Tempest of Love"

About the lives of a couple who were sent to the countryside during the Great Cultural Revolution from 1966 to 1976.

Stars: Li Bingbing & Daniel Chan


#18 avatar
Fatbrain 8 Oktober 2004 jam 6:02am  

My mother Is Crazy

Stars: Nancy Sit & William Hung....yup....not a typo...HIM.. :D:D.......

Baru selesai shooting film ini di Guangzhou, China.
Bakal di-release di Asia bulan depan

shiro 8 Oktober 2004 jam 11:20am  

William Hung? :confused: William HUNG?? :shocked: WILLIAM HUNG???? :faint::faint:

hey_sephia 8 Oktober 2004 jam 2:13pm  

Who is Nancy Sit.. is she the fat lady in some cooking show?
Hmm.. that's Nancy Lam I think.. :?

BUT WILLIAM HUNG?? :o :o :o :faint:

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