SoLiDsNaKe 7 September 2005 jam 4:21pm  

Azalae menulis:
gpp format ini bagus kok. infonya bagus cuma pusing gimana cara bikin game nya balance gitu. misal semua punya jurus super, kan nilai jurus itu juga turun.

ok kaya misalnya roket itu kuat. tapi kalo semua orang punya roket kan nilai roket berkurang. "neh gua punya roket." "bah gitu aja bangga gua punya 10!" gitu loh :D

gua berusaha bikin tiap jurus ada "kelemahannya". misal kuat nyerang, lemah bertahan. kuat nyerang dan bertahan, pake tenaga dalam gede banget.

Usul gw untuk awal2, mungkin bisa di-set dgn beberapa basic requirement:
1. player dari perguruan yang sama tidak bisa saling serang.
2. stat awal player cowo dan cewe berbeda. Jadi meskipun A dan B pakai jurus yang sama, tapi effectnya bisa beda karena multiplier-nya berbeda.
3. tidak boleh nyerang player yang sama lebih dari 2 kali dalam sehari/dua hari/[whatever the time frame is]
4. bikin gila2an requirements untuk belajar ilmu tingkat tinggi.
dsb.. :p

#42 avatar
andrea7974 7 September 2005 jam 4:55pm  

SoLiDsNaKe menulis:
2. stat awal player cowo dan cewe berbeda. Jadi meskipun A dan B pakai jurus yang sama, tapi effectnya bisa beda karena multiplier-nya berbeda.
Ini namanya DISKRIMINATIF :p

gimana kalau pada awalnya start, semua player memiliki skill yang sama. baru kemudian orang itu harus training untuk meningkatkan kemampuannya.
* latihan lari untuk meningkatkan kemampuan kegesitan dan kelincahan
* latihan angkat air (reminds me of Wan Fei Yang :D) untuk menambah kekuatan tenaga

btw, Boss gimana kalau kamu lihat game Monster Rancher aja :D idenya bisa pakai itu tuh.
jadi ada yg namanya Defense, Attack, Strength, Agility, Intelligent, dll. juga ada contoh dr beberapa training untuk meningkatkan defense, strength, dll.

hey_sephia 7 September 2005 jam 5:15pm  

hail to sifu solidsnake.. pei fu pei fu.. gila pengetahuannya dalam sekaleeeeeeeee... salut!

YangGuo 8 September 2005 jam 4:54pm  

SoLiDsNaKe menulis:
Fourth clan.

Schools/Clans: Wudang
Pupils: Male
Sect: White

  • Zhang Sanfeng
  • Qiu Yuanqing
  • Lu Qiuyun
  • Liu Guquan


  1. Wudang Inner Energy Cultivation [Wudang Qigong]
  2. description: Wudang basic inner energy pratice. "Empty the mind, fill the belly. Weaken the ambition, strengthen the character." is the philosophy behind it. This skill is required to learn Wudang Taiyi.
    weaponry: Limbs
    levels: 18
    difficulty: Low (20/100)
    attack: Low (14/100)
    defense: Low (22/100)
    inner strength req: Low (20/100)
    pro & con: Foundation of Wudang arts. Much like other orthodox skills, learning this skill took time. Earlier levels are very weak, but the highest level is very strong.
  3. Wudang Boxing Style [Wudang Changquan]
  4. description: Wudang's basic boxing style. Based on Yin and Yang theory. This skill is required to learn Wudang's Taiji Quan.
    weaponry: Palm
    levels: 26
    difficulty: Low (14/100)
    attack: Low (22/100)
    defense: Low (12/100)
    inner strength req: Low (10/100)
    pro & con: Based on Yin and Yang of Daoist theory. This skill is easily practiced and mastered. But even its highest level do not provide much power. It relied on having balance attack and counter-attack.
  5. Dragon become Sword [Long Hua Jian]
  6. description: Wudang basic swordplay. Smooth, agile and full of spirit. This is the basic requirement of Taiji Jianfa.
    weaponry: Sword
    levels: 18
    difficulty: Medium (25/100)
    attack: Low (22/100)
    defense: Low (15/100)
    inner strength req: Low (20/100)
    pro & con: Because of its agility and high spirited fighting style, this skill is superior to many sword art of the same class.
  7. Twirling Finger Soft Sword
  8. description: One of Wudang most wellknown sword art. This skill was created with the purpose of subduing enemy without harming them.
    weaponry: Sword
    levels: 72 (lagi-lagi terlalu banyak)
    difficulty: Medium (50/100)
    attack: Medium (50/100)
    defense: Medium (40/100)
    inner strength req: Medium (40/100)
    pro & con: Very fast and agile. Require a lot of time to practice. Because of its elegance and some considerable ineffective movements, the swordplay will face trouble when meeting veteran enemy with high experience of sword art and deep inner strength.
  9. Wudang Taiyi
  10. description: This skill uses the internal energy from the dan tian to drive it's complex movements. It is not an easy form to learn nor to master. With multiple direction changes, circular patterns, and hidden techniques, even the basic practice is challenging.
    weaponry: Limbs
    levels: 23
    difficulty: Medium (40/100)
    attack: Medium (45/100)
    defense: Medium (40/100)
    inner strength req: Medium (50/100)
    pro & con: Relied heavily on inner strength. Very hard to learn. The complex movement were not the trademark of Wudang and it sometimes works wonder in confusing enemy. Not reliable against fast enemy and enemy with abundance inner strength.
  11. Tiger Claw Ceasing Bloodline Hand
  12. description: Created by one of Zhang Sanfeng direct pupils. This is a very cruel claw technique focusing the attack on the groin, castrating the opponent. Not taught to everyone.
    weaponry: Hand's Claw
    levels: 10
    difficulty: Medium (70/100)
    attack: High (75/100)
    defense: Medium (20/100)
    inner strength req: Medium (60/100)
    pro & con: This is a forbidden art in Wudang's list of skill. Only allowed to be used under emergency. High attack combined with low defense makes it a gambling hit. Not effective against enemy with high level of inner energy.
  13. Taiji Swordmanship [Taiji Jian]
  14. description: Developed as the swordplay of Taiji Boxing. As in Taiji Quan, the whole body is required to be well coordinated above and below, to stand up straight, to be firm and comfortable, able to support movements in all directions.
    weaponry: Sword
    levels: 36
    difficulty: High (90/100)
    attack: High (85/100)
    defense: High (85/100)
    inner strength req: High (80/100)
    pro & con: Like Taiji Boxing, this skill rely on enemy's movement. Every part of the body is part of a group. Very strong defense against even the fastest enemy, regardless of their weapon.
  15. Taiji Boxing Style [Taiji Quan]
  16. description: Zhang Sanfeng ultimate skill. Developed on his later part of life after discussion with elder Dragon Fire. Following the theory of I-Ching.
    weaponry: Limbs
    levels: 13
    difficulty: Very High (96/100)
    attack: High (90/100)
    defense: Very High (98/100)
    inner strength req: High (85/100)
    pro & con: requires a deep understanding of Daoist theories such as Yin & Yang, eigth trigram and operation of body organs according to five elements. Once mastered to highest level, the practitioner will be hard to defeat. But because of its dependance for defense, the skill is not very useful to initiate attack.
  17. Scriptures of Nine Yang [Jiu Yang Zhenjing]
  18. description: Created by some Daoist monk who thought Scriptues of Nine Yin was too powerful after the founder of Quanzhen showed him the manual. The principal of this skill is to gave over abundance inner energy for any martial art.
    weaponry: Limbs
    levels: 9
    difficulty: Extreme (100/100)
    attack: N/A (0/100)
    defense: N/A (0/100)
    inner strength req: N/A (0/100)
    pro & con: This skill will give the practitioner abundance inner strength, cutting the requirement to half. For example, a skill which normally requires 6 out of 10 part of qi would only need 3. No direct attack and defense skill.

Rasanya jangan terlalu banyak, bisa ga imbang... :)

kayanya solid snake sependapat soal wu dang yah :)

SoLiDsNaKe 8 September 2005 jam 4:55pm  

Sixth clan.

Schools/Clans: Xiaoyao
Pupils: All sex
Sect: Neutral

  • Wu Yazi
  • Xu Zhu


  1. Xiao Wu Xiang Gong
  2. description: Xiaoyao Fundamental inner strength cultivation. The skill is a requirement for every advanced skill of the sect except for Lin Bo and Bei Ming.
    weaponry: Limbs
    levels: 12
    difficulty: Low (25/100)
    attack: Low (10/100)
    defense: Low (20/100)
    inner strength req: Low (20/100)
    pro & con: Not exactly a skill for attacking nor defending. However, as a foundation, the skill can be used to power any other normal attack and defense style. Weak at start but gradually grew stronger at higher levels.
  3. Six Heavenly Mountain Yang Palm [Dian Shan Liu Yang Zhang]
  4. description: Xiaoyao basic fighting art. One of Xiaoyao skill which does not rely heavily on inner strength. It was emphisised on effectiveness within exquisiteness. Form the foundation of the higher level art such as White Phoenix Palm.
    weaponry: Palm
    levels: 20
    difficulty: Low (25/100)
    attack: Low (30/100)
    defense: Low (10/100)
    inner strength req: Low (10/100)
    pro & con: Although the skill does not need much inner energy to execute, it does need certain attribut of brute strength. This is Xiaoyao only skill which do no sacrifice a lot effectiveness for elegance.
  5. Tian Shan Jie Mei Shou
  6. Ini g ga jelas juga gimana mau deskripsikan...

  7. Ba(8) Huang Liu(6) He Dian Di Wei Wo Du Zhuang Gong
  8. description: This is the most well rounded skill of the sect. It was created with the purpose of becoming a hitter and defender at the same time.
    weaponry: Limbs
    levels: 26
    difficulty: Medium (60/100)
    attack: Medium (55/100)
    defense: Medium (60/100)
    inner strength req: Medium (70/100)
    pro & con: Very well balance. It was hard for the same level of other skill to penetrate the defense. Works well with any complex skill, but works poorly against any straight forward skill .
  9. White Wind Palm [Bai Hong Zhang]
  10. description: Xiaoyao secret palm strike. Not much known about the skill. After the death of Xiaoyao's last chief, the skill can be found as a mural inside a secret chamber. This skill is required to learn Sen Si Fu.
    weaponry: Palm
    levels: 30
    difficulty: Medium (70/100)
    attack: Medium (70/100)
    defense: Medium (40/100)
    inner strength req: High (80/100)
    pro & con: Just as most of Xiaoyao art, this skill needs a lot of inner energy. The skill weakness was enemy with either higher speed or higher brute strength.
  11. Minute Ice Ripple Step [Ling Bo Wei Bu]
  12. description: A strangely formatted footwork which enable the user move swiftly and manouver easily.
    weaponry: Foot
    levels: 1
    difficulty: High (90/100)
    attack: N/A (0/100)
    defense: N/A (0/100)
    inner strength req: Low (10/100)
    pro & con: This is a support skill. It has no attack and defense pattern. Learning this skill will make the practitioner to have an tremendous increase in speed and agility.
  13. Sen Si Fu
  14. description: This is one of Xiaoyao most frightening skill. It took a lot of time to master due to the necessary inner energy needed. It will create ice from water and send it to enemy's artery and will cause extreme pain.
    weaponry: Palm
    levels: 1
    difficulty: Very High (96/100)
    attack: Very High (95/100)
    defense: N/A (0/100)
    inner strength req: Extreme (100/100)
    pro & con: This skill only has attack pattern, none for defense. If executed right and managed hit the target, the result will be total submission of the enemy. However, it required tremendous amount of inner energy, thus making it virtually impossible to do simultanious hits.
  15. Divine Skill of the Northern Darkness [Bei Ming Shengong]
  16. description: Xiao Yao most vicious skill. The art change the way normal practice of inner energy flow that causes the user to be able to drain enemies inner energy through thumb.
    weaponry: Thumb
    levels: 1
    difficulty: Extreme (100/100)
    attack: N/A (0/100)
    defense: N/A (0/100)
    inner strength req: N/A (0/100)
    pro & con: This skill depend highly on the luck that the enemy would be in direct contact of the thumb. If failed when executed, the user would be defeated instantly, but when succeed it will drain enemies inner energy and render them completely defenseless.

Tadinya gw pikir mau coba list yang Shaolin, tapi rasanya kok ga adil, soalnya itu muridnya male semuanya, bila mau imbang harus bikin satu lagi perguruan yang female semua. Emei sudah terpakai untuk ngimbangi Wudang, satu2nya yang tinggal adalah Hengshan, tapi skill perguruan ini kecil banget... So, batal bikin yang Shaolin ahh.. :p

Btw, Mon, semua ini bukan definite pengetahuan gw, ini kompilasi dari novel dan berbagai sumber kok.

SoLiDsNaKe 8 September 2005 jam 4:56pm  

andrea7974 menulis:
SoLiDsNaKe menulis:
2. stat awal player cowo dan cewe berbeda. Jadi meskipun A dan B pakai jurus yang sama, tapi effectnya bisa beda karena multiplier-nya berbeda.
Ini namanya DISKRIMINATIF :p
he he.. jgn salah sangka dulu, sama sekali bukan bermaksud diskriminasi.
Gw kasih contoh aja, misal untuk level yang sama:
co, statnya power 2, intelligence 1, speed 1, inner strength 2.
ce, statnya power 1, intelligence 2, speed 2, inner strength 1.
dan misal multiplier untuk jurus Jiu Yin adalah attack+(1*inner strength)+(1.1*speed).
Dengan perhitungan begitu, ce di atas akan keluarkan hit dengan total kekuatan (99+1+2.2) = 102.2 sementara co dengan stat di atas akan keluarkan hit dengan total kekuatan (99+2+1.1) = 102.1
Bila dua org ini bertanding dan sama-sama berhasil hit, bisa dilihat kan siapa yang akan menang? :)
Ini cuma usul spy lebih variatif.

Azalae 8 September 2005 jam 8:49pm  

wak itu ntaran aja deh efek beda buat co/ce. ini dah cukup rumit.

Thor 10 September 2005 jam 11:12am  

Boss kalo efek training itu beda2 tolong ditulis donk :D. misalnya logic efeknya int +2 agi +1 str -2 spi -1. Jadi jelas apa yang mau dilatih :D.

bluenectar 10 September 2005 jam 11:28am  

joe gimana kita mau liat siapa2 aja yang jadi member clan kita ? ato emang ga bisa ?

Azalae 10 September 2005 jam 11:49am  

thor, her, ok ntar gua tambah

#51 avatar
oeyyong 10 September 2005 jam 6:24pm  

eh eh ini udah pada maen ya? :D:D:D official resetnya kapan neh :p

Azalae 10 September 2005 jam 8:30pm  

barusan selesai tempat beli/jual senjata. next bikin tavern buat rest & meditate. abis itu masukin ngarang perguruan, jurus, sejanta and masukin data. 1-2 minggu test masih tertutup buat cari bug ama kurang apa aja.

3-4 minggu dari sekarang kalo semua lancar dibuka pendaftaran bagi umum. :)

#53 avatar
andrea7974 12 September 2005 jam 8:43am  

SoLiDsNaKe menulis:
andrea7974 menulis:
SoLiDsNaKe menulis:
2. stat awal player cowo dan cewe berbeda. Jadi meskipun A dan B pakai jurus yang sama, tapi effectnya bisa beda karena multiplier-nya berbeda.
Ini namanya DISKRIMINATIF :p
he he.. jgn salah sangka dulu, sama sekali bukan bermaksud diskriminasi.
Gw kasih contoh aja, misal untuk level yang sama:
co, statnya power 2, intelligence 1, speed 1, inner strength 2.
ce, statnya power 1, intelligence 2, speed 2, inner strength 1.
dan misal multiplier untuk jurus Jiu Yin adalah attack+(1*inner strength)+(1.1*speed).
Dengan perhitungan begitu, ce di atas akan keluarkan hit dengan total kekuatan (99+1+2.2) = 102.2 sementara co dengan stat di atas akan keluarkan hit dengan total kekuatan (99+2+1.1) = 102.1
Bila dua org ini bertanding dan sama-sama berhasil hit, bisa dilihat kan siapa yang akan menang? :)
Ini cuma usul spy lebih variatif.
nah kalau yang ini aku setuju. Btw, Solid yang bikin formulanya aja. Jadi kamu yang menentukan sesuatu jurus formulanya spt apa. apakah jurus itu akan menambah speed, power, dll. atau bisa jadi satu jurus menambah power, tapi mengurangi speed, dlsb. Gimana Solid? :D :D

bluenectar 12 September 2005 jam 11:46am  

coba challenge hattrick and i lost the match :p

SoLiDsNaKe 12 September 2005 jam 3:13pm  

andrea7974 menulis:
nah kalau yang ini aku setuju. Btw, Solid yang bikin formulanya aja. Jadi kamu yang menentukan sesuatu jurus formulanya spt apa. apakah jurus itu akan menambah speed, power, dll. atau bisa jadi satu jurus menambah power, tapi mengurangi speed, dlsb. Gimana Solid? :D :D
Bikin multiplier itu tidak sukar, yang sukar adalah programmingnya. Si boss bisa pusing kalo nurutin kemauan kita semua :p

Anyway, Az, sudah cukup atau masih butuh berapa perguruan lagi?

Thor 12 September 2005 jam 4:55pm  

Boss maksudnya di penjelasan tentang train endurance ada penjelasan kalo kita melakukan train endurance maka akan mempengaruhi sepeti yang gua tulis diatas. Kalo sekarangkan nga tahu itu bahasa apa :p.

Terus Kalo bisa attribute itu selalu tercantum seperti stamina, money dan lain2nya :D.

Satu lagi kalo bisa yang online dikasih tahu :D.

Banyak banget maunya :)). seperti kata Snakey maunya banyak cuma bikinnya pusing :)). gua cuma kasih masukkan lho :p :D.

Azalae 12 September 2005 jam 6:36pm  

solidsnake, mau kasih data terus gpp kok gua kumpulin. mungkin ga dipake semua tapi lumayan buat disimpan. apalagi yang dari cerita silat bukan karangan.

thor, soalnya itu bukan data terakhir masih filler semua. makanya semua penjelasan ditulis asal2an.

kayanya tahap pertama udah selesai (tinggal registration buat terakhir aja). minggu ini gua bikin data perguruan ama jurus karangan. bukan dari cerita silat. 1-2 minggu dicoba dimaenin. kalo mao ikut ngetest boleh ikut pm gua nama, password, email ntar gua buatin account. bagi yang blom tau: http://azalae.com/wx

bagi yang ikut ngetest, mohon kasih pendapat jujur. jelek bilang aja jelek. ada yang ga cocok, kekurangan, bagian ga perlu, semua bilang aja. penting banget untuk hasil akhir. permintaan feature yang gampang akan gua kasih. yang butuh banyak coding ditaroh buat tahap kedua aja.

mungkin ada feature yang gua setujui buat tahap pertama tapi kelupaan ditaroh, harap ingetin. :)

misal ada bug, tolong kasih penjelasan. tulisan error messagenya, apa yang lu lakuin sampe keluar tuh bug (click A, click B, di bagian C, etc).

ntar akan gua kasih tau di sini kapan testnya akan mulai. :) oiya karakter semua bakal gua reset. mulai dari awal semua bikin baru.

SoLiDsNaKe 13 September 2005 jam 1:34pm  

He he.. kayanya gw susah untuk bisa maen nih. Websitenya di-block sama kantor dan dapat peringatan. :x
Anyway, azalae.com ini adalah website gaming ya?

Azalae 13 September 2005 jam 2:05pm  

site tempat iseng2 :D

diblok kantor? dapat peringatan? :o kok bisa? wahhh repot deh.

oiya data udah gua masukin kecuali pekerjaan yang blom selesai. semua karakter dah gua reset. happy testing people :D

Hattrick 13 September 2005 jam 2:31pm  

Eh tanya donk bingung soalnya.
- Gimana nambahin stamina? selain masuk rest atau meditate, nga ada duit soalnya.
- Trus nambahin batas chi ama stamina gimana?
- Itu kerjaan nga ada yang lebih banyak duitnya? ... masa cuman 1 penny ? Gimana cara mo beli pedang yang harganya 50 ribu? suruh nganterin surat 50 ribu kali??