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Azalae 6 Desember 2005 jam 6:07pm  

coba dl lagi? gua coba bisa soalnya.

yinyeksin 5 Juni 2006 jam 9:39am  

hm...ost-nya ROCH yang me suka cuman satu track # 4 :p

hey_sephia 8 Juni 2006 jam 5:28am  

Tin.. ini yg kemarin si andry ngepost di download section..
just in case you want to know the lyric.. :hug:

(ngga aku taruh di lyric section soalnya cuma buat sepintas lalu aja) :p

btw ndry, yg nyanyi namanya lucifer.. maksudku ini jg.. entah napa koq di ingatan ngerock yah? :))

House for sale

The sign went up one rainy morning
Just a couple of hours after dawn
Mrs Hadley peaked out through her curtains
Wondering what was going on
The neighbours said over coffee cups
That nice young couple is breaking up

And in the living room the linen and the crystals
Sit all packed and set to go
I tell myself once more I won't be here this spring
To see my roses grow
And all the things you tried to fix
The roof still leaks the door still sticks

House for sale
You can read it on the sign
House for sale
It was yours and it was mine
And tomorrow some strangers will be climbing up the stairs
To the bedroom filled with memories
The one we used to share

I know you've always loved that painting
From that funny little shop in Spain
Remember how we found it when we ducked in
From that sudden summer rain
But I think i'll keep the silver tray
My mother gave us on our wedding day

House for sale
You can read it on the sign
House for sale
It was yours and it was mine
And tomorrow some strangers will be climbing up the stairs
To the bedroom filled with memories
The one we used to share

House for sale
You can read it on the sign
House for sale oh
It was yours and it was mine
And tomorrow some strangers will be climbing up the stairs
To the bedroom filled with memories
The one we used to share

And tomorrow some strangers will be climbing up the stairs
To the bedroom filled with memories
The one...

House for sale

eeyore 8 Juni 2006 jam 5:41am  

:cry: happen soon too here...... untung smlm ga mimpi buruk :p

bluenectar 15 Juni 2006 jam 9:12am  

itu yg diuplot djes judulnya Real Love enak juga, yang nyanyi asal semarang yah njes :? mas ari...

#46 avatar
djes 15 Juni 2006 jam 9:24am  

her, kenapa sih selalu manggil g njes? ganggu banget..:(
iya, mas ari, dari semarang, dulu tetangga di kampung..cuman sekarang gaya, nyanyinya aja pake bahasa inggris...padahal masih mangan sego pithik juga...

bluenectar 15 Juni 2006 jam 10:06am  

haha emang kenapa dipanggil njes ga boleh :?
terserah jari2 gw dong mo nulis apa wekk

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