Application problem, help!

HomeForumComputersApplication problem, help!

yinyeksin 7 Desember 2005 jam 10:37am  

minta tolong donkkk...

kompie me tuh kenapa yah ada beberapa application yang dulu bisa buka belakangan ini jadi gak bisa buka, udah di uninstall trus install ulang tapi sami mawon, kalo masuk ke safe mode bisa dibuka binun kan :? di scan anti virus gak ada virusnya...gimana donk?? apa ada registrynya yang ilang??? tapi gak mungkin donk masa di safe mode bisa??

ini salah di mana yah?? apa perlu di format ulang??

Azalae 7 Desember 2005 jam 1:02pm  

application apa wi?

yinyeksin 7 Desember 2005 jam 1:10pm  

contohnya anti virus me bisa detect dan update data virus tapi kalo untuk open trus jalanin scan gak bisa, trus njstar juga gak bisa diopen, jadinya mumet nih padahal njstar itu penting banget untuk baca karakter chinese :( application yang lain belum ditest, cuman 2 itu aja yang baru me test :(

Azalae 7 Desember 2005 jam 1:13pm  

terakhir install prog apa? susah wi kalo ga liat sendiri computernya.

pake xp yah? ga pake administrator account kan?

yinyeksin 7 Desember 2005 jam 1:19pm  

install prog apa?? terakhir gak install program apa2 kok, cuman terakhir ada scan virus dan itu turn off system back up, gitu aja...kalo file 7-zip setelah kejadian baru install...iya ini pake xp, administrator account?? gak ngerti jo, tapi kalo nyalain kompie langsung masuk kok tapi kalo jalanin safe mode baru disuruh milih administrator ato nama gitu :(

Azalae 7 Desember 2005 jam 1:22pm  

install sesuatu harus ganti account apa ga?

kalo ga usah ganti berarti pake admin. masalahnya ini bahaya banget. soalnya lu bisa apus segala file. termasuk system files. paling gampang kena virus.

cari temen yang ngerti computer trus seret paksa benerin. :rofl2:

ato reinstall? lebih parah lagi.

yinyeksin 7 Desember 2005 jam 1:44pm  

iya gak musti gak ganti account, ternyata bahaya yah :cry::cry:

reinstall maksudnya format ulang?? wahhhh....tolonggggggggggggg...gak mauuuuuuuuu kalo musti format ulang :cry::cry:

Azalae 7 Desember 2005 jam 1:49pm  

xp setau gua ada 3 level: admin, super user, user.
admin bisa modifikasi segala. super user bisa modifikasi segala kecuali system files. user ga bisa modifikasi apa2 kecuali dokumen sendiri.

karena ga bisa modifikasi ga bisa install tapi ga bisa kena virus juga. kan program penting ga bisa dimodifikasi apa virusnya. juga ga mungkin salah apus.

bisa coba system restore tapi blom tentu beres malah bisa tambah kacau. emang diapain sblom jadi ngaco?

susah bantu wi kalo dari jauh gini.

bluenectar 7 Desember 2005 jam 3:02pm  

waktu jalanin ada error descriptionnya ga wi ? kalo ada tulisannya apaan ? windows susahnya gitu sih, mungkin sebelum kejadian elo ada install program tertentu yg kemudian edit file dll atau edit registry jadi program tertentu malah ga jalan, musti telusurin satu2 kejadian sebelum error, kayak gitu biasanya emang masalah diinstalasi program2 aneh

yinyeksin 8 Desember 2005 jam 12:25pm  

lha...itu terakhir sebelum tuh aplikasi gak bisa jalan me cuman scan virus dan matiin system restore-nya...habis scan, system restorenya diidupin lagi dan kompienya dimatiin...besoknya tuh aplikasi gak bisa jalan padahal sebelum discan masih bisa jalan dengan baik...kalo diklik open aplikasinya cuman kursornya bentuk tabung waktu bentar kayak biasa kita nunggu tuh aplikasi terbuka, tapi cuman bentar habis itu gak ada reaksi apa2, gak muncul tulisan, kayaknya sih systemnya kehapus, kalo begini caranya gimana donkkk...bisa gak tuh windowsnya me update gitu??

Azalae 8 Desember 2005 jam 3:32pm  

kok dimatiin system restore? itu berguna banget. mestinya sblom install prog, selalu bikin restore point. kalo ada masalah bisa balik.

pake antivirus apa? jangan pake yang gratisan kaya avg ato avast itu payah semua banyak virus lolos. yang bagus nod32 ato kapersky (resource hog). mcafee ato norton biasa aja dan resource hog.

format install xp lagi? :D

waktu jalanan tuh app coba buka task manager masih ada ga di sana.

bluenectar 8 Desember 2005 jam 3:35pm  

mending sih diinstall ulang dan fresh install bukannya replace windows, fresh instal berarti windows yang lama dihapus dan ritual instalasi program dimulai :p

yinyeksin 8 Desember 2005 jam 3:40pm  

antivirusnya norton :p me diminta matiin system restore-nya waktu scan, gak taunya malah kejadian begini :(

btw, task managernya yang di sebelah mana?? binun oiii...maklum agak2 gaptek kalo soal kompie :blush:

her, kalo install ulang bubar jalan dehhh...banyak file yang musti back up :cry::cry:

Azalae 8 Desember 2005 jam 3:41pm  

pake windows emang payah. :giggle: mau paling aman sih pake dua hdd. satu kecil, 10gb cukup kecuali banyak program. gunanya cuma buat windows ama programs. yang kedua gedean isinya data doang. semua taroh sini.

tiap berapa taon windows butuh reinstall sih. pisah gini kan enak tinggal format yang pertama. data aman tentram di hdd kedua.

yinyeksin 8 Desember 2005 jam 4:04pm  

kayaknya emang bener deh musti format ulang :cry::cry: duhhh...musti back up nih back upppp...!!!

bluenectar 8 Desember 2005 jam 4:08pm  

tul..pake strategi boss aja wi, kalo ga bisa ngajuin hdd baru dibuat partisi aja, satu untuk windows satu lagi untuk data, windows ga akan bisa bertahan lama, paling banter setaon abis itu minta install ulang karena pasti registry dah tumpuk2 :p itu kalo sering2 instal-uninstal program

SoLiDsNaKe 9 Desember 2005 jam 10:57am  

Dew, sudah install ulang?

Kalau belum, sebagai informasi saja, ada website yang punya informasi bagus tentang malware, spyware dsb. Karena memang sukar analisa masalah jarak jauh gini. Bisa dilihat dulu.

Dalam proses komputer kita tidak semua program itu berguna. Misal:

  • WinCheck services.exe Added by the W32.Sober.V WORM! Note: This worm file is found in the Windows\ConnectionStatus\Microsoft or Winnt\ConnectionStatus\Microsoft folder.
  • Windows X services.exe Added by the W32.Sober.X WORM! Note: This is not the legitimate Windows process services.exe (Which is always found in the System32 folder.) This worm file is found in the Windows\WinSecurity or Winnt\WinSecurity folder.
  • !1_pgaccount Y pgaccount.exe DiamondCS ProcessGuard security software - stops malicious worms and trojans from being executed silently in the background, as well as a variety of other attacks. You will see one instant of pgaccount.exe for every active account on your system, and this is essential for PG to work properly
  • !1_ProcessGuard_Startup Y procguard.exe DiamondCS ProcessGuard security software - stops malicious worms and trojans from being executed silently in the background, as well as a variety of other attacks.
  • !NoLoad U winrecon.exe WinRecon - surveillance software that creates records of everything people do on a computer, ie, spying or monitoring depending upon how you call it
  • $EnterNet U Enternet.exe Connection manager for the EnterNet ISP. You can also use RASPPOE

Ini ada satu artikel yang ditulis oleh Mike Healan dari forum SWI.
Bisa juga dibaca langsung dari forum SWI

How did I get infected in the first place?

You usually get infected because your security settings are too low.

Here are a number of recommendations that will help tighten them, and which will contribute to making you a less likely victim:

1.) Watch what you download!
Many freeware programs, and P2P programs like Grokster, Imesh, Kazaa and others are amongst the most notorious, come with an enormous amount of bundled spyware that will eat system resources, slow down your system, clash with other installed software, or just plain crash your browser or even Windows itself. If you insist on using a P2P program, please read This Article written by Mike Healan of fame. It is an updated and comprehensive article that gives in-depth detail about which P2P programs are "safe" to use.

2.) Go to Internet Explorer > Tools > Windows Update > Product Updates, and install ALL High-Priority Security Updates listed.
If you're running Windows XP, that of course includes the Service Pack 2! If you suspect your computer is infected with Malware of any type, we advise you to not install SP2 if you don't already have it. You can post a HijackThis log on our Forums to get free Expert help cleaning your machine. Once you are sure you have a clean system, it is highly recommended to install SP2 to help prevent against future infections.

It's important to always keep current with the latest security fixes from Microsoft.
Install those patches for Internet Explorer, and make sure your installation of Java VM is up-to-date. There are some well known security bugs with Microsoft Java VM which are exploited regularly by browser hijackers.

3.) Open Internet Explorer and go to Internet Options > Security > Internet, then press "Default Level", then OK.

* Now press "Custom Level."

In the ActiveX section, set the first two options ("Download signed and unsigned ActiveX controls) to "Prompt", and ("Initialize and Script ActiveX controls not marked as safe") to "Disable".

Now you will be asked whether you want ActiveX objects to be executed and whether you want software to be installed.
Sites that you know for sure are above suspicion can be moved to the Trusted Zone in Internet Option > Security.

So why is ActiveX so dangerous that you have to increase the security for it?
When your browser runs an activex control, it is running an executable program. It's no different from doubleclicking an exe file on your hard drive.
Would you run just any random file downloaded off a web site without knowing what it is and what it does?

4.) Install Javacool's SpywareBlaster

It will protect you from most spy/foistware in it's database by blocking installation of their ActiveX objects.

Download and install, download the latest updates, and you'll see a list of all spyware programs covered by the program (NOTE: this is NOT spyware found on your computer)
Press "Enable All Protection", and you're done.
The spyware that you told Spywareblaster to set the "kill bit" for won't be a hazard to you any longer.
Although it won't protect you from every form of spyware known to man, it is a very potent extra layer of protection.
Don't forget to check for updates every week or so.

5.) Let's also not forget that Spybot Search & Destroy has the Immunize feature which works roughly the same way. Another feature within Spybot is the TeaTimer option. This option immediately detects known malicious processes wanting to start and terminates them. TeaTimer also detects when something wants to change some critical registry keys and gives you an option to allow them or not.

6.) Microsoft now offers their own free malicious software blocking tool. Windows AntiSpyware improves Internet browsing safety by guarding over fifty (50) ways spyware can enter your PC.

7.) Another excellent program by Javacool we recommend is SpywareGuard.
It provides a degree of real-time protection solution against spyware that is a great addition to SpywareBlaster's protection method.

8.) IE-SPYAD puts over 5000 sites in your restricted zone, so you'll be protected when you visit innocent-looking sites that aren't actually innocent at all. Another good hosts program is mvpshosts. This little program packs a powerful punch as it block ads, banners, 3rd party Cookies, 3rd party page counters, web bugs, and many hijackers. For information on how to download and install, please read this tutorial.

*It is important to note that all of the above programs/files can be run simultaneously on your system. They will work together in layers, so to speak, to help protect your computer. However, the following suggestions are designed to only run one of each. It is not a good idea to run more than one firewall, and one anti-virus program. Running more than one of these at a time can cause system crashes, high system usage and/or conflicts with each other.*

9.) It is critical that you use a firewall to protect your computer from hackers. We don't recommend the firewall that comes built in to Windows. It doesn't block everything that may try to get in, and the entire firewall is written to the registry. As various kinds of malware hack the Registry in order to disable the Windows firewall, it's far preferable to install one of the excellent third party solutions. Three good ones that are freeware to boot are ZoneAlarm, Kerioand Sygate

10.) An Anti-Virus product is a necessity. There are many excellent programs that you can purchase. However, we choose to advocate the use of free programs whenever possible. Some very good and easy-to-use free A/V programs are AVG, Avast, and AntiVir. It's a good idea to set these to receive automatic updates so you are always as fully protected as possible from the newest virus threats.

11.) Finally, after following up on all these recommendations, why not run Jason Levine's Browser Security Tests.
They will provide you with an insight on how vulnerable you might still be to a number of common exploits.

Happy safe computing!!

Bila tertarik, bisa mulai dengan download HijackThis dan register di SWI dan kemudian ikuti petunjuk dari para expert di situ.

yinyeksin 9 Desember 2005 jam 1:11pm  

snakey, kok me jadi makin puyeng yah :p yah udah deh, daripada ribet ada yang mo datang ke sini nolongin gak :p

SoLiDsNaKe 9 Desember 2005 jam 1:19pm  

Solusi paling tidak membingungkan sih memang install ulang saja.
Bacaan di atas itu belum tentu solusi, melainkan 'kemungkinan' solusi. :p

Azalae 9 Desember 2005 jam 2:10pm  

gua sih dah kapok ama windows sekarang pake 2 hdd. 2 partisi bisa sih kaya kata bluen tapi biar aman aja sekalian 2 hdd. lagian hdd sekarang murah yang isinya kecil.

biar semua jalan bener juga harus install ulang. registry ama system files numpuk ga karuan grrrr.