E Zuo Ju Zhi Wen (It Started With A Kiss)

HomeForumOriental FilmsE Zuo Ju Zhi Wen (It Started With A Kiss)

#101 avatar
djes 4 April 2007 jam 3:34pm  

oiya, katanya yg dilingkari merah itu....Yu Shu! masak gedenya cepet banget ya? dah gitu dari kecil bulet jadi kurus cakep gitu?? hahhahaha
ini ceritanya setelah Zhi Shu dan Xiang Qin married..

dari asianfanatics.net
"It Started With A Kiss" had been the most popular idol-drama in recent years, with great viewership/ ratings. It would start broadcasting in Japan in May. Moreover, even ISWAK2 had yet to finish filming, there were already many competitions for buying the copyrights of the sequel. China Airlines would be sponsoring the cast and crew a trip to Guam, for the honeymoon plotline. Because the sequel would mainly focus on Zhi Shu and Xiang Qin's marriage life, the newlywed Director Winnie shyly admitted that he had been doing 'experiments' on his wife. Everyday, he had been researching about "Hugging 18 Ways", figuring out different ways of body contact, in hopes of making the audience laugh.

In the sequel, Zhi Shu would become a doctor, so in order to always be by his side, Xiang Qin would become a nurse. For this, Ariel specially went to the hospital a few days ago for a health check, and to also observe the workings of the nurses. However, Ariel was so afraid of seeing blood, she quickly shut her eyes when she saw the needle coming towards her...she didn't dare to see anything.

Azalae 4 April 2007 jam 3:47pm  

:o cenya cute yah :wub:

#103 avatar
djes 4 April 2007 jam 3:50pm  

iya..can not agree more..:p

ini tampangnya Joe aka Zhi Shu, krn dokter, disuruh potong rambut..

Oh, edit, yg jadi Yu Shu, Figaro ( dari comic boyz )

Azalae 4 April 2007 jam 3:54pm  

pretty boy. foto ketiga kaya ce. :o

emansipasi wanita dong. mana foto cewenya :p

hey_sephia 4 April 2007 jam 4:48pm  

oh oh aku jg udah ga sabarrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

mungkin cuma ini yg bisa nyembuhin wu zun feverkuuuuuuuu.. :)) and rela deh kalo disembuhin pake bryan :giggle:

#106 avatar
djes 4 April 2007 jam 5:23pm  


bring ISWAK fever back! :p

Fanvid, dan bagus loh...:wink:

#107 avatar
djes 19 Mei 2007 jam 9:14pm  

ah...ternyata ISWAK 2 keluar di September..kapan sih September? 4 bln lg? duh...lama ya.

#108 avatar
djes 21 Mei 2007 jam 1:21pm  

Ahhh...want to bring the fever back! :))
Honeymoon @ Guam

hey_sephia 28 Mei 2007 jam 4:25pm  

si bryan masi ceking aja yah.. :giggle:

can't wait can't wait can't waittttttttttt... !!!!!!!!!!

eh.. ini keluar duluan apa hana kimi 2 duluan?

heni_w 28 Mei 2007 jam 6:46pm  

ariel kog jadi tambah mungil yaa??

#111 avatar
djes 28 Mei 2007 jam 9:14pm  

bryan tambah tinggi? hehe..mereka berdua tambah gemuk,lagi..
kayaknya ini duluan de..can't wait too...hiks, kangen sm Ariel n Bryan..

#112 avatar
djes 30 November 2007 jam 10:23pm  

Let's bring the fever back!!!!!!

#113 avatar
djes 30 November 2007 jam 10:48pm  




#114 avatar
djes 30 November 2007 jam 10:52pm  



#115 avatar
djes 30 November 2007 jam 11:17pm  


#116 avatar
djes 30 November 2007 jam 11:19pm  


hey_sephia 1 Desember 2007 jam 4:52am  

man oh man oh maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan...

<< obviously hyperventilating...>> :sweat:

i'm even contemplating to watch this without subtitle!!!! whaddayathink?????

djes, let's download it, then watch it together? what say???? (i need someone who can understand mandarin better than me to watch it with!!!)

#118 avatar
djes 1 Desember 2007 jam 8:36am  

and how to watch together?
I hate this year will end soon but in the other hand I want 16 Dec to come......hiks.
If you're in the country, I definitely will buy this for you. We don't care if 1 disc 1 episode, rite? ( ehhhhhhh, ntar pembajaknya baca lagi......:)) )

hey_sephia 1 Desember 2007 jam 6:42pm  

ya elo dl, aku dl, trus kita janjian ketemu ol sambil nonton.. hao aaa??

yinyeksin 3 Desember 2007 jam 1:10pm  

ahhhh...so sweet...:wub: can't hardly wait it anymore!!!