The Book of Three Han: The Chapter of Joo Mong (삼한지-주몽 편, 三韓志-朱蒙篇)

HomeForumOriental FilmsThe Book of Three Han: The Chapter of Joo Mong (삼한지-주몽 편, 三韓志-朱蒙篇)

#21 avatar
prameswara 9 Juli 2006 jam 4:25pm  

djes menulis:
:eh: ga tau tuh..g ga bisa dl, gede banget, n dari megaupload, seperti biasa, ga bisa dl..
:D:D:D:D....sama kayak gue
nih djes cara ngakalin donlot dari megaupload...
1. masuk kesini
2. pilih "access the free proxy"
3. masukin "link" donlotnya
4. klik I agree.

common problem dari megaupload adalah donlot dari Indonesia dibatasi bandwidthnya makanya gw pake cara di atas.

handy_panda 9 Juli 2006 jam 10:31pm  

ya asik juga mulai ada penggemar jumong hehehehe.....

#23 avatar
Tasha 10 Juli 2006 jam 12:39pm  

Azalae menulis:
baru liat ep1. kayanya bukan film silat (kaya cerita jinyong) ato epic militer (kaya sam kok). lebih condong ke drama pake background kerajaan kaya Dae Jang Geum.

ep1 kurang wah neh. gua lebih suka Emperor of the Sea, at least awalnya. Dae Jang Geum juga jauh lebih bagus menurut gua. begitu mulai langsung deh lengket pengen liat lanjutannya.

ntar liat ep2 deh mungkin lebih bagus.

baca sinopsis kayaknya memang mirip jewel gitu...
tapi boleh juga dinanti, cuma masih lama kali ya terbit tamatnya.... wong baru eps belasan gitu...
di korea munculnya tiap hari atau gimana?

btw bos, lo nonton emperor of the sea sampe tamat? eps 21 seterusnya seru gak? soalnya ini pilem pace-nya lambat kalo kata gue...
masih lebih asik nonton Ballad of Suh Dong, nontonnya bisa lebih cepet, buat penasaran....

Azalae 11 Juli 2006 jam 5:52pm  

emperor of the sea separoh awal bagus. separoh terakhir ga suka. mestinya 20 episode udah cukup. ato 30 deh maksimum dah pas.

awal2, ep 1-10, pacenya terlalu cepet. begitu ep20 udah abis ceritanya. ep 20+ ngeliatnya fast forward mulu. :pinch:

buat film/cerita silat jin yong masih menang. kayanya taiwan & korea ga bisa bikin seri silat.

shiro 12 Juli 2006 jam 9:50am  

Ga taunya pilem ini ada di KTV... :conga::conga: kemarin sempet liat separo, pas si Song Il Guk ketemu Han Hye Jin... :D too bad ga ada teks inggrisnya, jadi kemarin kudu nebak2 ini ngomong apa and ada masalah apaan... :p

#26 avatar
Tasha 12 Juli 2006 jam 12:27pm  

cath, nonton ala nekad lagi ya :D

walah bos, bagian belakang malah lebih gak seru lagi ya emperor of the sea-nya, gue nonton 1-20 aja udah berasa lambat banget.. hmm hmm nerusin gak ya...

Azalae 12 Juli 2006 jam 12:36pm  

kalo udah beli yah liat aja kan sayang. :)

lagi dl ep2. :)

handy_panda 13 Juli 2006 jam 9:52pm  

Week of July 10~July 16
01. 37.2% 주몽 (Jumong) - MBC
02. 30.7% 열아홉 순정 (Pure 19) - KBS1
03. 18.0% 강이되어 만나리 (Let's Meet By The River) - KBS1
04. 16.6% 사랑하고싶다 (I Want To Love) - SBS
05. 15.2% 돌아와요 순애씨 (Soon-Ae, Please Come Back) - SBS
06. 14.9% 투명인간 최장수 (The Immortal Man) - KBS2
07. 12.8% 어느 멋진 날 (One Fine Day) - MBC
08. 11.0% 미스터 굿바이 (Mr. Good-Bye) - KBS2
09. 10.5% 얼마나 좋길래 (How Much You Like It) - MBC
10. 07.3% 101번째 프로포즈 (The 101st Proposal) - SBS



01. 44.5% 하늘이시여 (Dear Heaven) - SBS
02. 37.9% 별난여자 별난남자 (The Bizarre Bunch) - KBS
03. 37.6% 주몽 (Jumong) - MBC
04. 33.0% 소문난 칠공주 (7 Princesses) - KBS
05. 31.9% 슬픔이여 안녕 (Goodbye To Sadness) - KBS
06. 30.7% 열아홉 순정 (Pure 19) - KBS
07. 28.3% 궁 (Princess Hours) - MBC
08. 26.7% 서동요 (The Ballad of Seo Dong) - SBS
09. 24.9% 마이걸 (My Girl) - SBS
10. 24.7% 연개소문 (Yeongae Somun) - SBS
11. 24.5% 사랑과 야망 (Love and Ambition) - SBS
12. 23.7% 그 여자 (That Woman) - SBS
13. 23.0% 황금사과 (Golden Apple) - KBS
14. 22.3% 인생이여 고마워요 (Thank You, Life) - KBS
15. 21.3% 결혼합시다 (Let's Get Married) - MBC
16. 21.1% 들꽃 (Wild Flower) - SBS
17. 20.9% 고향역 (A Place Called Home) - KBS
18. 20.7% 어느날 갑자기 (One Day, Suddenly) - SBS
19. 20.1% 굿바이 솔로 (Goodbye Solo) - KBS
20. 19.4% 투명인간 최장수 (The Invisible Man) - KBS
21. 19.2% 불량가족 (Bad Family) - SBS
22. 18.4% 서울 1945 (Seoul 1945) - KBS
23. 18.0% 강이되어 만나리 (Let's Meet By The River) - KBS1
24. 17.9% 넌 어느 별에서 왔니 (Which Star Are You From?) - MBC
25. 17.4% 연애시대 (Alone in Love) - SBS
26. 17.2% 사랑은 아무도 못말려 (Love Can't Wait) - MBC
27. 17.1% 진짜 진짜 좋아해 (Love Truly) - MBC
28. 16.9% 신돈 (Shin Don) - MBC
29. 16.7% 미스터 굿바이 (Mr. Good-Bye) - KBS2
30. 16.6% 사랑하고 싶다 (I Want To Love) - SBS


01. 31.13% 별난여자 별난남자 (The Bizarre Bunch) - KBS1 [C]
02. 28.86% 주몽 (Jumong) - MBC
03. 26.18% 하늘이시여 (Dear Heaven) - SBS
04. 25.26% 슬픔이여 안녕 (Goodbye To Sadness) - KBS2 [C]
05. 23.96% 소문난 칠공주 (7 Princesses) - KBS2
06. 23.45% 연개소문 (Yeongae Somun) - SBS
07. 22.77% 열아홉 순정 (Pure 19) - KBS1
08. 22.20% 궁 (Princess Hours) - MBC [C]
09. 20.94% 마이걸 (My Girl) - SBS [C]
10. 19.42% 서동요 (The Ballad of Seo Dong) - SBS [C]
11. 17.80% 인생이여 고마워요 (Thank You, Life) - KBS2 [C]
12. 17.43% 황금사과 (Golden Apple) - KBS2 [C]
13. 16.70% 사랑과 야망 (Love & Ambition) - SBS
14. 16.26% 백만장자와 결혼하기 (To Marry a Millionaire) - SBS [C]
15. 15.88% 들꽃 (Wild Flower) - SBS [C]
16. 15.66% 그 여자 (That Woman) - SBS [C]
17. 15.47% 고향역 (A Place Called Home) - KBS1 [C]
18. 15.37% 불량가족 (Bad Family) - SBS [C]
19. 15.23% 투명인간 최장수 (The Invisible Man) - KBS2
19. 15.23% 넌 어느 별에서 왔니 (Which Star Are You From) - MBC [C]
21. 15.20% 돌아와요 순애씨 (Soon-Ae, Please Come Back) - SBS
22. 13.97% 어느날 갑자기 (One Day, Suddenly) - SBS [C]
23. 13.68% 강이되어 만나리 (Let's Meet By The River) - KBS1
24. 13.49% 연애시대 (Alone in Love) - SBS [C]
25. 13.33% 어느 멋진 날 (One Fine Day) - MBC
26. 13.27% 진짜 진짜 좋아해 (Love Truly) - MBC
27. 13.10% 서울 1945 (Seoul 1945) - KBS1
28. 13.00% 사랑하고 싶다 (I Want To Love) - SBS
29. 12.78% 결혼합시다 (Let's Get Married) - MBC [C]
30. 11.92% Dr. ê¹½ (Dr. Gang) - MBC [C]

SoLiDsNaKe 16 Juli 2006 jam 12:48am  

... a time when the nation made China fall down to their knees ...
yeah right..

Azalae 16 Juli 2006 jam 3:51pm  

SoLiDsNaKe menulis:
... a time when the nation made China fall down to their knees ...
yeah right..
boleh dong bangga ama negara sendiri. :D

djes, itu terjemahan inggris ambil dari mana? penasaran sampe baca2 wikipedia. ga salah terjemahan? bukannya Three Kingdoms, ato Romance of Three Kingdoms? korea juga punya jaman 3 kerajaan (108 BC - 668 AD): Goguryeo, Silla, Baekje.

ato Later three Kingdoms Period (892 - 936): Silla, Hubaekje ("Later Baekje" ), and Taebong (also known as Hugoguryeo, "Later Goguryeo" ).

The Book of Three Han << aneh kedengerannya
Romance of Three Kingdoms << much better

kayanya ini masa three kingdoms pertama (108 BC - 668 AD).

SoLiDsNaKe 17 Juli 2006 jam 2:59pm  

Azalae menulis:
boleh dong bangga ama negara sendiri. :D
masalahnya adalah ini tidak pernah terjadi. Atau paling tidak, dari catatan sejarah yang ada sampai saat ini tidak ada kejadian seperti yang diklaim promosinya (ga tau kalau filmnya lain ya... ).

Azalae menulis:
...bukannya Three Kingdoms, ato Romance of Three Kingdoms? korea juga punya jaman 3 kerajaan (108 BC - 668 AD): Goguryeo, Silla, Baekje.
ato Later three Kingdoms Period (892 - 936): Silla, Hubaekje ("Later Baekje" ), and Taebong (also known as Hugoguryeo, "Later Goguryeo" )...
Mestinya sih Koguryo (or Goguryo)

Azalae 17 Juli 2006 jam 3:44pm  

Goguryo yah? gua juga ga gitu ngerti. cuma baca dari wikipedia doang. saking penasaran. :D

btw lu bisa benerin tuh wikipedia kalo mao.

SoLiDsNaKe 17 Juli 2006 jam 3:59pm  

Azalae menulis:
Goguryo yah? gua juga ga gitu ngerti. cuma baca dari wikipedia doang. saking penasaran. :D

btw lu bisa benerin tuh wikipedia kalo mao.

Maksudnya bukan ejaannya, melainkan masa terjadinya cerita ini. Koguryo or Goguryo, cuma cara baca saja.

Azalae 17 Juli 2006 jam 4:13pm  

hmm menurut wikipedia beda. adanya jaman 3 kerajaan , yang salah satunya Goguryeo yang sejak 37 BC, ada juga jaman dinasti Goryeo (ato singkatan dari Goguryeo) sejak 918.

Ju Mong idup 37BC - 19 BC jadi mestinya ini cerita di jaman 3 kerajaan, ato mungkin Proto Three Kingdoms.

eitherway, gua ga yakin seri ini bakal akurat ama sejarah. so far kesannya drama banget. Romance of Three Kingdoms (cina punya, samkok) emang banyak fiksi tapi masih lebih mengikuti sejarah.

  1. Prehistory
  2. Gojoseon
  3. Proto-Three Kingdoms of Korea
  4. Three Kingdoms Period (108 BC - 668 AD)
    Goguryeo (37 BC - 668 AD), Silla (57 BC - 935 AD), Baekje (18 BC - 660 AD)
  5. Unified Silla (668 AD-935 AD)
  6. Balhae (699 AD-926 AD)
  7. Later Three Kingdoms Era (892 AD- 936 AD)
  8. Goryeo
  9. Joseon
  10. Japanese Occupation
  11. The division of Korea (Now)

SoLiDsNaKe 17 Juli 2006 jam 4:41pm  

Azalae menulis:
Three Kingdoms Period (108 BC - 668 AD)
Goguryeo (37 BC - 668 AD),
^ ini dia :)

#36 avatar
djes 17 Juli 2006 jam 6:10pm  

ini quote dari soompi forum, ada yg jawab :
Ming dynasty was 1300's - 1600's between Mongol rule and Manchu rule. Goguryeo was around the birth of Christ to 600's AD. jumong himself founded Goguryeo in 37 BC.

the contemporary Chinese dynasties were the Sui who tried to invade korea with over a million soldiers and were so badly defeated that the dynasty collapsed as a result of the war. chinese recordes state that over 300,000 soldiers crosses into Goguryeo lands and only 3000 returned home from korea. western scholars compare that to the Spartan's stand at thermopyle. the other contemporary Chinese dynasty is Tang whose records refer to Goguryeo as the "arrogant kingdom to the East"

unlike shilla and (Joseon), Goguryeo was very aggressive and warlike and Goguryeo served as a northern buffer to protect the other 2 korean kindgoms from Chinese influence. later shilla worked with Tang to destroy Goguryeo, and koreans never recovered the northenmost lands of korea. because of that, today china and the world consider a lot of Goguryeo's traditional lands to be chinese

it's complicated, but the idea is at that time there was a lot of intermingling of cultures in Goguryeo. basically China of course affected culture and dress in korea, but Goguryeo and its successor Balhae conquered and molded barbarian tribes who lived in its territory. these people were like mongols, not civilized but migrant and very warlike people. later, after the fall of Goguryeo and Balhae those tribes would be free to develop into the khitan and jurchen who invaded china with the technology and culture the koreans taught them and created the Liao and Jin dynasties in china. so some of Goguryeo's culture is also in China. the producers were trying to show the ties between Goguryeo and China.

hmm, nyambung ga sih sama pertanyaanmu Jo?

#37 avatar
djes 17 Juli 2006 jam 6:26pm  

Azalae menulis:
djes, itu terjemahan inggris ambil dari mana? penasaran sampe baca2 wikipedia. ga salah terjemahan? bukannya Three Kingdoms, ato Romance of Three Kingdoms? korea juga punya jaman 3 kerajaan (108 BC - 668 AD): Goguryeo, Silla, Baekje.

ato Later three Kingdoms Period (892 - 936): Silla, Hubaekje ("Later Baekje" ), and Taebong (also known as Hugoguryeo, "Later Goguryeo" ).

The Book of Three Han << aneh kedengerannya
Romance of Three Kingdoms << much better

itu bukan tentang tiga kerajaan kok. g berusaha cari tapi ga ketemu juga, tapi g pernah baca itu tentang 3 [...han]~nama buku/orang kayaknya ~bukan nama dinasti. dan emang settingnya di zaman kerajaan Goguryeo..
ntar kalo ketemu g post deh.

Azalae 17 Juli 2006 jam 8:07pm  

kalo ikut wikipedia sih emang cocok ama jaman 3 kerajaan (ato mungkin jaman sblom 3 kerajaan, proto-three kingdoms?). ada Hae Mo Su, ada Ju Mong pas di serinya.

gua blom liat ep2 so mungkin lebih jelas di sana.

menurut sejarah, Hae Mo Su punya anak Ju Mong. tapi Ju Mong diangkat anak ama orang lain. ato Hae Mo Su udah mati? hmm ga jelas. jadi ntar liat aja ceritanya kalo ternyata samaaa enngg innggg eennggg spoiler. :rofl:

SoLiDsNaKe 18 Juli 2006 jam 4:50pm  

djes menulis:
...the contemporary Chinese dynasties were the Sui who tried to invade korea with over a million soldiers and were so badly defeated that the dynasty collapsed as a result of the war. chinese recordes state that over 300,000 soldiers crosses into Goguryeo lands and only 3000 returned home from korea. western scholars compare that to the Spartan's stand at thermopyle. the other contemporary Chinese dynasty is Tang whose records refer to Goguryeo as the "arrogant kingdom to the East" ...
Kalo ngomong soal Jumong sih sudah pasti Koguryo (goguryo).
Ini secara singkat saja yang dari sejarah gw tahu. (peringatan: bagi yg masih ingin mimpi indah dgn dongeng dari film Jumong dan sejenisnya lebih baik tidak baca)

Mitosnya adalah Jumong itu pendiri dinasti Koguryo. Apakah betul ini mitos seperti Robinhood atau tidak sih entahlah. Di saat yang sama, karena masalah asal etnisitas, sampai sekarang masih diperdebatkan soal apakah Koguryo itu sebenarnya termasuk suku han atau korean.
Kenapa Sui menyerang Koguryo? Ini karena Koguryo terus-menerus menyerang dan membantai di perbatasan.
Dinasti Sui boleh dibilang salah satu dinasti paling memble di China. Tapi Yang Guang sang kaisar punya ego dan mimpi yang lebih besar dari kemampuannya. Ingat Grand Canal dan Istana-istana yang dia bangun dalam waktu singkat? Dengan penghamburan begitu besar, darimana Sui betul-betul punya cukup dana untuk mengirim 1 juta tentara? Angkatan perang Sui itu totalnya 1 jutaan, yang berhasil dikirim masuk ke dalam wilayah Koguryo itu sekitar 300 ribuan. Disebabkan oleh kesalahan strategi maka tentara2 ini tidak didukung dengan logistik yang memadai. Logistik habis di perbatasan. Kelemahan ini dimanfaatkan dan tentara Sui yang kelaparan ini dibantai.
Di perang berikutnya, Sui memperbaiki taktiknya. Hampir berhasil merebut ibukota Koguryo dan membuat Koguryo melempar handuk putih, datang perintah mundur karena terjadi pemberontakan internal dari anak salah seorang menteri senior Sui.
Masih ada beberapa perang lagi di tahun-tahun berikutnya. Umumnya tujuan perang-perang ini adalah untuk menghukum Koguryo yang dianggap Yang Guang terus-menerus mengganggunya.

#40 avatar
djes 19 Juli 2006 jam 8:32am  

liat pepe post parodi dari Dae Jang Gum, JuMong ini juga banyak yg bikinin parodinya, dan aneh2..contohnya :