Home → Forum → Oriental Films → Recently Watched Films/Series Ratings (part 3)
#241 |
pepe haliwell
8 Mei 2007 jam 1:13am
Garden Of Heaven K-Movie Shizuru Plot: Young Jae-wook is devastated when his father passes away, followed soon after by his mother, leaving him all alone. When he meets up with Eun-Joo, who is suffering from incurable cancer, they find they are able to help each other. Heavenly Forrest J-Movie Plot: Heavenly Forest is based on a novel by Takuji Ichikawa and tells the story of Makoto Segawa, a Japanese student who in his spare time loves to do photography in a forest behind the campus. Because he is unusually shy, he has no actual friends at school and spends most of his time alone. One day he incidentally meets the cute and quirky Satonaka Shizuru when he tries to stop her from crossing a dangerous street. From that moment Shizuru likes Segawa and tries to make him open up to her. Unfortunately Segawa has taken the liking of another girl, Miyuki. Even though Shizuru knows Segawa likes Miyuki she tries to do anything to get his attention. One day, Shizuru tells Makoto that she wants to take a photo of them kissing in the forest for her birthday. After being sceptical he agrees, and they kiss in the forest for the first time. However, from that day on, Shizuru disappears without a trace from Makato' s life. . |
#242 |
8 Mei 2007 jam 5:22am
pe, nonton yg atu lagi dari author yg sama de, Be With You, yg main Yuko Takeuchi, lebih bagus lagi.. IMO. |
#243 |
8 Mei 2007 jam 8:33am
Lee Eun Joo, yang sudah mati itu kan? |
#244 |
8 Mei 2007 jam 1:40pm
heni_w menulis:gua sampe lama bener nontonnya... musti sambil ke soompi baca terjemahan orang2, berhubung ga ada yg rela bikin sub-nya saking panjangnya... asli itu teks... duh... |
#245 |
8 Mei 2007 jam 1:48pm
shiro menulis:heni_w menulis: |
#246 |
8 Mei 2007 jam 4:24pm
memang waktu dulu nonton 1% chance of love jg mulus2 en subs jg gak kacau,tp versi dvd,mungkin yang sekarang keluarannya beda ama yang pertama |
#247 |
8 Mei 2007 jam 6:47pm
eh salah ding, tapi 167 episode... |
#248 |
8 Mei 2007 jam 7:21pm
ririn menulis:aku jg versi dvd.. mgkn versi laen yah? tapi belinya jg udah lamaaaaaaaaaaa banget .. err... 6 bulanan yg lalu kali ya? blon sempet ketonton2 baru skrg sempatnya.. |
#249 |
8 Mei 2007 jam 9:16pm
Mr Kim vs Mr Kim vs Mr Kim |
#250 |
pepe haliwell
8 Mei 2007 jam 10:38pm
eeyore menulis:Bagus yah? Yay... I just found this movie. djes menulis:He eh. Lee Eun Joo yang suicide itu. Comes to think of it, the three movies that I saw (Lovers Concerto, Scarlett Letters and Heaven's Gate) ended with her character died. Weird.. Death wish? |
#251 |
pepe haliwell
8 Mei 2007 jam 10:46pm
Su-Ki-Da J-Movie Cast: Plot: My take: |
#252 |
9 Mei 2007 jam 5:22am
wah ada aoi miyazaki lagi... he,he,he.. suruh temen ngeleech.... lagi demen jmovie drama, jgn hepi ending lebih bagus, sad ending ok lah, open ending plg demen.. |
#253 |
9 Mei 2007 jam 11:47am
Jade Warrior (Finland & China 2006) ngeliatnya sampe ngantuk. sooo slooowww and boring. btw, kenapa film barat selalu jagoan cowonya bule, jagoan cewe bisa bule bisa asia. kalo jagoan cowo lebih dari satu (asia & bule), pasti cowo yang bule yang dapet semua cewe. sentimen, emansipasi dong! |
#254 |
11 Mei 2007 jam 5:28am
Semalam liat Il Mare (lagi) trus liat the House Lake. Hm.. something amiss.. di the Lake House brarti di dua2 time line si Alex ga mati yah? sebab ga ketabrak pas di timeline si Alex masa di time line si Kate, Alex jg selamat? Klu di Il Mare, kesan yang aku terima, yg co mati di timeline si ce, tp pas di timeline si co mereka ketemuan pas si ce mo move out. da gitu, di the Lake House, typical film hollywood, itu kata2 I love you, etc kluar, kayaknya kok perlu yah? tp di Il Mare tidak perlu, dari kalimat2 scenes nya da kliatan perasaan mereka, ga norak gitu loh. IMO. Rumahnya emg bagusan di the Lake House, tp scenary nya bagusan Il Mare, terutama pas di beach Che-Ju si ce tunggu co nya, pasir putih, laut kliatan putih, jumpernya putih, cm sepatu dan rambut si ce yg item, cinematography lebih bagus. Ato pas lagi surut aer deket Il Mare, bisa jadi pekarangan lumpur sedang di Lake House kagak surut2 sebab emg diatas danau. si Kate di the Lake House lebih jutek, JJH di Il Mare biasa aja, ga jutek gitu, ga sinis lah. Pdhl klu di liat sebabnya si Kate jadi jutek tuh ga big deal, cm krn punya co yg driven her 10 steps ahead, sedang si JJH co nya ga setia. |
#255 |
11 Mei 2007 jam 9:58am
iya Il Mare jauh lebih bagus dari The Lake House. hollywood sekarang parah banget. ide bikin cerita udah ga ada cuma bisa niru. sutradara yang bagus masih ada tapi dikit banget. pemaen bagus kebanyakan yang udah tua. pemaen muda yang bagus bisa diitung tangan. udah ga mikir kualitas lagi pokok bisa laku dapet duit. makanya jarang liat film barat sekarang. dua hal yang masih bikin hollywood laku: special effects ama aktor cakep yang terkenal. acting ama cerita rata2 parah. |
#256 |
12 Mei 2007 jam 11:54am
HanaKimi awalnya sih ok n lucu tp lama2 Ella n karakternya terlalu annoying *tnyata emang gue msh tetep ga suka Ella* tp lumayan liat Wu Zun disini keren |
#257 |
14 Mei 2007 jam 10:18am
Hello Misss ,5 |
#258 |
14 Mei 2007 jam 10:43am
nonton dari mana endingnya La? download yaaa?? |
#259 |
14 Mei 2007 jam 10:56am
udah keluar tamat kan di glodok kmrn pas disc terakhir agak gue fst forward sih ngejar waktu tidur itu cowoknya yg maen apa sih |
#260 |
14 Mei 2007 jam 11:08am
Lee Ji Hoon? itu yg maen di Wonderful Life, jadi ajusshi yg suka sama Eugene. |