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#1 |
pepe haliwell
13 Februari 2007 jam 9:03am
Could I Have Two Valentines? Dear Thomas, What if a person thinks he has more than one soul mate and is having difficulty picking the one whom he wants to spend his life with-and each soul mate has different attributes about them that he loves. How to decide? -- Tom Dear Tom, The way I imagine a deep soul connection, love picks you and your partner. The "soul" part of soul mate is the depth of the connection. It goes beyond reason and control and seems to be ordained by fate. Maybe you need to take more time to be involved with these people and let a decision emerge. If you really are soul mates, you should be able to talk with enough honesty and depth to know what to do. If you yourself acted like a soul mate, you would describe the situation as two people together making a decision, not one sizing up the other. You have to ease up on your desire to know everything and to be in control-so you'll see the signs of real love. When you make the shift from being fully in charge to letting life happen, you'll discover how to be-and have-a soul mate. Note: Thomas Moore is an author, psychotherapist, lecturer, and Beliefnet.com relationships columnist who has published many books and articles in the areas of archetypal and Jungian psychology, religion, mythology, relationships, and the arts. Moore lived as a monk in a Catholic religious order for thirteen years. A former professor of psychology, he has a Ph.D. in religious studies, an M.A. in theology, and an M.A. in musicology. He lives in New England with his wife, the artist Joan Hanley, and their two children. He is on the web at careofthesoul.net |
#2 |
13 Februari 2007 jam 9:08am
hm.. interesting... |
#3 |
13 Februari 2007 jam 10:55am
umm kayanya ga ada aturan kalo soul mate harus cuma satu. what's better than finally finding a soul mate? finding two soul mates! *kabur sblom pada protes* |
#4 |
pepe haliwell
15 Juni 2007 jam 6:38am
Top 10 Ways to Get Lucky at Love By Kathryn Lord Special to Yahoo! Personals Updated: Jun 14, 2007 1. Know what you want. Your looks change and fade, character does not. While a certain amount of "chemistry" is nice, don't rely solely on lust. What qualities are you looking for in a mate? My book "Find a Sweetheart Soon! Your Love Trip Planner for Women" helps readers define their love goals. Kathryn Lord, romance coach and author, met her now husband Drew online. Out of the dating world for years, Kathryn conquered her fears, found her perfect mate and built a solid relationship. She put what she has learned into writing in "Find A Sweetheart Soon! Your Love Trip Planner for Women." A psychotherapist, Kathryn has been helping singles and couples for more than 25 years. She is on the web at Find-a-Sweetheart.com. |
#5 |
15 Juni 2007 jam 7:23pm
jadi harus sering mejeng di mall yah. icic |
#6 |
15 Juni 2007 jam 10:00pm
So now you all know why the new drinks called 'Whatever' & (Whatever) Men: What to have for dinner? (Anything) Men: So what should we do now? (You decide) Men: Then we just go home lo |
#7 |
16 Juni 2007 jam 6:21pm
#8 |
pepe haliwell
11 Juli 2007 jam 2:22am
What His Celeb Crush Says About Him What His Celeb Crush Says about Himself Throughout their lives, men have all kinds of crushes. When they're growing up, they may have crushes on their teachers. When they're all grown up, crushes can come in the form of co-workers, neighbors, coffee pourers, spinning instructors, you name it. The thing about most crushes, though, is that they tend to fade faster than Fantasia's career. Easy come, easy go. One kind of crush that sticks with a guy: the celebrity crush. About four in five men say they fantasize about other women, with a good many of them saying that famous women are the stars of the show. Though the characters may change from time to time, guys often choose their celebrity crushes based on some deeper longing for what they want in women. Early on, the overriding factor may have been the prevalence of skin (Bo, Farrah, Pamela, and SI swimsuit models being excellent examples). But as men grow up, it's more than just physical attraction to the kind of woman he features in his cerebral movie theater - it's the total package that includes not only her looks, but what her looks, lifestyle, and personality may also represent. If he fantasizes about...Angelina Jolie If he fantasizes about...Jennifer Aniston If he fantasizes about...The young, troubled beauties (Paris, Lindsay, Britney) If he fantasizes about...Halle Berry, Scarlett Johansson If he fantasizes about...Julianne Moore, Michelle Pfeiffer If he fantasizes about...Pam Anderson If he fantasizes about...Beyonce, J. Lo, Fergie, Janet If he fantasizes about...Any character from Grey's Anatomy Bottom line on all this: Fantasy crushes are kind of like practice for the big game, allowing someone to keep one's emotions and instincts in check while imagining the big event with a partner. So encourage the crushes, and keep him primed for the real thing. And speaking of such things, I'd love to hear who your biggest crush objects are (and why). Share them here. |
#9 |
11 Juli 2007 jam 7:28am
and who do you fantasize, pepe? |
#10 |
11 Juli 2007 jam 12:43pm
soo umm what about those who about fantasizes anime characters? highly creative and tend to think outside the box? btw, napa sih "outside the box"? what box? |
#11 |
11 Juli 2007 jam 4:34pm
Azalae menulis:It means he secretly in love with girls who can kick his arse and have out-of-proportion (huge) boobs |