Movie Trivia

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hey_sephia 13 Juli 2007 jam 3:29pm  

Which movie is this quote from?

"But if I'm going to have my own law firm by the time I'm 30, I need a boyfriend who's not such a complete bonehead."

hey_sephia 13 Juli 2007 jam 3:39pm  

Name this actress:

#3 avatar
djes 13 Juli 2007 jam 3:39pm  

Legally Blonde?
Hehe..g iseng nebak. padahal completely blank..:D

hey_sephia 13 Juli 2007 jam 4:05pm  

tullllll :D

kalo bener dapet nilai 10.. jadi:
djes: 10

Azalae 13 Juli 2007 jam 6:55pm  

boleh search ga? ato cuma dari ingatan?

Gabrielle Anwar (hasil searching :blush:)

hey_sephia 13 Juli 2007 jam 7:32pm  

ye curang masa search... :?

tapi boleh de dikasi 5 point kan usaha :p

djes: 10
azalae: 5

SoLiDsNaKe 16 Juli 2007 jam 8:58am  

I got one, here it is:
"If you were any other man I would have killed you where you stand!"

What movie and who said that to whom?

Azalae 16 Juli 2007 jam 8:14pm  

Star Trek First Contact. Wolf to Picard. :dance:

SoLiDsNaKe 17 Juli 2007 jam 8:05am  

It's Worf, but it's trivial. 100 for you.

Jojon 17 Juli 2007 jam 8:20pm  

Nama Artis (a bit maksa tapi pasti ketebak)

Scarlett_Robert.sized.jpg + Aihara_Kazumi_80.gif + House12.JPG = ????

SoLiDsNaKe 18 Juli 2007 jam 8:04am  

Scarlet Johannson? :))

Jojon 18 Juli 2007 jam 7:41pm  

Bravo !!! 100 buat solidsnake :D

Azalae 18 Juli 2007 jam 8:45pm  

"My country send me to United States to make movie-film. Please, come and see my film. If it not success, I will be execute."
"We support your war of terror."

quotes dari film apa neh? :D

#14 avatar
djes 18 Juli 2007 jam 9:50pm n jojon ksh pointnya 100 loh Mon..
g mau dpt 100 jg dong...:D

Jojon 18 Juli 2007 jam 9:54pm  

Azalae menulis:
"My country send me to United States to make movie-film. Please, come and see my film. If it not success, I will be execute."
"We support your war of terror."

quotes dari film apa neh? :D

Itu kayaknya film ini :


eeyore 19 Juli 2007 jam 5:54am  

SoLiDsNaKe menulis:
Scarlet Johannson? :))
:o kok bisa?

"You can't handle the truth!"

movie apa? itu ngetop sih.. :p

Jojon 19 Juli 2007 jam 6:54am  

Jojon menulis:
Nama Artis (a bit maksa tapi pasti ketebak)

Scarlett_Robert.sized.jpg + Aihara_Kazumi_80.gif + House12.JPG = ????

First picture : Nama picturenya Scarlett.jpb
Second picture : Johan
Third Picture : Hansen

Scarlett + Johan + Hansen = Scarlett Johansen :)) (Maksa)

hey_sephia 19 Juli 2007 jam 8:16am  

djes menulis: n jojon ksh pointnya 100 loh Mon..
g mau dpt 100 jg dong...:D
huh koq pointnya jadi 100'an sih?? cepet banyaknya dong..

ya dah 100 :p

hey_sephia 19 Juli 2007 jam 8:17am  

eeyore menulis:
SoLiDsNaKe menulis:
Scarlet Johannson? :))
:o kok bisa?

"You can't handle the truth!"

movie apa? itu ngetop sih.. :p

A few good men yah??

eeyore 19 Juli 2007 jam 8:36am  

:lol: .... -->posting jojon.

bingo mon! 10 (ato 100?) buat momon.

"Resistance is Futile"

apa hayoooo....

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