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Jojon 6 Maret 2008 jam 7:13pm  

Japan Airlines (JAL) invites students who are above 20 years old to apply for the 2008 JAL Scholarship Program, 29 June to 15 July 2008. The program aims to foster young people with a better understanding of Japan and develop the mutual understanding of the future of Asia and Oceania. The theme for 2008 is “The world in 20 years – problems and solutions”.

Participants will get to attend seminars and lectures by distinguished speakers, forums and discussion sessions, and go on field trips in Tokyo and rural Japan, as well as homestays with Japanese host families.

Applicants are to submit an essay of not more than 800 words related to the theme. Interested students, please click here for the application details.

All applications are to reach JAL by Tuesday, 25 March 2008.

Shortlisted applicants will be notified by JAL to attend a selection interview.


Azalae 25 Maret 2008 jam 2:04pm  

wah telat taonya. telat bertaon2. :giggle: coba dulu masih jaman kuliahan pasti ikut deh. oh well.

anime, ramen, sushi, bijin & kawaii gals! :drool: :rofl:

eeyore 26 Maret 2008 jam 9:54am  

:eh: jodan janai.... da lewat masa gue.. hiksss... :cry:

Jojon 26 Maret 2008 jam 9:11pm  

Duta Besar RI untuk Kerajaan Arab Saudi Dr. Salim Segaf Al-Jufrie, MA bersama Atase Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Drs. Juhdi Syarif, M. Hum, pada hari Minggu, tanggal 29 April 2007 telah melakukan pertemuan dengan Rektor King Saud University (KSU), di Riyadh. Pada pertemuan tersebut, Rektor KSU, Dr. Abdullah bin Abdurrahman bin Abdullah Al-Uthman menginformasikan bahwa KSU, yang merupakan universitas tertua di Arab Saudi, mulai tahun ajaran 2007 membuka peluang kerjasama dengan Indonesia dalam bidang Sains dan Teknologi pada program pendidikan pascasarjana.
Ditegaskan lebih lanjut bahwa dari sekitar 300 beasiswa yang tersedia setiap tahun di KSU, 10 %-nya akan diberikan untuk mahasiswa Indonesia. Beasiswa tersebut disediakan untuk 20 orang mahasiswa program S2 dan 10 orang mahasiswa program S3. Kuliah disampaikan dengan pengantar bahasa Inggris. Selain itu, mahasiswa juga diminta untuk menjadi asisten peneliti.
Kerjasama lain yang ditawarkan UKS adalah program pertukaran dosen.
Bidang-bidang studi yang ditawarkan meliputi Food Sciences & Agriculture, Pharmacy, Physics, Botany dan Microbiology, Zoology, Mathematics, Chemistry, Statistics dan Operational Research. Selain itu, juga ditawarkan program Computer and Information Sciences, Nursing, Society health science, serta juga jurusan teknik seperti Electrical, Civil, Chemical, Mechanical dan Petroleum engineering.
Fasilitas yang diperoleh adalah asrama, uang beasiswa 2,500 Saudi Riyal (sekitar US $ 666) per bulan.
Beberapa persyaratan untuk mendapatkan beasiswa tersebut adalah: TOEFL dengan skore minimal 550, ijazah terakhir, transkrip nilai, laporan kesehatan, surat kelakuan baik (semua diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Inggris dan disahkan oleh penerjemah tersumpah). Berkas-berkas tersebut dikirimkan ke KBRI Riyadh: Indonesian Embassy, c/o Atase Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan KBRI Riyadh, Po Box 94343 Riyadh 11693, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Tel. +966 1 4880028/ 4882131 Fax +966 1 4883866, selambat-lambatnya diterima KBRI pada 30 Juni 2007.
Informasi lebih lanjut mengenai KSU, dapat diakses di website KSU: http://www.ksu.edu.sa

Jojon 6 April 2008 jam 5:20pm  

The Bayer Young Environmental Envoy (BYEE) 2008 and Eco-Minds New Zealand 2009 programmes are now open for application.
BYEE is a global environment education programme with the aim of developing young environmental leaders and creating environmental awareness among the youth. While Eco-Minds is a Youth Forum which will take place in New Zealand in May 2009. It will address on the challenge of Sustainable Development with the use of Science and Techology.

Jojon 3 November 2008 jam 8:03pm  

Search for the XML Superstar in ASEAN – a brand new and exciting initiative open to all students, faculty members as well as professional developers, across the region.

Through a series of contests, this site serves as a learning ground for both students and professionals, seeking to empower them to learn more about open source, XML and database management, as well as encourage skills-building in these areas. The contests also offer those who do not have prior knowledge of XML and database management an opportunity to learn more about these new technologies that will help increase their marketability in the IT industry.

Each participant is required to complete a Quick Quiz before proceeding to the three contest categories, which are Video Mania, Query Challenge and Programming Contest. Entries will be evaluated by a panel of judges from IBM and the local universities.

In addition to learning and honing new skills with high professional demand, participants will stand to win iPod Nanos, Nintendo Wii and other attractive prizes. Early bird prizes will also be given to those who participate early. So sign up now and get a head start to becoming an XML Superstar!


Jojon 11 Mei 2009 jam 5:23pm  

Mayan nih kalo ada yg tertarik, sayang gw dah ketuaan buat ganti profesi :(
Hey All!
I wanted to remind everyone that we are currently recruiting for
several Jedi Masters Program classes and have updated our website:

Please be sure to let your students who have recently graduated or are
about to graduate know about this opportunity! Six months of intensive
training at Lucasfilm!

Azalae 12 Mei 2009 jam 1:45pm  

Jedi Master! :starwars:

Jojon 14 Mei 2009 jam 6:31pm  

Udah ga padawan lagi lho... :D

Azalae 14 Mei 2009 jam 6:47pm  

ini beneran ga sih? kalo beneran keren juga namanya.

Jojon 15 Mei 2009 jam 5:39am  

Bener bos, lucas arts kantornya cuma beda bbrp blok sama ktr gue. Tapi mereka ga keliatan pegang lightsaber sih lol