Food you hate the most

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Temujin 19 Desember 2003 jam 11:38pm  

We all love to eat to a certain extent, but there are still some food that we totally can't even bring ourselves to chew, let alone eating it; Sometimes the smell alone is repulsive enough to make us .. %@$#%$ ... well... you know what I mean.

So let's list the food you hate the most.

My list :

1 - Rica-rica pake semut.
(Indonesian sauteed ants with heavy spices Menado style)

I like the taste, but I just can't bring myself to like it. It's like eating hundreds of ants. I guess I keep imagining all these ants will come alive inside my stomach and start crawling inside me... the taste is good.. but the feeling afterward is quite scary sometimes.

2 - Sosis darah dari Irlandia
Irish Blood Sausage

I tried it once. I tried it twice. I tried it many times and it's just not my cup of tea. It taste rather bland for my taste, and it's got that gluey commotion when you chew it in your mouth, not to mention the smell of blood is quite strong sometimes.

3 - Arak Ular Cina
Chinese Snake Wine

Well.. this is one of Chinese most delicate wines. The wine is normally produced with the best, freshest fruits out there, but they put a snake or a number of snakes inside the wine, off course they take out the poison already (Yeah, they better do), and the flavor and flaragrance from the dead snake are supposed to give the wine a one of a kind aroma, that can't be found anywhere else. The wine is presented in a big glass jar, where you can see the dead snake preserved on the bottom of the jar.... pretty wild stuff. I don't like looking at the poor snakes, but the wine is actually really excellent. But I hate looking at the poor snakes looking at me when drinking it. Turn me off.

4 - Baalut
Phillipino Baalut

The Philipinnos take fertilized duck or chicken eggs, bury them in the ground for months and then eat it with alcoholic beverages. The catch is the duck eggs contain a half-formed duckling, soft-boiled and eaten out of shell with a spoon. It tastes okay, not for me, but the most unbelievalbe sight is when you open the egg, you see the half-forming duck or chicken, sometimes the feet are already forming or the head is already there, and the remaining parts are like a gooey blob. It smell pretty bad and taste like eating dead rotten corpse, but you have to combine it with alcohol to kill the smell. The Philippinos think it's healthy and love it.

... I will add more later.

Jojon 20 Desember 2003 jam 12:10am  

yg gampang2 aja : paria, pete, jengkol.

Temujin 20 Desember 2003 jam 1:42am  

Okay more... baru aja gua inget...

5 - Jengkol
Pithecolobium fruits (beans)


As much as I like eating, I can never bring myself to like this food. The taste is not that memorable, in fact, it's just like giant beans, but the worst thing is the smell. The smell is bad.... I mean.. bad ... bad... bad.... if you think Durian or Taiwanese smelly tofu is bad, then thing again. These things will make your breath smell for days, your sweat smells, and any liquid/substances that comes out of your body from your systems (you know what I mean) smell for days... you can smell it from miles away...

eeyore 20 Desember 2003 jam 11:33am  

darah. any kind any type and any dish. :blah: !

ToOn99 20 Desember 2003 jam 2:39pm  

Jojon menulis:
yg gampang2 aja : paria, pete, jengkol.

blueberry 20 Desember 2003 jam 5:56pm  

Makanan gue standard bgt lah...pokoke asal pake daging ayam, bebek, sapi, kambing, babi ato seafood (mateng ya...gak yg mentah)...gue bisa telen. Tp kalo dah aneh2 kayak daging anjing, monyet, tikus, uler, dll dll dll....gue nyoba ajah emoh...palagi bisa makan :(

Gue malah kalo jengkol ama pete bisa makan loh :D Kemaren nyokap nelp, bikin iri...katanya lagi makan pete pedes campur kentang ama ikan teri...hiks hiks....kangen oiii

sorcy 22 Desember 2003 jam 10:59am  

-rice pudding, yuck
-christmas pudding, ( gak doyan raisins / dried fruits)
-brussel sprout
-kue keranjang ( apa ya namanya yg dimakan kalo chinese new year, manisnya minta ampun, digoreng juga masih manis)
-moon cake
-bermacam2 tetelan

Nenek 23 Desember 2003 jam 1:15pm  

I think the worst food I have ever had was Blood Pudding they served for breakfast in England... I loved the hotel, but I hated the food there. ><

#9 avatar
andrea7974 25 Desember 2003 jam 12:41am  

paria itu apa sih?

aku paling benci makan sesuatu yang menurutku berbau amis. Makanya aku tdk bisa makan sup buntut selain yg bikinan nyokap krn menurutku sup buntut itu berbau amis. :D

alicia 29 Januari 2004 jam 9:53am  

andrea7974 menulis:
paria itu apa sih?

aku paling benci makan sesuatu yang menurutku berbau amis. Makanya aku tdk bisa makan sup buntut selain yg bikinan nyokap krn menurutku sup buntut itu berbau amis. :D

paria itu semacam buah yah tapi dimasak sup make santan and daging cincang biasanya, itu pahit rasanya.. tapi gue suka lho he..he

sedangkan petai aja gue demen! :D :o

Floo.. 30 Januari 2004 jam 3:13am  

Paria? Pare yah maksudnya?

gue paling ga suka: Kue Kranjang, en Tomate Farci. YUKKKK!!!!

Oiya, gue plg ogah makan makanan Italy. ga tahu knp, but pizza, spaghetti, etc pasti bikin gue 'neg...

justice_121 2 Februari 2004 jam 1:48am  

paling benci gajih babi, gajih sapi, gajih ayam.... yang kaya gituan lah, hii.... kenyal2 njijiki

Temujin 4 Februari 2004 jam 12:41am  

6 - Banana


I hate Banana. I HATE it HATE it HATE it. I can't stand the smell of Banana, especially those Chiquita Bananas from Florida or Pisang Ambon. Gross !

I like pisang serai though, or pisang susu and like fried banana, banana cake or ice cream. But don't like those typical bananas from US Supermarkets or pisang ambon. Horrible taste. [/img]

#14 avatar
andrea7974 4 Februari 2004 jam 2:53pm  

Otot sapi,

yikes...aneh banget di mulut :(

#15 avatar
djes 4 November 2006 jam 3:07pm  

pare, lodeh, pete, daging kelinci (lbh krn ga tega makannya), durian, kesemek.
standar. kl daging aneh2,belum pernah makan..

hey_sephia 5 November 2006 jam 3:52am  

baru sadar aku jg belon pernah bales thread ini :)) thanks djes :p

yg aku ga suka:
makanan yg terlalu pedes (actually bisanya cuma yg sedikit pedes aja)
telor item (century egg?)
kue keranjang
pecel, gado2, dan apapun yg pake bumbu kacang (kalo sate gpp bisa pake kecap, tetep minus bumbu kacangnya).. siomay jg pake kecap.
sushi, salad, dan makanan yg "ga mateng & dingin" :D .. termasuk kayak karedok dll gt..
pate (termasuk foie gras)

yinyeksin 6 November 2006 jam 10:39am  

hey_sephia menulis:
baru sadar aku jg belon pernah bales thread ini :)) thanks djes :p

yg aku ga suka:
makanan yg terlalu pedes (actually bisanya cuma yg sedikit pedes aja)
telor item (century egg?)
kue keranjang
pecel, gado2, dan apapun yg pake bumbu kacang (kalo sate gpp bisa pake kecap, tetep minus bumbu kacangnya).. siomay jg pake kecap.
sushi, salad, dan makanan yg "ga mateng & dingin" :D .. termasuk kayak karedok dll gt..
pate (termasuk foie gras)

wah mon, hampir semua yang kamu gak doyan malah me doyan :lol: btw, telor item itu maksudnya telor pitan kan??

rachmat 6 November 2006 jam 2:13pm  

wah aneh yg pada ngak doyannya... :? enak2 gitu koq...

Azalae 6 November 2006 jam 3:19pm  

berbahagialah istri anda. :D

Jamuga 31 Januari 2008 jam 12:56pm  

g paling gak tahan ama torpedo apaan tuh yang suka dijual di pinggir jalan...amit abis man nyang gituan dimakan kaya kurangan makanan nyang laen nyang lebih decent gt...pete n jengkol ??? enak tenan kaya begituan mah...heran banyak yang gak suka