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#1 |
7 Mei 2004 jam 2:05pm
waktu gue cari2 terjemahan novel to liong to di internet, gue nemu Yahoo groups yang khusus membahas wuxia novels...dan ada banyak jilid yang udah mereka translate (meskipun loncat2). However I still dunno whether they allow the translations to be shared elsewhere...gue harep boleh supaya gue bisa share translation To Liong To dr seri 1-10 dan 20-22 (itu yang mrk punya). Jadi kan Pepe (loe bukan yang translate TO Liong To?) bisa loncatin beberapa buku, hehehe....anyway i'll keep you posted. or...if you'd like to be the group member just click here: |
#2 |
7 Mei 2004 jam 2:13pm
gak ada ruginya sich jadi member...soalnya banyak file yang bisa di-DL |
#3 |
pepe haliwell
7 Mei 2004 jam 3:51pm
halo mu99le, I appreciate your offer. I don't mind at all if you were to continue, or co-post, the translation. With my workload, it is a possibility that it might take years to finish the story. I don't know if the system allows multiple authors though. Is it possible Azz? One thing that I am concerned if we were to co-post is the continuity and style of the translation. My post is based on the version that was written by Boe Beng Tjoe. If your post were an original translation or the version that was written by Gan KL, then there may be a discontinuity and confusion. Don't you think? What say you gang? |
#4 |
7 Mei 2004 jam 4:36pm
pepe haliwell menulis:that's my concern also |
#5 |
7 Mei 2004 jam 9:21pm
ah ya...i didn't think of it before. i'm not sure on whose works those translations are based--they are in English and they're not translated by people in that yahoo groups either. Apparently they got those from somewhere else (probably some sites that no longer exist). Anyway, i got the files in the office and i can send them to you so you can have a look. BTW pepe...may I know where you get your To Liong To novels? I know Gramedia sells them but the price is quite expensive (Rp. 11,800 for such a small book ) |
#6 |
7 Mei 2004 jam 10:14pm
sebaiknya bikin translation set lagi. kasih judul sama ga masalah kok. ini juga buat reviews. jangan sungkan tulis review yang sama kan pendapat tiap orang bisa berbeda. oiya masalah ijin kalo mereka bukan penerjemah berarti ga punya hak untuk membatasi. kecuali mereka punya bukti tertulis yang menyatakan diberi ijin exclusive. masalah ijin sih paling bagus tanya penerjemah asli langsung, kalo bisa dihubungi. setidaknya cantumkan nama penerjemah. |
#7 |
8 Mei 2004 jam 6:30pm
ohh cool...i just found out that a member of that yahoo group is also a member here!! i saw his post in Translation forum...his/her nick is robshots. I hope s/he sees this forum and tell us whether we can post translations from the yahoo group here. |
#8 |
11 Mei 2004 jam 10:31am
eh jadi gimana...boleh gak aku tambahin di bawah translationnya Pepe? ato harus bikin translation baru? |
#9 |
11 Mei 2004 jam 4:54pm
ga bisa 'nambah di bawah translation' yang udah ada. cuma pembuat awal yang bisa nambah chapter/bab. sebaiknya bikin baru aja gpp kok biar sama cerita kan beda terjemahan. bisa juga mulai dari tengah ato awal. |
#10 |
pepe haliwell
12 Mei 2004 jam 1:06am
mu99le menulis:mu99le, novel saya sudah lama sekali saya punya. Saya tidak tau apa yang sekarang dijual di Indonesia. Solee ... |
#11 |
12 Mei 2004 jam 9:54am
ok deh aku tambah baru aja...makasih infonya |
#12 |
12 Mei 2004 jam 10:25am
aku udah post chapter 1-10 to liong to di Translation...sampai ke bagian Thio Sam Hong dan Thio Bu Ki meninggalkan Shaolin (b. inggris tapi). Pepe, loe bisa langsung sambung ceritanya di forum elo sendiri? jadi kan gak perlu ditulis ulang lagi...meringankan kerjaan sekaligus mempercepat cerita, hehe... |
#13 |
12 Mei 2004 jam 4:18pm
Muggle, translatornya cuman chapter 1-2 by athena, ch 3 onwards translated by Meh. |
#14 |
12 Mei 2004 jam 4:46pm
sementara gua ganti judulnya jadi: 'Kisah Membunuh Naga (Athena and Meh www.spcnet.tv)'. mau diganti juga gpp. ato tiap chapter ditulis sapa yang terjemahin? |
#15 |
pepe haliwell
13 Mei 2004 jam 12:32am
mu99le menulis:Hmm... this doesn't feel right to me. I don't know if people like reading a book in which one chapter is written by one translator and continue to the next chapter written by a different translator. I think it is alright to have 2 different translations of the same book posted here but they should be translated in their entirety. I know my effort is slow in coming, but that's the best I can do under my circumstances. peep |
#16 |
13 Mei 2004 jam 10:23am
pepe haliwell menulis:hmmm......in that case i think i should take down the translation from spcnet as so far chapter 1-10 and 20-22 is all there is , and no one knows when they will be continued. I will repost them when the translators continue where they left off. |
#17 |
13 Mei 2004 jam 12:38pm
gini aja dikasih holder chapters 1-10 -- chapter biasa pake isi |
#18 |
13 Mei 2004 jam 1:42pm
barusan tadi gue post, di spcnet.tv si Meh udah tambah chapter 11..hehe...jd gue terusin dech |