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Jojon 10 Juli 2004 jam 11:03am  

rmz menulis:
gw ada oei ! http://pegawai.blogspot.com


eeyore 9 Desember 2004 jam 6:01am  

yo ppl!!! yg blon update blog, diupdate dunks.... hi,hi,hi.... :giggle: kita kan kepo loh... :flirt: ... :lol:

eeyore 9 Desember 2004 jam 6:01am  

:oops: saking keponya sampe double-posting :blush:

hey_sephia 9 Desember 2004 jam 2:11pm  

o ya lupa ngasi tau, blogku udah pindah ngga di heyworld lagi..
skrg di www.chillicrab.net -> click blog :D

eeyore 19 Januari 2005 jam 6:36am  

The Blog Phenomenon

From humble beginnings, blogs have become one of the most significant forms of Internet media. Angus Kidman explains how blogging originated and looks at how these online diaries are changing the shape of the Internet.

Ever since the World Wide Web became popular in around 1995, people have been using Web pages to record their thoughts and impressions, and to provide links to pages that they find useful, interesting or amusing. One obvious form for doing this is in a diary-style listing, with the most recent entries at the top.

Around 1997, an online diarist called Jorn Barger coined the term ‘web log’ for this kind of site, and this quickly became shortened to ‘blog’. That term soon produced dervatives: blogging is the activity of maintaining a blog, while a blogger is someone who writes or contributes to one. Whatever name you choose, blogging has become one of the most popular activities online in recent years and popular blogs can attract millions of readers.

Arguments rage over exactly what a blog is, but most observers agree on two essential features: blogs use a reverse chronological list of entries and heavily feature links to other sites. Blogs normally achieve some sort of unity either by being produced by a single individual (who can then comment on anything that takes their fancy) or by covering a single subject (whether that’s Japanese anime or the workings of the London Underground). Particularly popular topics for blogs include technology, politics and blogging itself, but literally anything is fair game.

The popularity of blogs is largely due to the fact that they reflect the real-time and interconnected nature of the Internet itself. While traditional news sources require journalists to research and write a story, editors to check it and then technology experts to place it online, bloggers can respond to events or developments as soon as they happen. (Of course, accuracy may suffer at the expense of speed in this scenario.)

Another reason why blogs have become steadily more influential is the rise of Google as the world’s most popular search engine. One of the criteria that Google uses when ranking search results is how many other pages link to a particular site, and blogs provide a wider sampling of this phenomenon than commercial sites. This kind of ranking has become a critical feature of the blog community, with a number of sites (such as Blogdex and Technorati) providing real-time rankings of which blogs are linked to most often. (Google also owns Blogger, one of the more popular blog hosting sites.)

There are now hundreds of thousands of blogs in existence. The most obscure may only be read by their creator; the most popular can exercise real power and influence and break news stories that might otherwise have been entirely ignored by mainstream media.

Some blogs, such as Call Centre Confidential (callcentrediary.blogspot.com), are designed to give an insider view of a particular occupation from a single point of view. Others cover news from a wide variety of sources, such as the infamous site run by Matt Drudge (www.mattdrudge.com), which played a major role in exposing Bill Clinton’s affair with Monica Lewinksy.

Some blogs come about largely because of the fame of the writer. A notable example of this is the blog maintained by former Star Trek: The Next Generation actor Wil Wheaton (www.wilwheaton.net), who has even written a book about his blogging exploits. At the other extreme, some blog maintainers become famous simply by producing an interesting or controversial blog.

The hows and whys

Why do people keep blogs? While a handful of blogs have audiences large enough to attract advertising and thus form a paying job, most people keep blogs for similar reasons to keeping diaries: they enjoy having a record of things they’ve done or thought. Others like to share their expertise on a particular topic with a wider audience, or hope to influence events (a common motive for political blogs). Some blogs can be used within a particular community (such as a school or workplace) as an informal way of information sharing and team building.

As blogging has become more popular, some people are even required to maintain a blog as part of their job. Microsoft, for instance, actively encourages its staff to post blogs about their current projects (partly to overcome perceptions that the company is secretive and controlling).

Starting your own blog is fairly straightforward. There are many sites that host blogs for free, and many more that charge a small monthly fee to host your blog. A good blog hosting site will allow you to enter text from any Internet-connected computer and will post it automatically, eliminating the need to know specialised page and image formatting commands. Effectively, if your PC can connect to the Internet, you can use it to maintain a blog.

While blog hosting services are useful, they aren’t essential. If you wanted to save money and are comfortable with creating your own HTML page, you could create a blog using the free hosting space provided with most dialup and broadband accounts.

Given the continued growth of blogs, it’s arguably more important to consider the topic and scope of your content rather than the way you’re going to put it online. Before committing energy (and money) to setting up a blog, spend some time searching out what already exists online. If 50 other people are also covering the same topic (and you don’t find yourself rampantly disagreeing with all of them), then the odds are you won’t attract many readers.

If you simply want to keep a diary of major events in your life, then this may not be a major consideration. In that case, issues of privacy are perhaps more relevant. How will you feel if members of your family read your blog? Bear in mind also that with many search engines keeping caches of Web content, deleting a controversial blog entry won’t necessarily mean that it has disappeared for good.

Azalae 19 Januari 2005 jam 11:42am  

bukannya dari development journal buat opensource projects? developer nulis update program ditulis buat yang lain tau. slashdot ikut pake buat tulis berita ato artikel dari tempat lain yang akhirnya bikin populer.

hmm tapi ga tau juga yah. gua ga ngikutin. ini aja udah bosan ga tau mau update apa. :p

Nenek 21 Januari 2005 jam 12:28am  

I have blog in Xanga. I think it is easier to use than bloggers for a com babo like myself.

Azalae 21 Januari 2005 jam 2:48pm  

how much easier?

in any case, i have no idea what to write or too lazy when i do. :blush:

#29 avatar
djes 1 Desember 2007 jam 4:50pm  

( iklan banget..:D )
comment dong comment...
masih belajar jadi blogger.

Azalae 1 Desember 2007 jam 9:45pm  

ahahaha akhirnya bikin juga. banyak foto aja djes. :) a picture is worth a thousand words. ;)

#31 avatar
djes 27 Februari 2008 jam 12:16pm  

Aih..hiburanku saat ini, baca2 blog orang! :p
Banyak yang bagus2, lucu2, dan informatif.

Ada yang bilang, hal2 bagus jangan disimpan sendiri...so ini links-nya, sapa tau berminat :
- http://www.dramabeans.com/ - Korean drama, entertainment in general. My fave. Soalnya dia suka summarize drama2 yg lagi maen, lengkap, dan cara nulisnya dia OK!
- http://popseoul.com/ - Gossip2 Korean celebs.
- http://k-popped.com/ - sama, gossips on Korean Entertainment. Trus ada belajar bahasa, resep, dll. KOK Korean related semua ya? :))
- http://kennysia.com/ - famous Malaysian blogger. LUCU!!
- http://xiaxue.blogspot.com/ - famous Singaporean blogger. Kadang lucu, kadang ga, banyakan camwhoring seh.
- http://lapanpuluhan.blogspot.com/ - blog tentang hal2 yg terkenal di th 80an. LUCU....NOSTALGILAAAAAA
- http://miund.com/mumbles2/ - famous Indonesian blogger..dah dibukuin blog ini..lucu juga, lucu2 ga penting gitu..:p
- http://siletlidah.wordpress.com/ - isinya nyela2 Indonesian celebrities. Lucu sadis
- http://www.whodoyouthinkheare.blogspot.com/ - go fug yourself versi Indo. Fashion police gitu..tapi sayang dah sekarat, ga pernah di update lagi..
- http://sinema-indonesia.com/ - review film2 Indo, tapi yang ummm, baca sendiri deh. sudah sekarat juga, cm baca2 archivesnya juga seru.
- http://www.cuteoverload.com/ - cuteeeeee..

Nahh...last but not least, buat orang Jawa dimanapun anda berada, buktikan kemampuan bahasa jawa anda, di blog berbahasa jawa : http://padhang-mbulan.blogspot.com/

Kalo ada yg akhirnya suka juga, comment dong disini....ato, ada yg punya link2 menarik? Aku mau tau donnnng..:p Buat hiburan..

hey_sephia 27 Februari 2008 jam 2:50pm  

aku juga kennysia fan.. (djes tau banget.. djes jg yg ngenalin ke kennysia.. :D)

yg akhir2 ini aku ikutin baca: http://maia.blogdetik.com/ - blognya maia ahmad... sekalian research gimana celeb2 bikin blognya.. mksdku kan sapa tau jadi celeb gitu loooooh :p

aku malah lebih seneng baca blognya temen2.. hehe... hampir semua aku live bookmark... jadi aku bisa uptodate terus.. hehehe..

Jojon 27 Februari 2008 jam 9:35pm  

Gue baca kennysia udah lama banget, gue lebih suka postnya dia yg lama2.
Xiaxue ga bagus isinya cuman camwhoring, terus suka buat sensasi.

Yang suka gue baca :

sibehsibehsian.blogspot.com : Lucu abis ! sayang udah jarang diupdate. Coba baca dari awal dia ngeblog.



#34 avatar
djes 28 Februari 2008 jam 8:57am  

^^ iya, dulu pernah berasa XX lucu, tapi sekarang dia dah ga mutu deh. cm kan kepo nih, jd masih suka baca kadang2..:p
Eh Jon, sibeh itu artinya apa ya? trus Tulan?

yinyeksin 28 Februari 2008 jam 9:58am  

grace, me dah baca juga blog-nya sibeh, kayaknya nih orang ngeblog inggris campur hokkian yahhh...tulan artinya dongkol, sibeh ini masih bingung nada pengucapannya gimana, soalnya artinya bisa beda :p

tanteun 28 Februari 2008 jam 1:43pm  

eh gue blm post ya :D
weblogs gue:

- www.xanga.com/tanteun
- http://tanteun.livejournal.com/

#37 avatar
djes 28 Februari 2008 jam 6:19pm  

yinyeksin menulis:
grace, me dah baca juga blog-nya sibeh, kayaknya nih orang ngeblog inggris campur hokkian yahhh...tulan artinya dongkol, sibeh ini masih bingung nada pengucapannya gimana, soalnya artinya bisa beda :p
err, bukan g yg rekomen sibeh sih..Jojon did.
G sih baru tau ada blog itu...
cuman di blognya Kenny, dan Nicole ( http://nicolekiss.blogspot.com ) dan other Malaysian bloggers sering disebut sibeh sama tulan..Nahhh, si Jojon kan di SG, pasti sering denger..pengen tau aja artinya apaan..

Jojon 28 Februari 2008 jam 7:02pm  

Sibeh = Very
Sian = Frustrated

Sibehsibehsian = Very very frustrated.

Tulan = Ngga bisa dijelaskan dengan kata2... :))
Mungkin istilah indo yg mendekati = gondok/dongkol.

Mungkin Kamus Besar Bahasa Dewa ini bisa membantu saudari2 membaca sibeh sian :


yinyeksin 29 Februari 2008 jam 8:51am  

sian itu bisa juga kan artinya bosan ato gak ada kerjaan :giggle: tapi very very frustated bisa juga sih hehehe...

kalo tulan itu biasanya emang artinya dongkol kadang kita kesal dengan tingkah orang lain nah biasanya kita suka bilangnya tingkahnya bikin orang tulan aja :p

Jojon 29 Maret 2008 jam 6:24pm  

Bagus ini :

Mau liat homer simpson sama mario bros kalo mereka jadi orang betulan ?