Hikaru No Go

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hey_sephia 20 Juli 2004 jam 2:55pm  

Barusan di kenalin ama Azzy... Tadinya ga demen baca manga..
Kemarin barusan baca sampe vol. 18...
SEDIH BANGET!!! :cry::cry::cry:
Sampe nangis sesenggukan..

Tadinya lucu.. trus tengah2 makin serius, walaupun ada lucu2nya.. sampe nomer2 belakang... :cry:
bagus banget nih ceritanya.. Jadi pengen baca lagi dari awal -> mengenang masa2 bahagia... :cry:

(duh ni cengeng banget.. gpp.. i blame it on the hormones :p)

Kalo yg mau baca: http://www.baka-ost.net/manga/index.php?d=Hikaru+no+Go+Manga++%28Complete%29

Azalae 20 Juli 2004 jam 4:51pm  


Hikaru masih kecil

Akira masih kecil (so cute)

Hikaru & Akira udah gede


hey_sephia 20 Juli 2004 jam 4:54pm  

Saiiiiiiii.... :wub: I want Saiii...

hey_sephia 20 Juli 2004 jam 5:07pm  

Oh I found this on the web!

My result:
*^.^* Sugoi! You're just like Sai!
Elegant and graceful, your spirit shines through eternity.
In life, your passion drives you, bringing you true happiness.

Me? Elegant? Graceful?? :?
I think they made a mistake :D

shiro 20 Juli 2004 jam 5:43pm  

I'm like Sai too... :flirt: :D

Azalae 20 Juli 2004 jam 6:18pm  

Akira :o

Polite and reserved, you only reveal your true colors to those who deserve to see them. In life, your goal is the most important thing, the rest of the world just follows.


hey_sephia 20 Juli 2004 jam 6:24pm  

Azalae menulis:
Akira :o

Polite and reserved, you only reveal your true colors to those who deserve to see them. In life, your goal is the most important thing, the rest of the world just follows.

:clap: cocok gitu boss :D

k4ng4r00 20 Juli 2004 jam 8:26pm  


You are Waya
You are good natured and amiable, taking both friends and rivals in open arms. In life, your strong heart gives you the willpower to do the best.

sori gua edit. maunya zheng nunjukin gambar hasil quiz: http://operafloozy.com/quiz/waya.gif tapi ga bisa muncul so gua tulis aja hasilnya

Azalae 20 Juli 2004 jam 9:25pm  

baru baca dari http://senseis.xmp.net/?path=HikaruNoGo&page=NamesInHikaruNoGo

By looking through the kanjis, 'Shin'=progress, forward, 'dou'=wisteria & 'Hikaru'=bright. 'Fuji'=wisteria, 'wara' = field, 'sa'=to assist and 'i' is being. 'Tou'=tower, 'ya'=arrow, 'Akira'=shine Also as 'wara' has a meaning of origin, 'fuji' has a sense of complexity. Therefore my personal translation of these names would be:

'Shindou Hikaru' = The bright star through progress. (Brightness through progress of the wisteria)
'Fujiwara no Sai' = The one to assist Hikaru to become the 'star'. (The being to assist at the origin of the wisteria, which Hikaru walks through)
'Touya Akira' = The top player who shines over the Ego players. (Shines at the top of the tower)

pas banget :o

hey_sephia 20 Juli 2004 jam 9:41pm  

how come 'dou' and 'fuji' has the same meaning ??

eeyore 21 Juli 2004 jam 5:58am  

:clap: manga baru... ini da selesai belon ceritanya?

gue quiznya klu da baca jadi baru ngarti :giggle:

lagi baca dan take quiz: SAI gue mo nya kayak Hikaru :rolleyes:

Azalae 21 Juli 2004 jam 1:45pm  

hey_sephia menulis:
how come 'dou' and 'fuji' has the same meaning ??
ga ngerti deh kan me cuma quote. arti lainnya malah lebih keren lagi.

eeyore menulis:
:clap: manga baru... ini da selesai belon ceritanya?

gue quiznya klu da baca jadi baru ngarti :giggle:

lagi baca dan take quiz: SAI gue mo nya kayak Hikaru :rolleyes:

manga lama kok tin udah tamat sejak tempo doeloe.

eeyore 21 Juli 2004 jam 3:11pm  

maksud gue manga baru buat gue baca, soalnya yg gue baca sblm nya Sunlight apa tuh da abis :giggle: tp ga selesai :cry: kmrn gue ke kinokuniya ga ada yg itu dari pengarang yg sama, adanya yg judulnya short story mahal.. ga jadi beli :cry:

Azalae 21 Juli 2004 jam 3:39pm  

iya emang susah cari di toko bukuu sini. kan import tuh apalagi kalo yang udah lama. cerita ginian awalnya sih dari majalah Jump. Viz udah produksi Jump versi inggris tapi harus beli dari amrik. lumayan sih 1 majalah isi 6 komik gitu. bersambung tiap issue.

hey_sephia 21 Juli 2004 jam 4:30pm  

kemarin nemu site buat download animenya (tanpa torrent), ftp site, direct download :dance:
manga-nya udah kelar baca :D kemarin udah nonton episode 1 anime. So far sih lebih suka manga versionnya. Sai lebih keliatan lucu di manga. Tapi aku baru episode 1.. coba deh ntar..

cuman itu terakhirnya, ga diceritain yg menang honinbo (? maap kalo salah nama) title yah? yg antara ogata ama si tua bangka? kan belon tanding?

Azalae 21 Juli 2004 jam 4:50pm  

ahahahaha tua bangka. kejam nian.

ga inget juga sih hihihi

eeyore 23 Juli 2004 jam 11:14am  

gue suka dia.. tp namanya sapa yah :p

namanya Isumi Shinichiro :D

ToOn99 23 Juli 2004 jam 5:36pm  

download yah ....nanti kalo udah lengkap di burn lalu dikirim ke gue :p

eeyore 23 Juli 2004 jam 6:13pm  

ToOn99 menulis:
download yah ....nanti kalo udah lengkap di burn lalu dikirim ke gue :p
tukeran sama Da Vinci Code dlm 1 bulan :evil: ....

eeyore 26 Juli 2004 jam 11:07am  

kok abisnya segitu aja sih? :o ga puas :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: