Questions on ROCH

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hey_sephia 30 Juli 2004 jam 2:32pm  

I just started watching ROCH 84 (again), I just noticed something I never bother to know before:

What's the relationship between Wu San Tong (Wu brothers' father) and Lu's wife (Li Mou Cou's rival)? The Indonesian translation said Wu San Tong is her stepfather. But I sense something deeper than that. I mean why would Wu San Tong dug her grave after all those years of separation?
It also doesn't make any sense how Lu's wife doesn't look so much younger than Wu San Tong to be her stepdaughter. Looking at Wu San Tong's own sons, they're still very little. So much age difference between them and Lu's wife? :?
But if it's "love", turned out that he's married and have two kids now. Why is he still obsessed with Lu's wife?

And why was Wu San Tong against the marriage between the two? Surely he's not a friend of Li Mou Cou?

I'm still on episode 1, so I might have more questions later :D

#2 avatar
Tasha 1 Agustus 2004 jam 9:09am  

Kalo di buku sih, ayahnya Lu itu orang yang dicintai Li Mou Cou, dan ibunya Lu itu teman si Wu San Tong dari kecil yang juga dicintai sama Wu San Tong. Ayah & Ibu Lu itu menikah membuat Li Mou Cou & Wu San Tong patah hati, Li dendam sama si ibu Lu..

gak tau deh itu sama gak sama yang ROCH 83....

ToOn99 1 Agustus 2004 jam 1:19pm  

What's the relationship between Wu San Tong (Wu brothers' father) and Lu's wife (Li Mou Cou's rival)?
Wu San Tong was the stepfather of Lu's wife, however he was fallen in love with his stepdaughter.

And why was Wu San Tong against the marriage between the two? Surely he's not a friend of Li Mou Cou?
The first question's answer this question too.

hey_sephia 2 Agustus 2004 jam 2:27pm  

:o he's really the stepfather?? But fell in love with his daughter? :o
Brp jauh sih jarak umur mereka? I mean kalo cuma beda less than 10 years old masa jadi stepfather? Ada2 aja.. Kenapa ga jadi stepbrother gitu.. :?

ToOn99 2 Agustus 2004 jam 3:29pm  

If I am not mistaken their age diffences should be quite huge. Wu San Tong was one of Yi Deng's students. All Yi Deng's students should be about 10+ years older than Guo Jing and Huang Rong. Since Li Mo Chou was about the same age as Lu and she was Younger than Huang Rong, the age diffences between Wu and Lu's wife should be more than 10 years.

#6 avatar
andrea7974 2 Agustus 2004 jam 3:31pm  

hey_sephia menulis:
:o he's really the stepfather?? But fell in love with his daughter? :o
Brp jauh sih jarak umur mereka? I mean kalo cuma beda less than 10 years old masa jadi stepfather? Ada2 aja.. Kenapa ga jadi stepbrother gitu.. :?
dlm Chinese tradition, yg membuat seseorang menjadi stepfather atau gitu2 bukan selalu berarti berdasarkan umur. Tetapi generasi/ urutan.