Trip's photos - as requested by Bu RT

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#1 avatar
Fatbrain 18 Agustus 2004 jam 3:28am  

Ini beberapa photo dr trip yg Bu RT minta..:smilewink:


One of the swimming pools - with live band music

One of the many lounges with live music

#2 avatar
Fatbrain 18 Agustus 2004 jam 3:38am  

Stockholm, Sweden

The building is the Royal Palace just across the canal from our hotel


Another view of the city & canal

#3 avatar
Fatbrain 18 Agustus 2004 jam 4:06am  

St. Petersburg, Russia

One of the highlights of this trip is definitely St. Petersburg. So many things too see!!!
We obviously were not able to see everything with the short visit we had.
St Petersburg is Russia's 2nd largest city, formerly known as Leningrad.

Catherine Palace - named in honor of Peter the Great's wife, Catherine I
The facade of the Palace is nearly 1000 feet long. 18th-century masterpiece with 1482 acres of landscaped gardens.


On the first floor, 50 successive rooms open up into the breathtaking Golden corridor.


One of the many Dining Rooms in Catherine Palace

eeyore 18 Agustus 2004 jam 5:34am  

:o keren!!!!! makasih!!! he,he,he... bu RT nya aja diturutin yah :giggle:

keren!!!!!! awesome.

#5 avatar
Fatbrain 18 Agustus 2004 jam 6:05am  

You're welcome, tin!...and thanks jg yah!

More nih....

Peterhof , the town of palaces, fountains and parks, was built by Peter the Great to rival Versailles.
It lies on the southern shore of the Gulf of Finland. Just outside of St Petersburg, Russia.

The background is the Baltic sea.




yinyeksin 18 Agustus 2004 jam 9:53am  

keren oiiiii...jadi kepengen pergi deh :no:

shiro 18 Agustus 2004 jam 10:20am  

Kapan yah gua jadi pergi ke Russia? :cry::cry:

Azalae 18 Agustus 2004 jam 12:54pm  


#9 avatar
Fatbrain 18 Agustus 2004 jam 7:48pm  

St. Peterburg still continues....

One of the highlights of St Petersburg visit is the Hermitage.
What Louvre is to Paris and the Metropolitan Museum is to New York, the Hermitage is to St. Petersburg.
The Hermitage collections of works of art (over 3,000,000 items) present the development of the world culture and art from the Stone Age to the 20th century.

Only these 2 pic I can post here :p.....

A Hallway - near one of the many entrances


#10 avatar
Fatbrain 18 Agustus 2004 jam 7:56pm  

The Church of the Spilled Blood .
Built on the site where Emperor Alexander II was assassinated in 1881.
The interior of the church, gleaming with marble and mosaic, is heralded as a jewel of St Petersburg.

It is one of those places you really have to see to believe.
The mosaic interior was created by over 30 artists and covers an area of 7000 square meters.


Gambar2 yg di walls itu semua dibikin dari mosaic & semiprecious stones (bukan lukisan biasa)...



Jojon 18 Agustus 2004 jam 9:30pm  

wow,keren ! :)

#12 avatar
Fatbrain 19 Agustus 2004 jam 2:27am  

Other destinations to follow....

Pepe nanyain ttg makanannya...
Makanannya macam2 dari yg biasa sampe yg ethnic2 food juga.......:drool::drool::drool:

Table ini utk lobster...yg di tray lobster :drool:




Twin: Is your favourite dessert here?:smilewink::smilewink:


eeyore 19 Agustus 2004 jam 5:22am  

pic1: aih...

pic2: aih gila...

pic3: :faint:

shiro 19 Agustus 2004 jam 6:55am  

Wuahhhh, ada creme brulee... :drool: Sugar overload juga don't mind deh... :flirt::giggle::p

yinyeksin 19 Agustus 2004 jam 9:24am  

wah, et...bikin ngiler aja deh :drool:

#16 avatar
Fatbrain 1 September 2004 jam 2:30am  

Ini sambungan beberapa tempat laen nya...

Jerman - Berlin
Sebagian dr sisa Berlin Wall


Ini salah satu sisa gate yg terkenal - antara Berlin Timur & Barat
The Brandenburg Gate


#17 avatar
Fatbrain 1 September 2004 jam 2:33am  

Skrg di Norway...

Ini Oslo lagi pas sunset - dr kapal






#18 avatar
Fatbrain 1 September 2004 jam 2:35am  


Little Mermaid - Copenhagen

Nyhavn - Copenhagen

#19 avatar
Fatbrain 1 September 2004 jam 2:41am  

United Kingdom

London Eye - a new attraction
Ini dulu belon ada yg terakhir gua kesana


Oxford St....shopping2 :)

siryu 2 September 2004 jam 2:46pm  

:wow: asli kuerrennnn bangetttt!!!!!!!!:drool:
et lg liburan ya??

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