Home → Forum → General discussions → SPC SEPI...LETS DO SOMETHING!!!
#1 |
6 Oktober 2004 jam 6:00pm
comments and suggestions |
#2 |
6 Oktober 2004 jam 6:05pm
saya start deh...mungkin boss kasi "lvl" menurut banyaknya post kaya forum2 laen gitu biar meningkatkan posts...tapi asal jgn post just for the "lvl" aja wakakak |
#3 |
6 Oktober 2004 jam 7:13pm
ilangin shoutbox pasti rame de postingnya |
#4 |
6 Oktober 2004 jam 7:27pm
OK no more shoutbox |
#5 |
6 Oktober 2004 jam 7:49pm
wei beneran.. padahal g becanda... BUKAN SALAH TINA.... |
#6 |
6 Oktober 2004 jam 9:15pm
iya ban aja tina |
#7 |
6 Oktober 2004 jam 9:44pm
tull.. bukan salah tina.. |
#8 |
pepe haliwell
7 Oktober 2004 jam 12:56am
Hey! Where is my shout box? Actually I agree. I think that shoutbox, because of its easy of use, makes people lazy to post and hence affects the forum's liveliness. I think if one wants to chat, he or she should use other more suitable chat tools. |
#9 |
7 Oktober 2004 jam 1:55am
sebenarnya bukan salah shoutbox juga sih. shoutbox juga udah beberapa minggu ini rada seret. kesimpulannya yah, the main members ( member bawel), getting more busy, and dont have time to check the forum as often as possible like before.contohnya : |
#10 |
7 Oktober 2004 jam 3:08am
unsur teenager itu maksudnya yg kayak apa yah? |
#11 |
7 Oktober 2004 jam 4:01am
Agree ama toon...gak bisa nyalahin shoutbox 100% sbg penyebab sepinya spc.... |
#12 |
7 Oktober 2004 jam 9:31am
hey_sephia menulis:What I meant is we can't really rely on old members( not literally ) to spice the forum up anymore. We need to get more members from younger generation to keep this forum alive. Look at other forums like asianstudio or so called wuxiaworld, there're a lot of thread dedicated to teenagers (relationship crap, general thingy, or whatever). Honestly, I don't mind we have very quiet forums, simply because our forums are special, dedicated to entertainments and wuxia only. (although wuxia part seems a bit off). |
#13 |
7 Oktober 2004 jam 10:00am
do something kok ngilangin shoutbox .. what a very berryyyy creative idea ngambeg ni |
#14 |
7 Oktober 2004 jam 10:10am
harimoo menulis:kok pake ngambeg sih. kamu bikin poll aja utk mengetahui apakah member menginginkan shoutbox atau tidak. Yang pasti sih menurutku... forum sepi krn emang member malas posting aja. Lebih suka utk membaca drpd kasih pendapat di forum. |
#15 |
7 Oktober 2004 jam 10:18am
menurut saya sih shoutbox gak bawa pengaruh apa2 dalam postingan forum, buktinya member kita banyak tapi yang posting mana??? lagian yang aktif cuma segelintir dan itupun orang2 yang sama yaitu yang aktif di shoutbox dan forum. so, kesimpulannya...forum sepi bukan karena shoutbox tapi membernya yang gak aktif, rata2 cuma baca or register aja |
#16 |
7 Oktober 2004 jam 12:14pm
iya tuh kayanya ada shoutbox ngga ada shoutbox akhirnya sama aja....ini forum malah tambah sepi why???? |
#17 |
7 Oktober 2004 jam 1:27pm
jujur aja bagi gua sekarang sulit buat sering check sini, bener2 lagi sibuk2nya neh. waktu luang yang ada biasanya buat tune up script biar lebih kenceng. emang hasilnya ga keliatan sih. jadi kesannya ga gua perhatiin lagi. dari segi content, tempat kita ini udah bagus. banyak banget topik informative. translations, reviews, fictions, articles semua makin hari makin banyak. member juga banyak orang baru. anyway, kita liat hasil beberapa hari. jangan sungkan mau kasih ide ataupun protes. ga bakalan gua ban gara2 hal kaya gituan lah. itu kan abusing power. |
#18 |
7 Oktober 2004 jam 1:36pm
gua setuju ama dewi...ada shoutbox asik juga kog....itung2 ngilangin streessss... |
#19 |
7 Oktober 2004 jam 2:39pm
moved to Debates |
#20 |
7 Oktober 2004 jam 2:58pm
Tulis ke forum "Perlu nggak sih ada Shoutbox?" dong supaya lebih terarah dan ngga dobel-dobel. |