Top 10 "The Best Movie Ever"

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blueberry 8 November 2003 jam 6:12am  

Gue nyumbang 1 dulu deh : Notting Hill.

Sisanya nyusul kapan2 :)

Jojon 8 November 2003 jam 9:00am  

Temujin menulis:
The movie stimulates your mind and make you thinking from the beginning until the end but you don't feel it until the movie ends because Kubrick with his magical touch make it seem like one simple continous visual illussions not the weakest mind off course, but in each and every single scene, he is able to build and to create higher sense of suspense, mystery and puzzles and makes the whole thing into one awesome intellegent piece of art that touches the very soul of human beings.
Hmm.. I think almost all kubrick's movie is like that,dia banyak menyentuh sisi kemanusiaan. IMHO though :?

#23 avatar
andrea7974 10 November 2003 jam 10:20am  

Temujin menulis:
The sexual (orgy) scenes are handled in the most amazing way, they are very dark, mysterious, emotional, yet very artistic, not to mention the background music, cinematography, scores, lighting and the editing are top notch, never seen before in any big screens to date, and can only be visualized by Kubrick. It's a truly work of an art.
right. at least the orgy scenes didn't make me vomit at the time I saw that film! ><

eeyore 10 November 2003 jam 10:30am  

Interesting reply.

Dari pilihan film x2 fave kita bisa tau suka apa aja setiap orang disini :p

gue pribadi ga suka stanley kubrick punya kerjaan, ga pernah liat tp ga pernah appeal, mungkin krn kesan filmnya vulgar? gue jg ga suka film yg has meaning too deep, pusing euy... :D

tp seneng jg baca insight film x2 menurut elo x2 orang... but no way I'm gonna get to watch it :D

blueberry 10 November 2003 jam 10:35am  

eeyore menulis:
Interesting reply.

gue pribadi ga suka stanley kubrick punya kerjaan, ga pernah liat tp ga pernah appeal, mungkin krn kesan filmnya vulgar? gue jg ga suka film yg has meaning too deep, pusing euy... :D

Kalo menurut gue, film2nya Stanley Kubrick itu 'gelap' visualisasinya :rolleyes: Demennya di lorong2 gelap ato kamar2 yg gak jelas cahayanya. Mboh deh, itu feeling gue aje...gue jg gak suka nonton filmnya dia....kalopun nonton, biasa 1/2 film dah gue tinggal tidur

ToOn99 10 November 2003 jam 10:36am  

ToOn99 menulis:
Top Ten "The best Movies ever" :
1. Forrest Gump
2. Lion King
4. Pay it forward (thanx to eeyore to remind me :D)
3. I got stuck, I will continue after I remember the others.
another update,
4. Legend of the fall

#27 avatar
andrea7974 10 November 2003 jam 11:06am  

Setuju! Legend of the Fall emang keren :thumbup:

Iya Eeyore...orang sukanya apa...itu kan mencerminkan kepribadiannya apa. Kayak elu misalnya: Elu orangnya nggak suka yang berbelit-belit...maunya yang simple-simple aja. Bener nggak?

Kalau aku sih sukanya film yang eksotis ya.... makanya aku suka film macam English Patient yang pengambilan gambarnya, pemilihan musiknya, semuanya tertata dengan baik.

Kalau orang yang sukanya film yang lucu-lucu...berarti orangnya memang sense of humor nya tinggi dan kemungkinan orangnya jenaka juga :D

sorcy 10 November 2003 jam 11:18am  

I really like some of the scenes in eyes wide shut. It's beautiful, dark and really haunting But I still think that it is overrated, part of it because Tom Cruise and Nic Kidman who were seen as the golden couple in Hollywood at that time are the main leads :)

Ok My list;
1. Blade runner (director's cut)
2. The Pianist
3. Memento
4. Clockwork of orange
5. Natural Born Killers
6. Sleepy Hollow (lol Tim Burton rocks!)
7. Central Station (Brazil movie)
8. Fight Club
others ( I can not make up my mind which one to put):
LOTR, On the way Home, sound of music, Run Lola Run, He loves me He loves me not, some of disney movies, Dancer in the Dark, American History X ( ok stuck now,,buth there are more :D )

sorcy 10 November 2003 jam 11:27am  

I always the odd one, I don't like Legends of the fall :( :?

alicia 10 November 2003 jam 11:33am  

andrea7974 menulis:
Setuju! Legend of the Fall emang keren :thumbup:

Iya Eeyore...orang sukanya apa...itu kan mencerminkan kepribadiannya apa. Kayak elu misalnya: Elu orangnya nggak suka yang berbelit-belit...maunya yang simple-simple aja. Bener nggak?

Kalau aku sih sukanya film yang eksotis ya.... makanya aku suka film macam English Patient yang pengambilan gambarnya, pemilihan musiknya, semuanya tertata dengan baik.

Kalau orang yang sukanya film yang lucu-lucu...berarti orangnya memang sense of humor nya tinggi dan kemungkinan orangnya jenaka juga :D

wah kalo orang yang suka nonton film fauna gimana dre?? :angel:

eeyore 10 November 2003 jam 11:34am  

gue jg ga suka legend of the fall, ga tertarik sedikit pun.. he,he,he... ga suka brad pitt seh... ><

#32 avatar
andrea7974 10 November 2003 jam 2:00pm  

alicia menulis:
wah kalo orang yang suka nonton film fauna gimana dre?? :angel:
Ali : beberapa saat yang lalu saat sakit dan harus stick at home pas weekend...seharian aku nonton film fauna terus....mulai dari nonton panda kawin, monyet kawin,....sampai komodo kawin! :D

nggak tahu juga tuh apa artinya :D

ToOn99 10 November 2003 jam 3:18pm  

Top Ten "The best Movies ever" :
1. Forrest Gump
2. Lion King
3. Pay it forward (thanx to eeyore to remind me )
4. Legend of the fall
another update
5. LOTR trilogy
6. Green Mile

Jojon 10 November 2003 jam 7:28pm  

Saking bingungnya bikin list, gue mendingan komentar dari film2 favoritnya kalian aja yah :D

Setuju Green Mile sama Pay it Forward itu inspirative sekali.

Sebenernya gue suka filmnya beautiful mind sama AI, gue rasa filmnya bagus, tapi koq gue ngga mo nonton 2 kali yah, kelamaan sih filmnya... :?

Fight club bagus deh ! acung jempol, tapi sleepy hollow gue rasa ngga nakutin :p Gue lebih prefer Edward Scissorhands, filmnya unik.

alicia 11 November 2003 jam 8:15am  

andrea7974 menulis:
Ali : beberapa saat yang lalu saat sakit dan harus stick at home pas weekend...seharian aku nonton film fauna terus....mulai dari nonton panda kawin, monyet kawin,....sampai komodo kawin! :D

nggak tahu juga tuh apa artinya :D

waw.. gue paling ngeh disuruh nonton film fauna :?

mungkin artinya reminder for andrea to get a husband soon...?? :aha:

Floo.. 11 November 2003 jam 9:31am  

Kok gada yg nyebut Life is Beautiful ya?

sorcy 11 November 2003 jam 10:24am  

Jojon menulis:
Fight club bagus deh ! acung jempol, tapi sleepy hollow gue rasa ngga nakutin :p Gue lebih prefer Edward Scissorhands, filmnya unik.
sleppy hollow emang gak nakutin. it supposed to be gory, but at the same time it's perfectly beautiful. I always like the way Tim Burton shot his movie. ( a little bit fantasy, gothic and comedy all into one) :D Edward scissorhand is good too. and Batman, and Nightmare before Christmas...ok I can go on. Since he is my fave director. lol.

Gue gak terlalu suka sama life is beautiful. The first half is good, but the second half of the movies fails to bring out the misery and cruelty of ww2. :)

#38 avatar
andrea7974 11 November 2003 jam 10:25am  

iya kelupaan Floo.

yang masuk list lagi:
1. Life is Beautiful
2. Saving Private Ryan
3. Jurassic Park
4. The Lion King
5. Sound of Music
7 God Father, trilogy

apa lagi ya....

#39 avatar
andrea7974 11 November 2003 jam 10:29am  

alicia menulis:
mungkin artinya reminder for andrea to get a husband soon...?? :aha:
wah itu sih penghinaan Ali...kesannya gua sudah tidak bisa menahan libido aja sampe melototin fauna kawin :lol: :laugh: :rofl:

Basically aku suka semua film dokumenter dan iptek sih. Terutama yg related sama architecture, art, science dan sejarah. Fauna sih bolehlah...kadang-kadang.

Jojon 11 November 2003 jam 9:38pm  

sorcy menulis:
sleppy hollow emang gak nakutin. it supposed to be gory, but at the same time it's perfectly beautiful. I always like the way Tim Burton shot his movie. ( a little bit fantasy, gothic and comedy all into one) :D Edward scissorhand is good too. and Batman, and Nightmare before Christmas...ok I can go on. Since he is my fave director. lol.
How bout beetlejuice ?
It's good also :D
anyway, you have the vcd/dvd ? can i borrow ? can can ? :jump: :jump: