Seikai Saga

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Azalae 12 Juli 2005 jam 12:27pm  

karangan Morioka Hiroyuki 森岡浩之 sementara ini (yang gua tau) udah keluar:

星界の紋章 / Seikai no Monshō / Crest of the Stars
trilogi, dan udah dibuat animenya (Crest of the Stars):
* Seikai no Monshō I "Teikoku no Ōjo" / Crest of the Stars I "The Imperial Princess"
* Seikai no Monshō II "Sasayaka na Tatakai" / Crest of the Stars II "A Small Battle"
* Seikai no Monshō III "Ikyō e no Kikan" / Crest of the Stars III "Returning to a World Unfamiliar"

星界の戦旗 / Seikai no Senki / Battle Flag of the Stars / Banner of the Stars
tetralogi, tapi animenya baru sampe buku kedua.
* Seikai no Senki I "Kizuna no Katachi" / Battle Flag of the Stars I "The Form of the Chain" -- (anime: Banner of the Stars I)
* Seikai no Senki II "Mamoru Beki Mono" / Battle Flag of the Stars "That which is to be Protected" -- (anime: Banner of the Stars II)
* Seikai no Senki III "Kazoku no Shokutaku" / Battle Flag of the Stars "A Family Dinner"
* Seikai no Senki IV "Kishimu Jikuu" / Battle Flag of the Stars "Cacophonous Space-Time"

ini buat pembukaan dulu deh. :giggle: ntar kalo ada waktu gua upload terjemahannya di literature / bacaan. sementara ini baru punya 3 buku seikai no monsho aja. sabarr yahhh.

buat sekarang gua kasih beberapa screenshot dari animenya. sblom pada bingung, karya asli dalam bentuk novel alias buku, bukan manga ato komik ato anime.

armada Abh Empire menduduki planet Martine of Hyde system. Abh mempunya 1500 system (tata surya, bukan planet) yang ditinggali dan 20,000 system yang ga ditinggali (tanpa penduduk cuma buat mining aja). Martine sendiri kaga punya pesawat angkasa apapun. :giggle:

protagonis utama pria di Seikai no Monsho, umur 17 menurut tanggalan Martine, ato 20 taonan menurut tanggal bumi.

protagonis utama wanita, salah satu anggotal royalty dari Abh Empire.

ini semua gambar dari episode 1-2 aja. cerita selengkapnya tunggu terjemahan yah.

eeyore 12 Juli 2005 jam 12:40pm  

ini anime/manga turn novel? minta anime aja deh... he,he,he,he....

Azalae 12 Juli 2005 jam 2:34pm  

ahem seperti tertulis di atas: aslinya novel dibikin anime :p

eeyore 12 Juli 2005 jam 2:47pm  

tidak menyimak :blush: ... gomen

Azalae 13 Juli 2005 jam 12:05pm  

udah gua taroh di literatures tapi bentuk inggris.

:aha: Seikai no Senki III (anime) udah dibikin wooohooooo. trailers: DVD keluar 19 July :yes:

hey_sephia 20 Juli 2005 jam 10:54pm  

ok I've read all that had been posted so far, and I wanted more so I've gone to abhnation website to read some more :p
And turns out it was so addictive (more than I wanted to) and I've finished the 3 books!!! :o
(I surprise myself yet again.... I thought this craziness over Zai Zai could be my limit, but now I'm longing for Jinto :o)

Well not exactly finished it because I still lack some details. The PDF files were so poor I still want Johan to fix it and read it all over again :p
I skipped through most of the unimportant bits (I just want the bits with Jinto and Lafiel).

I must say VERY VERY IMPRESSIVE.. I'm downloading the anime and it could be stalling my Mars progress :o

Yes I'm still suprised how crazy I could turn out, and I fail to understand how I could scare myself.

AND PEOPLE!!! I need more ppl to discuss this topic with!!!!!! Read people reaaaaaddd!!!!!! It's really good I promise..

Her Serene Highness Sephia Viscountess of Indozone is signing off now.. (Won't be online or reading novel or watching any series or even anime till Monday grrr... :sweat:) Okay behave while I'm gone, my beloved subjects!!! :giggle:

PS: With this post entry I am making a formal request to His Highness Azalae the King Creator of Indozone to please update at least until the end of Book ONE. I wish to see that finished when I come back. I won't be carrying my wrist computer to the communication ship, since I will not be piloting it, so I can only read it on Monday when I return. My sincere gratitude.

Thor 21 Juli 2005 jam 5:17am  

Boss korban satu lagi nih :lol2: :rofl2: :p

Azalae 21 Juli 2005 jam 11:41am  

emang napa mon sampe senin? diputus isp karena ga bayar? :giggle:

so far semua temen yang gua kasih tau anime ini pada suka. morioka hiroyuki pasti ge-er neh.

mon, seikai no senki malah lebih bagus dari seikai no monshou loh.

hey_sephia 29 Juli 2005 jam 2:11pm  

OK udah kelar nonton seikai no monshou.. and udah kelar bacanya juga..

Kekecewaan nonton anime (karena banyak hal2 penting yang ada di novel tapi ga ada di anime) terobati karena endingnya baguuuuuuuusssss...

Jinto (say to himself): I might have half your lifetime but I want to be right beside you always. When you succeed to the throne, when you disappear into space, I want to be right beside you, Lafiel. That will be my aim of life.

(kira2 ngomong gitu).. waaaaaaaaaa... *terharu* :hug: Jintooo...

Endingnya yg bagian di atas itu (yg jinto ngomong sendiri) malah kalo ga salah ga ada di novel. Mungkin part of 2nd saga? :?
Soalnya di Senki diulang lagi kata2 itu.. :wub:
Ending yg Jinto ketemu Empress jg ga ada.. bukannya itu penting? :? Mustinya Jinto ketemu Lafiel's family... haiizz.. tapi terobati deh.. dengan 1 kalimat itu doang :p

Ending songnya bagus... Ushinawareta Aozora (The Lost Blue Sky).. I found myself looking forward to the ending bit so I can sing the song :D Luckily they have the kanji pronounciation (and the translation too) so it's like a karaoke.. hahaha.. :blush:

Saran: mendingan nonton animenya dulu baru baca novelnya. Kalo baca novelnya dulu baru nonton animenya, bawaannya angot terus kayak aku, karena banyak banget bagian penting yg ilang (e.g. dialog ttg hair-dye, ttg salaman, ttg manekin, etc etc).. ga terimaaaaaaaaaa... kalo baca novelnya belakangan, jadi bisa lebih appreciate novelnya karena ada banyak tambahan informasi..

Di novel, Jinto lebih keliatan 'useful & resourceful'. Di anime.. ngga begitu.. quite useless actually :p Conversation2 penting yg ada di novel yg menggambarkan hubungan mereka berdua jg banyak ilang di anime..

Tapiiiiiiiii... sekarang lagi nonton lanjutannya.. Seikai no Senki... bener kata Azzy, Senki lebih bagus (so far):D
Lebih banyak detail.. well aku belon baca novelnya sih, tapi walaupun latar belakang lebih banyak perangnya, hubungan antara Jinto & Lafiel tetap fokus. Aduh seneng banget... udah nonton sampe nomer 3..

I'm well and trully adicted :p

Azalae 29 Juli 2005 jam 3:30pm  

udah liat easter egg nya blom? episode terakhir abis ending song masih ada lanjutannya. ;)

me lebih suka lagu di seikai no senki 1. senki 2 malah lebih bagus lagi. something to look forward.

hey_sephia 29 Juli 2005 jam 3:49pm  

lagu seikai no senki 1 emang bagus jg.. tapi aku lebih suka yg monshou tuh..

hey_sephia 1 Agustus 2005 jam 2:17pm  

kemarin begitu temen pulang, langsung marathon nonton senki nomer 4 sampe 11.. :giggle:
downloadnya baru sampe nomer 11 sih.. coba udah dl lebih pasti nontonnya jg lebih :blush:
aduh seru banget yah.. dah gitu cliffhanger banget, next episode nomer 12 kayaknya bakalan seruuuuuuuu...

o ya di yg seri ini, koq pengantarnya yang pake bhs abh banyak yg sama2 yah.. jadi ffwd terus deh skrg kalo pas bagian itu..

btw si lafiel koq ga cemburuan yah? bayanganku abh bakal cemburuan..

pengantarnya yg pake bhs abh itu selalu reminds me of the beginning and the end of every episode of mahabharata (versi india). suaranya jg ampir2 sama gt.. :giggle:

Azalae 1 Agustus 2005 jam 2:33pm  

hmm kalo ga salah inget tiap episode prelude emang awalnya sama tapi belakangnya lain loh. fast forward beberapa detik aja to make sure, jangan semuanya.

lafiel kan dididik dan disiapin buat mimpin empire. ga lucu dong kalo dikit2 ngambek ato teriak2. rata2 abh lebih bisa nahan diri ga kebawa emosi.

hey_sephia 1 Agustus 2005 jam 2:37pm  

kalo monshou kan preludenya murni in abh. kalo senki kan ngga. ada in abh ada yg ngga. nah yg ngga emang baru, tapi yg in abh itu sama2..
sampe skrg seingetku aku cuma liat 3 versi doang in abh..

hey_sephia 4 Agustus 2005 jam 9:42pm  

My favourite part of the movie:

"I only have half your life span...But I'll be by your side as long as I can. Whether it be until the day you first ascend to the Jade throne...Or the until the day you disappear into plane space... I will be at your side... Lafiel!" (Jinto - Crest of the Star)

That's gotta be one of the most romantic thing I've ever heard... *saaaad...*

Azalae 4 Agustus 2005 jam 10:15pm  

senki 2 belakang2nya lebih sad lagi. :)

hey_sephia 8 Agustus 2005 jam 4:30pm  

ok dah tamaaaaaaatttt senki II.. haha.. cepet banget.. (ini gara2 speed downloading KSOTM: Thousand years love-nya slowwwwwww banget).

I really enjoy Jinto-Lafiel relationship.
Lafiel as a true Abh forces herself (and Jinto) to the limit. I bet if Jinto didn't meet Lafiel, he wouldn't have been able to finish his 'study'. Di Monshou aja diliatin dia ogah2an baca log. At the same time, Jinto provides her the reality check. It's the perfect and complete partnership. Saling membantu & saling melengkapi.

I wonder why waktu Jinto bilang dia mau stay behind sampe semua prisoners done, Lafiel ga ngelarang. He was acting like a hero (once again), and we all know that always lead to disaster :p
Why can't she be his reality check? *sigh*

Oh.. another favourite quotes from the series:
(this is from senki II)

"Abriels aren't supposed to cry, my precious Princess."


It's touching waktu Jinto disekap ama prisoners, prisonersnya pada ngomong ke sana kemari, yg ada di otak Jinto cuma kata2 terakhir Lafiel yg bilang, "Jinto, Abriels don't cry.. if I weren't an Abriel..." He just can't seem to stop thinking about her.
While the same thing was happening to Lafiel. They just saw the devastating state of Spoor's fleet, so many lives lost, yet all she cared about was the one life she left behind, Jinto's.
So sweeet and nicely done.

o ya itu credit di bagian awal, di monshou ga panjang2 banget. di senki I tambah panjang, di senki II panjang bangeeeeeeettttttt... :faint:

since all the Abriels are competing for becoming Empress/Emperor, does it mean both Lafiel and her brother (and her father for that matters), are all competing to the throne?

Azalae 8 Agustus 2005 jam 7:44pm  

dari tiap keluarga kayanya nominate cuma satu. yang tertua? the most able?

generasi lama ga compete lagi. begitu terpilih, yang kalah dari generasi itu mengundurkan diri. jadi special council, lupa namanya.

jadi tetua lah istilahnya di cerita silat.

hey_sephia 8 Agustus 2005 jam 7:45pm  

brarti papinya lafiel dah ga compete? why not?
kan yg empress neneknya??? :?

hey_sephia 22 Agustus 2005 jam 8:04pm  

"Were going to have to refuel before we get to Sufugnof. It'll take 30 minutes... (Jinto cuts in)Thirty minutes? Great! Time to grab a quick shower...and wash that royal stink off you! (Lafiel turns to Jinto) What was that Jinto? Did you say you wanted to die? because thirty minutes would be plenty of time for that too." (COTS)

"Jinto, tell me all about your plan to make Royal Harem. I do not like to be decieved." - Lafiel

"I will make him my world and will become his world." - Lafiel :wub: