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Azalae 7 Agustus 2005 jam 3:13pm  

gua pisah aja yah. thread yang pertama udah panjang banget. :giggle:

artist: BUCK-TICK
anime: Trinity Blood
title: Dress (Blood Trinity Mix)

artist: Tane Tomoko
anime: Trinity Blood
title: Broken Wings

Trinity Blood ED Lyrics
種ともこ Broken Wings

I know this will not remain forever
However it's beautiful
Your eyes, hands and your warm smile
They're my treasure
It's hard to forget
I wish there was a solution
Don't spend your time in confusion
I'll turn back now and spread

My broken wings
still strong enough to cross the ocean with
My broken wings
how far should I go drifting in the wind
Higher and higher in the light
My broken wings
still strong enough to cross the ocean with
My broken wings
how far should I go drifting in the wind
Across the sky, just keep on flying


Did I ever chain you down to my heart
'Cause I was afraid of you?
No, I couldn't hold any longer
Love is not a toy
Let go of me now
The time we spent is perpetual
Our future is not real
I'll leap into the air

My broken wings
still strong enough to cross the ocean with
My broken wings
how far should I go drifting in the wind
Higher and higher in the light
My broken wings
still strong enough to cross the ocean with
My broken wings
how far should I go drifting in the wind
Across the sky, just keep on flying

空から落ちてくるのは あれは雨ではなくて…

eeyore 23 Agustus 2005 jam 6:06am  

Fruits Basket - Teru Teru Momiji - versi instrumental,

Teru Teru Momiji - Onsen versi yg ada nyanyi nya

Teru Teru Momiji

Yuhi you yamani
Teru-Teru Momiji
Kaeru yatokage ga
Kon'nichi wa
Koi no arai
Tabu no ko umani
Yuhi you yamani
Teru-Teru Momiji
Kaeru yatokage ga
Kon'nichi wa

English Translation

Sunset on the Mountain
Come out Come Momiji
Frogs and Lizards say
Koi and red herring
Looks like a horse
Sunset on the Mountain
Come out Come Momiji
Frogs and Lizards say

Kata2 nya ga ada makna krn emg karangan mendadak dari si Momiji... :giggle:

yinyeksin 24 Agustus 2005 jam 10:24am  

tin, yang ada suara kok gak bisa di dl yah :? kalo yang instrumental gak nyoba, tapi kalo yang ada nyanyian malah muncul ini:

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bisa re-upload gak ke download section?

#4 avatar
sawamura 10 Oktober 2005 jam 10:25pm  

Fruit Basket donk... hehehe lagi agresif nih... baru getol donlot n nyari2 lagu anime juga, please buat yang punya di share yah :p

eeyore 11 Oktober 2005 jam 5:47am  

sawamura emg bisa dl ta kamu? I mean di dl section gettoooo... klu bisa aku uplot disana..

#6 avatar
sawamura 22 Oktober 2005 jam 9:19am  

gmn caranya? aku coba donlot tapi nda pernah bisa :( kasii linknya aja deh... lebih praktis :p

#7 avatar
sawamura 9 November 2005 jam 1:44pm  

ada yang punya ost-nya naruto nda? selain Go, harukakanata n harumonia. yang Wind ama lainnya deh.... Thx alot b4

eeyore 9 November 2005 jam 2:13pm  

sorry sawamura baru tau km respon disini :p... aku uplot di mega uplot neh... cm ada 2 lagu nya..

Aisubeki Ashita

Momiji - Onsen

o iya ini Furuba...

ada sih album nya tp semuanya instrumental ga tll napsuin


bluenectar 11 April 2006 jam 3:59pm  

tin bisa uplot naruto-nya lagi ga hihi itu juga kalo ga ngerepotin loh hihi makasih yah tina hihi

eeyore 11 April 2006 jam 4:22pm  

emg pernah aku uplot ta? yg mana yah? ....:?

bluenectar 13 April 2006 jam 8:41am  

:? yang diatas postingan gw itu bukannya maksud elo uplot ost-nya naruto tin ?

eeyore 13 April 2006 jam 9:27am  

bukan, itu furuba... :p

bluenectar 13 April 2006 jam 10:35am  

weks...ada yg punya ga yah ???