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hey_sephia 2 September 2005 jam 2:29pm  

I am probably the only one in this forum who likes cricket :p so I'm not expecting a lot of reply for this thread, but if you do know what I'm talking about then please do :D

I think England is going to win this Ashes, they've turned out to be a very good team. With exceptional bowlers like Harmison (:wub:), Flintoff and Hoggard, they've become very strong. If only their batting is as good as their bowling (it's not too bad, though, but not as good as their bowling department), I personally think they'll be unbeatable, just like Australia was a few years ago.

Next world cup will be in OUR HANDS .. :dance:

Lose you aussies.. although Brett Lee is my favourite cricket player (for the obvious reason), the rest Australian team are whingers. The English team, when they lose, they just go to the pub, get drunk and forget all about it the next day. The aussies, it's been a week since their last game, and I can still hear them complain about everything.. get a grip and move on :p

But Brett Lee is good though. :wub: His bowling is fast, accurate and one of the best in the world, and he's certainly got very good attitude. The best player there is!! :D Did I mention he's tall and handsome?

ToOn99 2 September 2005 jam 2:37pm  

What a boring game !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Azalae 2 September 2005 jam 5:06pm  

setuju ama toni emang neh boring. gua pernah coba liat sekali. berapa menit udah mau ketiduran.

hey_sephia 2 September 2005 jam 5:34pm  

ya musti mudeng dulu dong baru bisa seneng..

Jojon 3 September 2005 jam 2:35pm  

Gamenya aneh.. ngga ngerti, tapi pas di company lama, temen2 gue pas pertandingan cricket india vs pakistan , banyak yg tau2 cuti sakit :roflmao:

#6 avatar
oeyyong 3 September 2005 jam 6:36pm beberapa hari ini jadi ngikutin cricket abisnya ngga isa kemana2 :((:(( rada mirip2 baseball gitu kan pake innings2 segala terus lari2 :lmao:...keren juga sih kalo liat yg spinner kaya si shane warne gitu kalo dapet wicket :D:D bolanya bisa melintir2