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hey_sephia 6 September 2005 jam 1:44am  

OK I don't like to be the baddy, but I have to bring this topic up for attention.

In my opinion, reviews are personal opinions about something. It's NOT the summary of the film, and certainly NOT summary of the film TAKEN from other source. This is called 'copying' and definitely not a 'review'.

If there is no opinion to be said about the film, then i think it should be put in the KATALOG/CATALOGUE section.

If it's only for giving new film information, then there's a place for it in the forum. Won't take a minute to find it.

Let's not swamp the review section with useless information. Reviews are for us to know whether the 'what being reviewed' is good or bad according to the reviewer, not to read some copy-paste job from other websites.

Lack of reviews is anyday better than a collection of brilliant copy-paste jobs.

If unclear about what reviews should look like, then look around, look at previous reviews, in this or other websites.

OK.. calm down now .. :sweat:

#2 avatar
oeyyong 6 September 2005 jam 7:09am  

relagg mon relagg :p :rofl2::rofl2: :D:D relag one corner! :rofl2:

Azalae 6 September 2005 jam 4:05pm  

biar pada jelas semua, review harus buatan sendiri. boleh dicopy dari site lain, asal itu buatan sendiri. harus dibuktikan sih kalo copy bahwa bukan tulisan orang lain.

bikin review bagus emang ga gampang. makanya ga diminta harus panjang lebar lengkap sampe jutaan kata. juga ga harus diwarnai banyak gambar menarik. ga harus setuju dengan pendapat gua ato anggota lain (kan pendapat masing2).

yang penting tulisan sendiri. review kan pendapat sendiri. ;)

kalo nemu review tulisan orang lain yang bagus dan pengen kasih tau temen2 di sini, bisa ditulis di forum. :)

#4 avatar
oeyyong 6 September 2005 jam 5:47pm  

well said :D:D:D

#5 avatar
ririn 1 Februari 2006 jam 8:14pm  

moga-moga review g gak nyalahin aturan, kalo butut maaf dengan sangat ya :sorry: