
Post 3 dari 28 dalam Idiots & Driving

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hey_sephia 5 September 2005 jam 9:43pm  

Hmm.. i only used my honk once since i started driving here.
It was when I was going to turn into a road, some chinese students were crossing the road. Bukannya cepet2 ke sisi jalan, malah mandeg di tengah2 jalan, ngobrol!!!!!!!!
seriously, ngobrol!!!!!!!

Akhirnya ga betah, honk deh..
move away you &*^*&^%!!!!
eh dia kaget.. baru nyadar kalo masi di tengah2 jalan.. :o

trus jengkel mukanya kenapa koq aku ngehonk.. LOH :o

anyway.. use your honk to express your emotions :D It helps :D

Kalo cuma pull out di depanku mendadak aku biasanya kasi hand gesture.. tangan naik ke atas gitu.. with all fingers up, of course :p

"Maksudnya bagaimana sih mas?? minta ditabrak??"