
Post 54 dari 206 dalam E Zuo Ju Zhi Wen (It Started With A Kiss)

HomeForumOriental FilmsE Zuo Ju Zhi Wen (It Started With A Kiss)Post-28250

#54 avatar
hey_sephia 15 Mei 2006 jam 7:44pm  

omg ep 19 is da bestttttttttttt.. :wub:

XQ: what happened between me and ah jin has nothing to do with you.. *trus lari sambil bawa payung*
*ZS ngejar, ketangkep, of course. baru bbrp langkah jg.*
ZS: how can it have nothing to do with me? the one you like is me, you can't like ayone else
XQ: you're always full of confidence. - yes yes. the one i like is you. but what can i do you don't like me at all :cry::cry:

then he kissed her :kiss:

oh udah aku rewind brp kali ini yaaaaaaaaaaaa.. mau dong di kiss ama bryan.. :kiss:

XQ: this is the second time u kiss me
ZS: it's actually the third

:giggle: yes yes it's the third!!! :dance:

trus pas si ZS ngomong ama papinya XQ juga seru bangetttttt.. kata2nya si ZS bikin terharu..
omg.. maminya ZS semangat banget bawa2 video segala.. :faint:

trus djes.. itu pas di ranjang si ZS bilang dia baru tau hari ini kenapa koq tiap kali liat XQ dia kayak lost control. ternyata karena XQ lah dia found himself. soooo.. he wasn't sure beforeeee that he loves XQ.
we all know, but he doesn't :p