
Post 59 dari 206 dalam E Zuo Ju Zhi Wen (It Started With A Kiss)

HomeForumOriental FilmsE Zuo Ju Zhi Wen (It Started With A Kiss)Post-28309

#59 avatar
hey_sephia 17 Mei 2006 jam 7:09am  

grrr cathyyy!!!!!! :cry::cry:

btw aku lagi download yg nomer 11 part 2 di youtube.. ternyata kemarin lusa direupload.. :dance:

juga lagi dl NG'snya & iswak special di youtube jg .. :D

i'm officially obsessedddddd.. need help .. :doctor:

o yaaaa.. i'm still arguing the case that shi zhu doesn't know he loved xq:

ep terakhir:
waktu dicekik ama ah jin di restoran, ah jin tereak2, have you ever feel in love, feeling afraid.. etc..shi zhu jawab pernah... ah jin nanya sejak kapan. zhi shu bilang sejak kamu propose ke xiang qin.
trus zs bilang i'm sorry ah jin but i cannot give xiang qin to you..


seee.. he did not knowwww!!!! dia baru tau sejak itu..
sebelumnya dia cuma ngerasa kalo di hadapan xq dia lost control gt..

i'm still giggling.. effect from watching the last ep last night.. :giggle:
i couldn't stop giggling when i watch it.. :giggle: