
Post 6 dari 19 dalam The Best Soundtracks

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blueberry 17 Desember 2003 jam 9:03am  

1. She - Elvis Costello
2. When You Say Nothing At All - Ronan Keating
3. I don't want to miss a thing - Aerosmith
4. How Can I Not Love You - Joy Enriquez
5. Street of Philadelphia - Bruce Springteen
6. My Heart Will Go On - Celine Dion
7. There You'll Be - Faith Hill
8. At The Beginning - Richard Marx
9. OST Gladiator yg instrumental (suka denger pas acara figure skating :D)

Yg film series :
1. OSTnya Endless Love
2. OST Winter Sonata
3. OST All About Eve (True Love + You Can't Say)
4. OST The Breaking Point
5. OST Ordinary People (True Love)
6. OST Kabut Cinta

Yg wuxia :
1. LOCH 82 + ROCH 83 + HSDS 86 (classic)
2. Ending song LOCH 03 + HSDS 02
3. Fen Fei - SOD 2000
4. DGSD 97
5. Flying Fox 99 opening song

andrea : ini daftar favorite gue yaa....bukan bener2 yg the best dlm artian emang super keren lagunya....cuman the best buat gue aja :D