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#46 avatar
ansari 9 Januari 2007 jam 10:42am  

Aku baca summary novel lanjutannya di, katanya ceritanya agak aneh (bukan ciri khas Gu Long), karena sebagian besar memang bukan ditulis oleh Gu Long. Silakan baca sendiri nih:

Summary of Bai Yu Diao Long (Sequel of White Jade Tiger - Bai Yu Lao Hu)

Novel by Gu Long (mostly written by Zhong Suimei, Summary translation by Yufeng

The sequel is long completed. It is name White Jade Dragon, written by Ding Qing for Gulong.

Zhao Wuji identity is discovered by the Xichua Tangmen and he has to flee. What follows are more plot twists and traps set by Tang Ao, who leads Zhao Wuji to find a White Jade Dragon that set up Shangguan Ren who has Wuji going after Shangguan Ren's life. Unknown to all,
Shangguan is actually Zhao Wuji real father who undergo cometic surgury lol and he takes over the identity of Shangguan Ren. The real Shangguan Ren was the one that have his head gone.
The final epic have Tang Ao and Wuji duel and at the last moments, Tang Ao was assasinated and the entire Tangmen wipe out by a third party force that shocked Wuji as well. (Remember the rich man who entertained Wuji in White Jade Tiger? He has meet the zombie master each year in exchange for a antidote, in return he clears the zombie master accupoints.)
Tang Ao tricked the rich man by giving him fake poison and when he dies, it was revealed why he is so rich, he is actually the displaced heir to a gone empire. And his numerous followers who are all top exponents exterminated the entire Xichua Tangmen in reliation^^;