Post 10 dari 28 dalam Fill this in your spare time ^o^
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#10 | ![]() |
20 Agustus 2007 jam 8:54am
males bikin thread baru.. lagi iseng 1. The phone rings, who do you want it 2. When shopping at the grocery store, 3. If you had to kiss the last person 4. Do you take compliments well? 5. Do you play Sudoku? 6. If abandoned alone in the 7. If your house were on fire, what 8. Who was the last person you slept 9. Who do you text the most? 10. Favorite children book? 11. Eye color? 12. How tall are you? 13. If you could do it over again, 15. When was the last time you were at 16. Favorite ex..? 17. where's 17?? 18. Do you like mustard? 19. Do you prefer to sleep or eat? 21. Do you miss anyone? 22. Can you do splits? 23. What movie do you want to see 24. What did you do for New Years Eve? 25. Do you think The Grudge was crappy? 26. Do you own a camera phone? 27. Are you a cheerleader? 28. Whats the last letter of your 29. Are you hispanic? 31. Do you like care bears? 32. What do you buy at the Movies? 33. Do you know how to play poker? 34. Do you wear your seatbelt? 35. What do you wear to sleep? 36. Anything big ever happen in your 37. Is your hair straight or curly? 38. Is your tongue pierced? 39. Do you like Liver and Onions? 40. Do you like funny or serious 41. Ever been to L.A.? 42. Who is on your mind right now? 43.any plans 4 tonight? 44. Whats your fav. song at the moment? 45. Do you hate chocolate? 46. What do you and your parents fight 47. Are you a gullible person? 48. Do you need a boyfriend/girlfriend 49. If you could have any job what 50. Are you easy to get along with? 51. What is your favorite time of day? 52. Are you generally a happy person? |