
Post 7 dari 22 dalam What've u learned from the movies u recently watched ?

HomeForumOccidental FilmsWhat've u learned from the movies u recently watched ?Post-8226

#7 avatar
yinyeksin 6 Juli 2004 jam 4:15pm  

Fatbrain menulis:
"Go on the Stage":

...your eyes are my favourite stars, and
your cheeks are the sunshine that illuminates me...

If it's going to happen, it is going to happen..there is nothing I can do...

agree with et :D

"Beautiful Life" --> Hidup bukan hanya sekedar hidup ada hal-hal yang harus kita isi untuk membuat hidup ini lebih berarti, apalagi kita tidak dapat mengetahui kapan hidup kita akan berakhir. Janganlah cepat berputus asa, hadapilah segala problema hidup dengan ketegaran.