
Post 2 dari 12 dalam DIE WITHOUT REGRETS

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#2 avatar
Temujin 28 Juli 2004 jam 9:05pm  

Mine :

1) Eat the best food prepared by the best Chef at the best restaurant in the world, drink the best wine, and seat with the most loved person in my life

2) Take a year or two off and travel around the world without concerns about money

3) Establish my own highly profitable company, comprising of several business units

4) Have my name recorded for inventing/creating/conquering/developing/solving/executing/accomplishing a task/mission/theory/product/method/systems/problem for the greater cause of life/human being/world/future

5) Being able to speak 8 different language interchangably - Mandarin (Chinese), English, French, Japanese, Italian, Indonesian (Malay), Spanish, Hindi, and Arabic

6) Ferrari, Lamborghini, Bugatti, Aston Martin

7) Fly to the moon and back

8) One-on-One air dog-fight with F22 Raptors, F15C Strike Eagle, Rafael, or Tornado

9) Watch the World Cup Final seating at the front seat

10) To love and be loved by someone completely :)