Home → Forum → General discussions → Cities around the World and what you love (hate) about them
#1 | ![]() |
5 Januari 2004 jam 9:46pm
Okay, let's discuss about any cities around the world and what you love (or hate) about them, one condition though, you ABSOLUTELY MUST have visited the city you are talking about. |
#2 | ![]() |
5 Januari 2004 jam 10:35pm
Jakarta My Hometown. I love the food, you can practically eat any types of food from the archipelago here, although they are not as authentic as the original provinces but they're closed enough. The food is one of the best in the world, if you appreciate spices, chillies, and varieties. But you MUST be a true Foodie to appreciate the cuisines, in other words you must have a tough stomach since they're not the most hygene as the good stuff are often found on the sidewalks of the streets/avenues and you must be quite adventurous with your food preferences Most of my friends, relatives and family are in Jakarta. I love the nightlife. Jakarta is a very secretive city, you really have to know where to go and whom to hang out with, if you don't know anyone and clueless about the city, it will seem to be boring, but it actually offers 24 hours of nonstop actions and mind-blowing entertainment. Don't forget that everything is cheap. I mean dirt cheap, especially after the currency and Asian crisis. Another thing I love is the lifestyle, you don't need to be a Millionaire (like in the US) to have maids, gardeners, drivers, chefs. What I hate is the traffic. It's really bad, almost comparable if not worst than Bangkok, Manila, and Mexico City. It almost takes 1-2 hours just to travel anywhere in the city, especially during rush hours and the deterioting security and safety issues, plus the unstable political concerns which could lead to sporadic regional and full-blown confrontation between civillians and the police/military and at times religious groups. But I guess that's what makes it exciting.[/img] |
#3 | ![]() |
5 Januari 2004 jam 11:04pm
Singapore One of the only city state (country) in the world. I enjoy the food, although not as much as New York City, HongKong, Tokyo and/or Paris. The world-famous Singaporean Chilly Crabs and Hainan Chicken Rice should be enough to keep you visiting the country. And to most Indonesians and other South East Asians, it's a bustling metropolitan city in its own rights in the middle of much larger South East Asian countries. It offers great entertainment and a shopping heavens to most. The famous Orchird Road and numerous malls and shopping areas, higher medical standard than its neighboring countries, higher standard of living, the best airport and airlines in the world, the cleanest country in the world, the multi-lingual, highly educated English speaking citizens are really its main magnet and competitive advantages. Love to go to Singapore for 2-3 days but not more. Sorry, after living in Jakarta, LA, New York and other great cities with more energy and excitement, I just feel that Singapore, being a highly regulated and full of 100% law abiding citizens, where you can't even buy gums and cameras track every movement you make, I just feel that Singapore is not that exciting anymore. Once you make experience Tokyo, HongKong, New York, LA, Paris, London, and Jakarta, I get bored after 2-3 days there. As soon as I hit the good restaurants and clubs/bars around Mohammad-Sultan and Zook, I really don't want to be there anymore. If I want to shop, I'd rather fly to Hongkong/Tokyo/Shanghai in Asia. And would rather pay a little bit more to shop in Paris/Milan/New York. |
#4 | ![]() |
5 Januari 2004 jam 11:40pm
Tokyo One of the oldest where the Japanese culture and history are still retained in the middle of the ever-growing, modernized high-rises of downtown Tokyo. I love every single bit of Tokyo. The people are mostly very friendly and knowing how the Japanese culture are with their cute, lovey-dovey products and notoriously rebellious Gen-X young generation with their colored hairs and platform shoes, Tokyo offers a unique world-class city that cannot be discovered anywhere else. The food is also another experience. If you love Seafood, you will realize that in Tokyo and throughout major cities in Japan, you are to find the freshest and number one quality seafood products anywhere in the world, especially if you like to eat raw food. It's the closest place to Heaven for food The nightlife is also very feisty, fun, rejuvenating and most of all, unique to other cities. You will find all kinds of ridiculiously unthinkable crowds with out-of-this-world fashion statements. The clubs offers tremendous non-stop hard-core entertainment for as long as you have the energy to party. But on the other hand, Tokyo offers the the total opposite of this, the soft-side of the city, places of serenity, quiet, and for the peaceful of hearts. Tokyo will excite you with its nightlife, bars, shops, and restaurants, but it will also give you its a culture, the Japanese's thrists for perfection and serenity. I always go home smiling everytime I visited Tokyo. The only thing that makes me frown is my wallet, because Tokyo is also a very very very very... (notice 4 x) expensive city if you want to enjoy it to the fullest. |
#5 | ![]() |
6 Januari 2004 jam 3:13am
Los Angeles The best place in the West Coast of United States. It won over San Francisco and Seattle in my book because although Seattle is beautiful and San Francisco is picturesque and romantic, LA has more intensity and depth. The cultural diversity is amazing and the city spreads out from South to North, and East to West, offering tons of distinctive pockets of ethic-specific educational and entertaining cultural excitement. The city also offers the closest thing to Asia in terms of food authenticity. There are tons of awesome Indonesian restaurants. LA is also well-known for great Korean, Chinese, Japanese and Vietnamese restaurants, not to mention there are great Californian and Mexican restaurants. If you are into the night life scenes, then the city is to die for in the West Coast of US. There are tons of new clubs and underground clubs. For shoppers, there are many famous shopping areas and malls, among others the glamorous Rodeo Drive. It's a heaven for people who love fast cars and enjoy driving; well, at night that is, since the traffic are pretty discouraging and congestions are everyday life in LA Superhighways. The traffic is frustating at times, but nowhere near the level of Jakarta, Manila or Bangkok. LA offers variety but you really have to drive from one point to another, and if you have to eat, to shop, and to enjoy the nightscenes, the famous beaches, the sunny California weather, the glamorous lifestyle in Beverly Hills, and the constant opportunities to spot famous Hollywood celebrities then this city is for you. |
#6 | ![]() |
6 Januari 2004 jam 5:32am
Prague wins my heart. And Seattle. LA will never win my list due to No-Enviromental Friendly City. |
#7 | ![]() |
6 Januari 2004 jam 5:36am
And my personal favorite Town... Delft. Maastricht |
#8 | ![]() |
6 Januari 2004 jam 5:37am
And despite of bad image overall.. Krakow is far better city in Eatern Europe. |
#9 | ![]() |
6 Januari 2004 jam 6:12am
Vancouver : when I went there, the weather was so nice....I just felt comfortable there. Swiss : beautiful...old but pretty. Tokyo : just love the city + Tokyo Disneyland Orlando : Disneyworld Honolulu : hmm..dunno why...maybe just because I had good times there w/ my cousins. HK : food & shopping.... Nenek : my dad also loves Seattle. Foe me, Seattle didn't leave any impression....so I assume nothing special there. |
#10 | ![]() |
6 Januari 2004 jam 9:26am
OO... Blueberry, That is too bad. Seattle actually is a heaven for enviromentalist like I am.. also if you are Microsofty.. Hope you come to Seattle when it is blue sky with beautiful olympic mountains. City I dislike: Paris: due to personal reason, it is more of love hate city to me. |
#11 | ![]() |
Chan Cao
6 Januari 2004 jam 10:44am
Waks! Gue suka sekali topik beginian! Perasaan Temu pernah bikin thread serupa di spc induk kan? Gue demen. Yang ini masih kurang tuh reviewnya! Gue nggak terlalu banyak bepergian (meskipun pingin, maklum setahun cuma dapet cuti 12 hari yang dipotong cuti massal 5 hari, jadi tinggal 7 hari. Bisa ke mana aja cuma punya 7 hari??? Lho kok jadi curhat...) 1. Jakarta: 2. Bandung: 3. Sukabumi-Tasikmalaya: 4. Singapura: 5. Manila: 6. Bangkok: 7. Sydney: 8. Melbourne, Aussie: 9. Gold Coast: 10. Brisbane: 11. Tokyo: 12. Yokohama: 13. Kyoto: 14. Seoul: 15. Cheju Island: Dari semua list di atas, gue paling suka Sydney dan Yokohama. Pingin pergi ke: Frankfurt dan Bologna (aduuuh, moga2 bisa ke 2 kota itu, jangan Tokyo melulu!), Amsterdam, London, Swiss, Canada (lihat Buchart Garden). |
#12 | ![]() |
6 Januari 2004 jam 1:34pm
Kota2 yg gua pergi lagi kecil ato udah lama kaga pergi kaya Hong Kong, Seoul, Taipei, Bangkok gitu mah kaga banyak impression-nya. Kota2 Asia yg ninggalin impression buat gua aja deh... 1. Jakarta 2. Singapore 3. Tokyo 4. Kyoto 5. Osaka 6. China Kalo ada duit, gua bilang paling enak tinggal di Tokyo... kalo nyari duit, udah deh, paling sip di Jakarta aja... |
#13 | ![]() |
6 Januari 2004 jam 2:35pm
gue kirain si Shiro da keliling 1/2 dunia Jakarta: Singapore: Johor Baru: Sydney: Gold Coast: Perisher Blue: dah. Sedikit yah rencana taon ini: Melbourne (mo liat 12 Apostle di Great Ocean Road) mao nya pergi ke: Cairn buat diving (brani ga yah... ) sama ke mo NY, SF, HK. ga serakah segitu dulu deh... |
#14 | ![]() |
Chan Cao
6 Januari 2004 jam 3:02pm
Shiro, toilet umum China memang notorious gitu. Tapi denger2 dari guide langganan gue, justru sekarang saat yang bagus buat ke China, soalnya mereka lagi sibuk bersih2 buat Olimpiade. Hem hem, kapan nyasar ke China ya... Temen gue kalo ke sana sampe sebulan gitu lho, asyik banget... |
#15 | ![]() |
6 Januari 2004 jam 8:35pm
Okay more Chicago It's caled 'The Windy City.' As you might have already guessed, it's always windy, freezing and cold. The only time of the year where I can fully enjoy Chicago is during the Summer time. This city is famous for its Chicago-style Pizza (you know the thick-crusted ones) and Jazz off course (New Orleans is another one for Jazz). And not to forget Chicago is filled up with tons of architectural marvels, you can find many impressive landmarks around the city. I love Chicago because of its Michael Jordan and Chicago Bulls when they were at the top of their game many years ago. Other than that, I just hate its weather to the bones. I always feel miserable whenever I am in Chicago abut 8 months of the year. I can enjoy it in the Summer but it gets boring pretty fast too. I know that Michigan Ave is nice, but I still like New York's Fifth Avenue or LA's Rodeo Drive better. |
#16 | ![]() |
6 Januari 2004 jam 8:55pm
Boston One of the oldest town in America that developed into a large city. Every single street, corner, intersection, park and building is embellished with a bit of American history. If you love American history, this is the place to go. America started from here. While the city is obviously not a Mega-Metropolitan like New York, Los Angeles, Chicago or San Francisco, it is a very beautiful city. Whenever I get bored with all the 24/7 action going on in New York, I always drive up or take 4-hour bus ride to Boston. The city is very relaxing and it's an awesome getaway from the bustling New York for the weekend. Just take a walk around the Commons, Newburry St or Quincy Market, you will feel relax. Boston is home to the famous sitcom CHEERS, the Boston Redsox (Not as great as our New York Yankees off course), New England Patriots, and off course, the legendary Basketball legend Larry Bird who played for Boston Celtics. Along with its history, there are many things that come from here, the most famous one is the New England Claw Chowder soup. Bostonians are famous for their Seafood. The city is filled with College Students. The best Universities in the US are located in the Boston/Cambridge area. To name a few : Harvard, MIT, Boston College, Boston University, Babson University, Bentley University. You will find the nightlife scenes very happening and the crowd are young, mostly middle-class and up and yes, many Indonesians go to school here. What I hate is the cold weather during the winter time and I don't see myself living there for more than a couple days, it's too quiet for me, I love HongKong and New York better. |
#17 | ![]() |
6 Januari 2004 jam 8:58pm
Kota yg paling dicintai? Jakarta dong... soalnya ada nyokap, bokap, ade, sodara, temen, pembokat, kue lapis, dendeng balado, soto babat, sate, etc., etc... Kota paling tercantik banget sedunia (hehehe...): PARIS!!!!!!! Buktinya? Kota paling byk dikunjungin sedunia, sampe2 turisnya lbh banyak dr penduduknya... Yg kasihan adl kl org pergi ke Paris en ngelihat 'tempat turis' ky Champs Elyssee, Disneyland, en spent 5 minutes di Louvre. (itu udah cukup u lihat ONLY Monalisa, Wings of Victory and Venus de Milo katanya) doang. Doh, itu mah... Pokoke siapa yg ke Paris, bilang gue yah, ntar gue ajak discover Paris as seen from the local's eyes... Kl di Asia.... hmmm, gue suka Nagoya. |
#18 | ![]() |
6 Januari 2004 jam 9:58pm
San Francisco The most romantic city in the US, the city is basically rows and rows of hills, and in the evening, you often see the clouds are below the city and sometimes you could also see the heavenly Golden Gate bridge covered up with fogs and mysts which is a majestic sight. The city becomes even better if you go there with your loved one. There are many spots to visit and feel romantic. 'Twin Peaks' is one of them. It's basically on the top of the tallest hill in the city, if you go there at night, you can see the whole San Francisco, Berkeley, the Golden Gate Bridge, and many others. The view is just amazing. Not to mention other scenic places around San Francisco, Sausalito, Pacifica and Highway 1 alone will melt your heart away. Then off course, there are tons of good Asian restaurants here, including Indonesian, Japanese and good Chinese food. It's Chinatown used to be the largest in the US but now New York City has surpassed that, but still when you are in San Francisco you feel like you are in Asia sometimes. You can also visit Union Square for some shopping and to see how bustling the city is. The weather is nice all year long, not too hot and not too cold, and most of the time, the chilly wind blows during the evening. I used to live here for several months, and I enjoyed every single minute of it, but I know that if I do live there for more than 3 months, I will get bored since all the bars, clubs, and lounges closes pretty early and I went to almost every single restaurant, bar, club, cafe, and lounge out there. But hey, to some people, romantic people, San Francisco just don't go away. That's why there's a famous song 'I left My Heart in San Francisco.' |
#19 | ![]() |
6 Januari 2004 jam 10:30pm
1/2 dunia?? itu mah rencana 5 taon lagi... Wah, kalo china lagi beberesan, bener kudu pergi sekarang yah... cuma ketemu satu case SARS lagi di sono, jadi kali oktober baru bisa pergi... sekalian liat pameran di Guangzhou... Lanjutan nih... tadi Asia, sekarang Europe, Africa sama America... kemarin ini pas pergi sih liat banyak kota, cuma yg paling impress gua yah cuma yg ini... 7. Madrid 8. Seville 9. Salamanca 10. Amsterdam 11. Marakkesh 12. Casablanca 13. San Fransisco 14. New York 15. Orlando 16. Las Vegas Kota2 yg lain kaga terlalu berkesan buat gua, mirip2 aja... ntar kalo udah visit kota2 lain deh baru nambahin... |
#20 | ![]() |
Chan Cao
7 Januari 2004 jam 9:42am
Floo.. menulis:Eh mau dong Flooou... ![]() ![]() ![]() Floo.. menulis:Gue blom sempet mampir ke sana. Tapi temen gue ngamuk2 lantaran sekarang Garuda menghapus rute Jkt-Nagoya sampe batas waktu tak ditentukan. |