What did you do this weekend?

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Temujin 23 Juli 2004 jam 8:27am  

work... work... work....

#42 avatar
Fatbrain 23 Juli 2004 jam 9:23am  

Temujin menulis:
work... work... work....
kerja terus tiap hari termasuk weekend yah?...:?...:think:

eeyore 26 Juli 2004 jam 5:49am  

ke rumah sakit sabtu minggu... :no:

#44 avatar
Fatbrain 26 Juli 2004 jam 6:52am  

eeyore menulis:
ke rumah sakit sabtu minggu... :no:
I hope....gak terlalu serious tin!

eeyore 26 Juli 2004 jam 7:24am  

Fatbrain menulis:
eeyore menulis:
ke rumah sakit sabtu minggu... :no:
I hope....gak terlalu serious tin!
not for me deh... my friend. :D

#46 avatar
Fatbrain 26 Juli 2004 jam 9:49pm  

Had a family's gathering.....alot of food & fun...:)

Nenek 30 Juli 2004 jam 2:52am  

Temujin menulis:
work... work... work....
HAHA.. Sux to be you! :))

Oh, I am going to play tennis this weekend. I can hardly wait.:angel::ballet: So many things to do.. I live for weekend.

#48 avatar
andrea7974 30 Juli 2004 jam 11:16am  

visiting a friend and go to computer expo.
stay at my friend's house and party on the next day.

eeyore 2 Agustus 2004 jam 5:40am  

Chinese District Convention, hardly understand a thing, but really enjoy the athmosphere
The usual activity + watching movies with friends.. I, Robot so kewl...

Azalae 9 Agustus 2004 jam 11:13am  

puyenggggggggg. banyak banget kerjaan. lampu mati (again!) untung cuma beberapa detik. nyala lagi tapi lampu redup, kurang power. :o couple of hours later balik normal. tapi hardware ngaco semua. :(

netcomm 1300 (dsl modem) gua ancur deh. di-reset malah macet ga jalan sama sekali. netcomm paaayyyyyaaaahhhhhhhh. gua saranin jangan beli deh. banyak banget yang bilang bermasalah. ternyata bener deh. made in china.

beli d-link 302G welehhh out of box ga jalan. utak atik ngikutin manual persis malah macet. aiyoooo. udah mau gua balikin coba sekali lagi besoknya eehh malah jalan. :o again, made in china.

duuuhhhhh barang jaman sekarang made in china semua. yes cheap but very poor quality. arrrghhhh. my linksys router is very sturdy, made in taiwan. can see the difference straight away. uuuhhh got to be careful with products made in china.

Jojon 9 Agustus 2004 jam 11:17am  

produk china kan gitu systemnya, pake rusak buang, ngga ada istilah benerin, soalnya biaya reparasinya lebih mahal daripada beli baru :D

Azalae 9 Agustus 2004 jam 11:53am  

wah kapok deh. emang kadang ga worth it beli mahal kalo yang murah udah cukup. tapi adakalanya qualitas lebih penting dari harga. lagian beli murah tapi rusak kan sama aja buang duit. mending mahalan dikit tapi pasti jalan.

eeyore 9 Agustus 2004 jam 12:03pm  

sabtu, the usual in the morning, terus siangnya ke the Rock n Harbour Bridge anter adenya Op, terus sorenya ketemuan di China town mo ke party. sakit pala euy.. telat makan.... abis tu plg, nonton vcd, sakit pala tambah parah deh

minggu bangun masih headache, tetep pergi. Untung pergi :wub: ga sia2 he,he,he... sayang ga sempet ngapain2, plg sore nonton n knitting, surpisingly selesai satu ball lagi, yes! ball ke 3.. eh td pagi kesiangan gara2 tidur jam 12.30 :p

#54 avatar
Fatbrain 16 Agustus 2004 jam 11:32am  

Sabtu: pagi2 sightseeing London - udah lama juga penghabisan kesini. Lunch di Thai resto di Soho. Terus shopping ke Harrods di knightbridge sampe sore lalu dinner di Thai resto dalem Harrods.

Minggu: di plane balik ke my-home-sweet-home :)

eeyore 16 Agustus 2004 jam 11:45am  

ed!!!! :hug: miss you bro... how's the hols? photo dong..

ToOn99 16 Agustus 2004 jam 1:27pm  

eeyore menulis:
ed!!!! :hug: miss you bro... how's the hols? photo dong..
now I am confused, ed is a boy ? or a girl ?

yinyeksin 16 Agustus 2004 jam 4:32pm  

sometimes et can be a boy sometimes can be a girl too :D confused :?

Azalae 16 Agustus 2004 jam 5:15pm  

hermaphrodite? :o

Jojon 16 Agustus 2004 jam 9:55pm  

Hectic day... this week also will be busy :(

#60 avatar
Fatbrain 16 Agustus 2004 jam 10:19pm  

eeyore menulis:
ed!!!! :hug: miss you bro... how's the hols? photo dong..
...miss you too sis!!...:kiss2:
It was a very very nice trip.:yes::yes: