What did you do this weekend?

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yinyeksin 30 Agustus 2004 jam 11:12am  

pepe haliwell menulis:
yinyeksin menulis:
iya deh, et diralat cuma pepe belum bisa diralat nih...habis belum jelas sih :rofl:
Dewi manis...... :flirt: Jangan ikut ikutan tin tin donk :flirt: Ralat dikit aja yah..:kiss: :flirt:
duhhhhh...pepe, kalo ada maunya aja...:D:D:D

#82 avatar
Fatbrain 30 Agustus 2004 jam 11:22am  

Wi....kita dah ketemu ...jadi gua udah jelas banget yah!!!:grin::grin:

yinyeksin 30 Agustus 2004 jam 11:39am  

iya donk et, kalo gak jelas juga ntar saya bisa ditimpukin kamu lagi :D:D:D

#84 avatar
Fatbrain 30 Agustus 2004 jam 12:10pm  

yinyeksin menulis:
iya donk et, kalo gak jelas juga ntar saya bisa ditimpukin kamu lagi :D:D:D
duhhhh...wi..gak mungkin nimpukin kamu dong..:hug:

yinyeksin 30 Agustus 2004 jam 12:23pm  

Fatbrain menulis:
yinyeksin menulis:
iya donk et, kalo gak jelas juga ntar saya bisa ditimpukin kamu lagi :D:D:D
duhhhh...wi..gak mungkin nimpukin kamu dong..:hug:
aduh...et emang baik deh :hug:

#86 avatar
Fatbrain 31 Agustus 2004 jam 5:44am  


#87 avatar
Fatbrain 14 September 2004 jam 8:40am  

....got back from Asia..:)
...stayed @ home....jetlag!!!:faint::faint::faint:

Nenek 25 September 2004 jam 2:34am  

andrea7974 menulis:
pepe haliwell menulis:
Nenek menulis:
Wait! Pepe is a guy or girl. I could swear Pepe said he is a married man with kids. -_-::
:clap: Nenek wins ten cookies for having a decent memory. I have forgotten about that myself....... :tongue:

This is the riddle of the day: Everybody knows that Pepe is a short name for Pepe le pew, but the Haliwells are sisters. What am I? .... :angeldevil:

Pepe is DFBB :D s/he can be a female or male depends on situation :D
:)) I knew IT. :box: Lex swore that Pepe is a girl who is my age.. BLAH! Should have listen to Honey. :aderai:

Azalae 25 September 2004 jam 3:08pm  

now pepe is a girl? :wow:

shiro 26 September 2004 jam 1:06pm  

Jet lag abissssss... :cry::faint:

eeyore 26 September 2004 jam 8:01pm  

shiro menulis:
Jet lag abissssss... :cry::faint:
Cathy!!!!! miss you so much!!!! :hug:

Azalae 26 September 2004 jam 8:22pm  

fotoooo :D

eeyore 27 September 2004 jam 7:01am  

the usual, attend wedding, grocery shopping. boring yah...

shiro 27 September 2004 jam 7:25am  

Tinaaaaaa... :hug: miss you too!!! :kiss2:

Boss weekend baru poto2 yah?? asik, asikkkk... bagi dong :flirt::D

Weekend kemarin ari Sabtu abis di kapal, minggu bobo sesiangan terus mamam chili crab malemnya... :drool: my vacation is coming to an end... :sad:

eeyore 27 September 2004 jam 10:21am  

shiro menulis:
Tinaaaaaa... :hug: miss you too!!! :kiss2:

Weekend kemarin ari Sabtu abis di kapal, minggu bobo sesiangan terus mamam chili crab malemnya... :drool: my vacation is coming to an end... :sad:

Weleh masih di spore yah? shopping brapa kilo non :p

beli iriver ga cath?

heni_w 27 September 2004 jam 10:42am  

ujan... becek.... bokek..... nasib...... :((

#97 avatar
Fatbrain 27 September 2004 jam 11:24am  

shiro menulis:
my vacation is coming to an end...
Twinnnnnn....dah almost home yah?....welcome back :hug::hug:

shiro 27 September 2004 jam 1:10pm  

Ntar sore pulang Indonya, besok dah mulai kerja lagi :sad: Ini baru kelar pak2, kayanya tuh koper bakal kena charge deh. Gua coba angkat kayanya berat bener... :blush::p Ga jadi beli iriver... duitnya keburu abis... :cry:

Thanks, twin... :hug: jangan lupa upload poto jalan2nya yah... ;)

Jojon 27 September 2004 jam 7:36pm  

yahh udah pulang yah, padahal disini dijual cd bajakannya sims2 :D :D

Nenek 28 September 2004 jam 8:53am  

Jon, May and I thought you have been kidnapped by Ailiens... You alive?