
Post 12 dari 172 dalam Chinese songs: Post lyric and meaning here..

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#12 avatar
tanteun 12 Februari 2004 jam 6:38pm  

Elixir of Love - Mandarin version
Mirriam Yeung & Richie Ren

女:春­概j呀吹 吹入我心扉
Chun feng chuei ya chuei, chuei ru wo xin fei
Spring wind blow ya blow, blow into door leaf of my heart
  想念你的心 呯呯跳不能入睡
Xiang nian ni de xin, peng peng tiao bu neng ru shui
Heart that missing you, pounding jumping can't sleep

為何你呀你 不懂落花的有意
Wei he ni ya ni, bu dong luo hua de you ie
Why you ya you, don't know the purpose of fallen flowers
Zhi neng wang zhe chuang wai de ming yue
Can only looking at the moon outside the window
男:月兒高高掛 彎彎的像你的眉
Yue erl gao gao gua, wan wan de xiang ni de mei
Moon hang high, curve just like your eyebrow
想念你的心 只許前進不許退
Xiang nian ni de xin, zhi xu qian jin bu xu tui
Heart that missing you, can only go forward can't go back
  我說你呀你 可知流水非無情
Wo shuo ni ya ni, ke zhi liu shui fei wu qing
I say you ya you, whether know running water isn't un-hearted
Zai ni piao xiang tian shang de gong que
Carry you fly to the palace in the sky
*合:就在這花好月圓夜 兩心相愛心相悅
Jiu zai zhe hua hao yue yuan ye, liang xin xiang ai xin xiang
In this blooming flowers full moon night, two loving hearts
promise each other
  在這花好月圓夜 有情人兒成雙對
Zai zhe hua hao yue yuan ye, you qing ren erl cheng shuang dui
In this blooming flowers full moon night, people in love become pair
   我說你呀你 這世上還有誰
Wo shuo ni ya ni, zhe shi shang hai you shui
I say you ya you, in this world there is no other one
能與你鴛鴦戲水 比翼雙雙­腹?
Neng yu ni yuan yang xi shui, bi yi shuang shuang fei
Can with you like mandarin duck playing water, fly wing to wing

女:明月幾時有       男:明月幾時有
Ming yue ji shi you Ming yue ji shi you
Moon where will show
女:把醉問青天       男:把醉問青天
Ba jiu/zui** wen qing tian Ba jiu/zui** wen qing tian
Let wine/drunk ask clear sky

女:不知天上宮闕      男:宮闕
Bu zhi tian shang gong que Gong que
Don't know palace in the sky
Jin Xi shi he nian
This sunset is which year
** = it's written zui (drunk), but I heard it's more like jiu (wind)