
Post 4 dari 556 dalam Kisah Membunuh Naga (To Liong To/ Boe Kie)

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#4 avatar
pepe haliwell 12 Maret 2004 jam 3:25am  

mo-bin siutjay and all,

my version was published by Tunas Tanjak, Jakarta (no year specified). The only reference to author and translator was "karya CHING YUNG" in every books, and "penerjemah Gan KL" in the first book. You maybe right about the original translator since the subsequent books never mention Gan KL; however, there is no mention of Boe Beng Tjoe in any of the books.

It is possible that someone was creative enough to cut and paste this and that from both versions and came up with a "new and improved" translation. Anyway, I really enjoyed the story regardless of who translated the masterpiece.

There might be a lot of typos in this translation. The publisher didn't seem to use a decent printing machine as some of the letters were hard to read. In many cases, there were typos as well as words that I didn't have a clue what they meant. Since I assumed that the book had the "correct" spellings, structures, and grammar, I was reluctant to change anything. To further complicate the matter, Bahasa Indonesia is not my strong point, and I don't speak a meaningful word of Hokkian.

I'll try to update this work regularly as time permitted. I hope you all enjoy this fine story.
