
Post 1 dari 13 dalam Stealing wireless - right or wrong?

HomeForumDebatesStealing wireless - right or wrong?Post-42063

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hey_sephia 23 Agustus 2007 jam 10:35pm  

dah lama ga ada debat. tadi baca bbc news ada yg nulis artikel ttg ini.

misalnya A scan wireless network dan nemu network punya B, with broadband connection tapi unsecured. trus A browsing2 freely (alias curi2 n ga bayar). salahkah A?

pendapat pro (A bersalah):
ini ky orang nyuri listrik/air - B yg bayar, A ikut make tapi ga bayar.
against the law jg..

The Communications Act 2003 says a "A person who (a) dishonestly obtains an electronic communications service, and (b) does so with intent to avoid payment of a charge applicable to the provision of that service, is guilty of an offence".

There are also suggestions using somebody else's wireless could come under the Computer Misuse Act, usually used to combat hacking and electronic fraud.

juga bisa impact ke download quotanya B, mempengaruhi speednya B, etc, pdhl A ga bayar.
and A bisa aja melanggar hukum pake internetnya B, misalnya:
A download child porn
A download illegal music/video
harus diberantas, pak polisi!!!

tapi menurutku, A ga salah.
network B ga secure. simple as that. sama aja buka pintu lebar2. apa bukan namanya "lagi untung" aja? salahnya B ga kasi password di wireless connectionnya. kalo di protect kan A ga bisa konek. karena ga di protect, brarti A dikasi 'ijin' untuk menggunakan fasilitas free itu. toh A nggak 'nyuri' apapun. kasarannya kalo ini rumah yg dibuka pintunya lebar2, si A cuma duduk2, ada tv lagi nyala - liat tv, ganti2 channel, udah. gak ambil tvnya. ada ac lagi nyala, dia nikmati dinginnya AC. A nggak ambil tv / ac. A nggak nyuri data dari komputer B.
kalo A nyuri data dari komputer B, which IS possible - but hardly the case, nah itu salah, karena namanya hacking - but we're not talking about that.

i don't even think A is breaking the law. oh well, he is, but why? shouldn't we change the law then? it's up to B to secure it, if it's not secure than it can be considered as public use.