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Temujin 20 Mei 2004 jam 12:07am  

andrea7974 menulis:
Mulai dengan Japanese table manner:

How to use chopstick:

Memegang sumpit dengan menggunakan jari telunjuk, jari tengah dan ibu jari. Sumpit idealnya berada di 3/4 dr panjang sumpit (tidak terlalu dekat makanan)
Memegang sumpit dengan 5 jari adalah hal yang sangat tabu.

Hal-hal yang tidak boleh dilakukan dalam Japanese table manner:
1. melambai-lambaikan sumpit.
2. menancapkan sumpit ke makanan
3. mengambil atau mendorong mangkok saat tangan membawa sumpit.
4. menjilat sumpit
5. menancapkan sumpit vertical ke mangkok nasi (kalau di kebudayaan China ini tabu krn mengingatkan akan hio yg ditancap ke beras--> pertanda kematian)
6. passing makanan dari sumpit sendiri ke sumpit orang lain.
7. menggunakan sumpit utk menunjuk terutama ke orang lain.

Yang boleh dilakukan:
1. gunakanlah ujung sumpit yg bersih utk mengambil main dishes yg disediakan di meja bila tdk ada sumpit lain yg bisa digunakan utk mengambil main dishes itu.
2. mengangkat mangkok nasi atau sup.
3. meminum kuah sup dr mangkoknya sementara menggunakan sumpit utk memakan daging di sup tsb.
4. slurping bukan hal yg taboo di Japanese table manner.

next will be: Spaghetti and Italian style table manner.
And the most important thing will be Chinese table manner (According to ancient rules)

You missed the most important taboo in Japanese dining "DO NOT POUR SOY SAUCE ON YOUR RICE"

It's a big no no..

OK... more Japanese table manner :

1) When you are not using your chopsticks and when you are finished eating, lay them down in front of you with the tip to left.
2) It is considered a good manner to empty your bowl of rice down to very last grain of rice.
3) When drinking, it's considered a good manner to wait until everyone's cup is full and cups are raised for a salute before you start drinking
4) If someone serve you a drink (alcohol), you MUST quickly empty it and quickly show it to the person to show your appreciation and respect
5) Always keep an eye of everyone's cups, you are expected to serve each other and to pour more drinks to others' cups
6) Pour soy sauce into the provided small plate, NOT on your rice or bowl, DO NOT use soy sauce more than what you need, it's considered a bad manner to waste soy sauce, pour it several times instead of pouring it all at once.
7) When drinking soup (miso soup), drink it directly from the cup and use your chopstick to scoop up the ingridients (food) inside

For Sushi especially :

1) You are supposed to eat the entire sushi in one bite
2) Do not add wasabi into your soy sauce
3) If you want wasabi, add it a little bit only to the sushi
4) Do not lift up the soy sauce plate and pour it on your sushi, unless you are eating gunkan sushi
4) For nigiri sushi, DO NOT dip the rice part into the soy sauce, turn it upside down and dip the topping part (fish) into the soy sauce

I will add more if I remember.