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Temujin 21 Mei 2004 jam 11:07am  

andrea7974 menulis:
Temujin menulis:
And one more....

Traditionally sushi is eaten using your hands (YES, your hand) ... Not using chopsticks.

However, this has evolved since, it is now ok to eat with your hands OR with chopsticks.

Most of my Japanese friends eat sushi using their hands at home but use chopsticks in restaurants, because they just don't want to dirty their hands, especially in upscale restaurants.

And when you're talking about traditional way... hmmm..sebelum abad 18 sebelum ditemukan garpu, orang Itali makan spaghetti pakai tangan juga tuh!
Wrong again, the Italian first used forks in the late 17th century, year 16.. something, the first fork that was used to eat pasta was a fork with four short prongs in Italy by the King.

And about traditional way of eating sushi in Japan, it's not hundreds of years ago. It's merely just 10 years ago. Some people in Japan (if you read it more carefully) still eat sushi with their hands.