
Post 6 dari 12 dalam Once again, help Nenek to write Indo

HomeForumGeneral discussionsOnce again, help Nenek to write IndoPost-9548

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andrea7974 20 Agustus 2004 jam 8:33am  

Nenek menulis:
hmm.. Friends forever sound like "I want to be friends forever with you" GAHH! Hm.. I think I will just use "man in my life". THANK YOU THANK YOU for all the hlep. :angel: Pria dalam hidupku.. hehehee.. sounds nice~
yep....friends forever sounds like you and him just want to be friends forever.

probably you want to say: "yonny mau jadi teman hidup untuk Lex" which means..."Yonny wants to be Lex's soulmate" ?

teman hidup = life-partner :D

what do you think?