Love Changes Everything.....Serious questions!

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#81 avatar
pepe haliwell 25 Agustus 2004 jam 5:22am  

eeyore menulis:

ditanyain yg serius, gini jawabnya. Klu ini jawaban serius pepe, berarti elo Matre bo! :no:

Matre tuh apaan sih? :think:

Kalo bisa bikin diri sendiri jatuh cinta kan berarti pake rational, tapi bukankah cinta itu irational behavior? Nah kalo memang bisa dirationalkan kenapa tidak pake mantera2 ciptaan pepe? Banyak tuh ce2 yang demen ama co2 kaya? kenapa? apakah itu cinta?

Instinct adalah salah satu hukum alam, dan salah satu instinct manusia adalah self preservation. Cinta yang rational adalah cinta untuk self preservation. Kenapa orang yang sudah "ada umur" berusaha jatuh cinta? Atau ce yang dijaman "pre-arranged marriage" berusaha mencintai suaminya? Jawaban paling gampang: Instinct, self preservation. Bukankah itu "fooling one self into thinking that one is falling in love?" Apakah itu salah? Tergantung situasi dan kondisi.....

eeyore 25 Agustus 2004 jam 9:59am  

ok, ok sejauh ini pada pake rationale jawabnya dan make sense he,he,he... g jg setuju sih, tp yah sapa tau aja ada yg punya special resep (pake telor) untuk bikin orang suka... **dukun pelet :D**

#83 avatar
andrea7974 25 Agustus 2004 jam 4:52pm  

kayaknya kalau cinta itu sesuatu yang rasional...aku tdk akan membuat thread ini utk bertanya apa itu arti cinta :D

Krn aku merasa kalau cinta itu irasional makanya gua bertanya pada elu2 pada apa itu cinta.

Bukankah menerangkan sesuatu yg irasional dan abstrak itu lebih susah drpd menerangkan sesuatu yg gamblang dan rasional? :poke:

Azalae 25 Agustus 2004 jam 5:18pm  

andrea7974 menulis:
Message: A group of professional people posted
question to a group of 4 to 8
year olds. "What does love mean?" the answers
they got were broader and deeper than anyone
could have imagined. See what you think...

When my grandma got arthritis, she couldn't bend
over and paint her toenails anymore. So my
grandpa does it for her now all the time, even
when his hands got arthritis too. That's love.
Rebecca- age 8

When someone loves you, the way they say your
name is different. You just know that your name is
safe in their mouths. Billy- age 4

Love is when a girl puts on perfume and a boy
puts on shaving Cologne and they go out and
smell each other. Kari- age 5

Love is when you go out to eat and give
somebody most of your French fries without
making them give you any of theirs. Chrissy- age

Love is what makes you smile when you're tired.
Terri- age 4

Love is when my mommy makes coffee for my
daddy and she takes a sip before giving it to him,
to make sure the taste is OK. Danny- age 7

Love is when you kiss all the time. Then when you
get tired of kissing, you still want to be together
and you talk more. My mommy and daddy are like
that. They look gross when they kiss. Emily- age 8

Love is what's in the room with you at Christmas if
you stop opening
presents and listen. Bobby- age 7 (wow!)

If you want to learn to love better, you should start
with a friend who you
hate. Nikka- age 6

Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt, then
he wears it everyday
Noelle- age 7

Love is like a little old woman and a little old man
who are still friends
even after they know each other so well. Tommy-
age 6

During my piano recital, I was on stage and I was
scared. I looked at all
the people watching me and saw my daddy
waving and smiling. He was the only one doing
that. I wasn't scared anymore. Cindy- age 8

My mommy loves me more than anybody. You
don't see anyone else kissing me to sleep at
night. Clare- age 6

Love is when mommy gives daddy the best piece
of chicken. Elaine- age 5

Love is when mommy sees daddy smelly and
sweaty and still says he is
handsomer than Robert Redford. Chris- age 7

Love is when your puppy licks your face even after
you left him alone all
day. Mary Ann- age 4

When you love somebody, your eyelashes go up
and down and little stars come out of you. Karen-
age- 7

Love is when mommy sees daddy on the toilet
and doesn't think it's gross.
Mark- age 6

You really shouldn't say "I LOVE YOU" unless you
mean it. But if you mean it you should say it a lot.
People forget. Jessica- age 8

And the winner was a 4 year old child whose next
door neighbor was an
elderly man who had just lost his wife. When the
child saw the man cry, the little boy went over into
the man's yard and climbed on top of the man's
lap and just sat there. When the boy's mother
asked him what he'd said to the neighbor, the little
boy said "Nothing, I just helped him cry."

Humanity still has hope I see. :)

#85 avatar
pepe haliwell 26 Agustus 2004 jam 12:47am  

LA Times had an interesting article on the popularity of plastic surgery in China with girls. These alteration does not always have the desired affect.

One girl with custom made look won a beauty contest. A few days later, the organizer found out the fact that she has been surgically altered and removed her from the throne. She sued to have her crown back.

Another one of these "pretty" girls married a rich businessman and bore him a child. Whalla! The child looked so butt ugly and didn't have any resemblance to the mom. The businessmen finally found out about the surgery, filed for divorce, and didn't want to provide child support.

Boys and Girls! The moral of the story is: when you buy a car, checkout under the fender, the bumper and the windshield for uneven surface before driving off the lot. The car might have a kijang that came out from a "karoseri" to look like a BMW X5. You never know! :tongue:

I am sure that appearance is one of the biggest factor in a person falling in love with someone, and nowadays one can alter one's appearance if she or he has the money. The question now is: can money buy you love?

#86 avatar
andrea7974 26 Agustus 2004 jam 8:46am  

pepe haliwell menulis:
LA Times had an interesting article on the popularity of plastic surgery in China with girls. These alteration does not always have the desired affect.

One girl with custom made look won a beauty contest. A few days later, the organizer found out the fact that she has been surgically altered and removed her from the throne. She sued to have her crown back.

Another one of these "pretty" girls married a rich businessman and bore him a child. Whalla! The child looked so butt ugly and didn't have any resemblance to the mom. The businessmen finally found out about the surgery, filed for divorce, and didn't want to provide child support.

Boys and Girls! The moral of the story is: when you buy a car, checkout under the fender, the bumper and the windshield for uneven surface before driving off the lot. The car might have a kijang that came out from a "karoseri" to look like a BMW X5. You never know! :tongue:

I am sure that appearance is one of the biggest factor in a person falling in love with someone, and nowadays one can alter one's appearance if she or he has the money. The question now is: can money buy you love?

I don't think that money can buy you love. But money surely can buy you beautiful women, handsome guys :no: :doh:

Azalae 26 Agustus 2004 jam 11:23am  

if it's too good to be true, chances are it is. :D

eeyore 1 September 2004 jam 6:57am  

ok tanya lagi, klu gitu bisa ga kita mengontrol untuk tidak jatuh cinta sama orang. Terutama kalau orang itu tidak pantas untuk kita suka (Da punya pacar misalnya, ato lebih muda dan tua jauh, beda 20 taon gitu :giggle: )

Klu aku bilang sih bisa, kita bisa mengontrol hati kita. Yang kita bisa mengontrol hati orang. Mengontrol hati sendiri aja berat dan susah, kadang kayak hati melawan akal sehat gitu. Bisa deh pasti.

Gimana2 menurut yg lain?

#89 avatar
andrea7974 1 September 2004 jam 8:42am  

eeyore menulis:
ok tanya lagi, klu gitu bisa ga kita mengontrol untuk tidak jatuh cinta sama orang. Terutama kalau orang itu tidak pantas untuk kita suka (Da punya pacar misalnya, ato lebih muda dan tua jauh, beda 20 taon gitu :giggle: )

Klu aku bilang sih bisa, kita bisa mengontrol hati kita. Yang kita bisa mengontrol hati orang. Mengontrol hati sendiri aja berat dan susah, kadang kayak hati melawan akal sehat gitu. Bisa deh pasti.

Gimana2 menurut yg lain?

Menurutku : kalau orang yang kita sukai itu tdk layak utk dicintai, maka dengan mudah kita akan bisa men-doktrin diri kita sendiri utk berhenti suka sama itu orang. Tapi kalau orangnya memang baik, rasanya susah deh utk berhenti suka.
Basically: semuanya tergantung seberapa besar keinginan kita utk berhenti suka sama itu orang. Kalau emang niatnya berhenti suka, kan bisa juga dimulai dengan berhenti berkomunikasi, dll.

yinyeksin 1 September 2004 jam 10:40am  

Menurut saya untuk mengontrol hati kita susah, kadangkala semuanya tuh di luar logika kita. biarpun itu orang tidak layak untuk dicintai tapi kalo yang namanya perasaan ato hati udah suka mo gimana caranya untuk ngontrol biar gak suka susah...biarpun keinginan kita besar banget untuk berhenti suka sama itu orang, tidak akan bisa membuat kita untuk berhenti suka...pasti hati kita akan mencari alasan yang lain untuk tetap suka sama itu orang.

#91 avatar
andrea7974 3 Desember 2004 jam 4:24pm  

yinyeksin menulis:
Menurut saya untuk mengontrol hati kita susah, kadangkala semuanya tuh di luar logika kita. biarpun itu orang tidak layak untuk dicintai tapi kalo yang namanya perasaan ato hati udah suka mo gimana caranya untuk ngontrol biar gak suka susah...biarpun keinginan kita besar banget untuk berhenti suka sama itu orang, tidak akan bisa membuat kita untuk berhenti suka...pasti hati kita akan mencari alasan yang lain untuk tetap suka sama itu orang.
Betul. selalu melihat sisi baiknya bisa melihat sisi buruknya.

Kalau emang bisa cinta pakai logika..kayaknya orang yang pinter semua adalah org yg sukses dlm cinta. Tapi kenyataannya nggak gitu tuh :D

justice_121 3 Desember 2004 jam 6:56pm  

eeyore menulis:
ok tanya lagi, klu gitu bisa ga kita mengontrol untuk tidak jatuh cinta sama orang. Terutama kalau orang itu tidak pantas untuk kita suka (Da punya pacar misalnya, ato lebih muda dan tua jauh, beda 20 taon gitu :giggle: )

Klu aku bilang sih bisa, kita bisa mengontrol hati kita. Yang kita bisa mengontrol hati orang. Mengontrol hati sendiri aja berat dan susah, kadang kayak hati melawan akal sehat gitu. Bisa deh pasti.

Gimana2 menurut yg lain?

kayaknya kalo udah bener2 jatuh cinta beneran ga bisa dikontrol dah. kalo misalnya udah punya pacar gitu, yang bisa dilakukan adalah mengontrol diri untuk tidak/ berhenti mendekati/ berhubungan dengan orang itu, bukannya mengontrol perasaan untuk tidak/ berhenti mencintai.

Azalae 4 Desember 2004 jam 11:02am  

menurut gua tiap orang beda2 deh. ada yang impulsive, ada yang logical. waktu kita jatuh cinta juga masih bisa mikir. nah bedanya, orang yang impulsive cenderung mengabaikan pikiran milih pake perasaan.

mirip kalo kita ke toko liat barang yang udah lama penngeeenn bangeet. masalahnya duit terbatas masih harus bayar utang lagi. orang yang impulsive pasti cuek aja. utang udah lama nunggak kok masa sehari dua hari lagi mundur ga bisa. akhirnya beli dan besok harinya rumah disita. :giggle:

semua juga ada nilainya. lagi cinta emang segala kebaikan nilainya melambung, segala yang jelek negatifnya ga terlalu parah. tapi tetap aja ada penilaian. misal hal kecil kaya suka telat waktu pasti hal sepele biasa dicuekin. coba ketauan nyeleweng. hihihi pasti ribut besar. kemarin cinta, besok musuh.

jadiiii bukan berarti jatuh cinta selalu dan pasti ngikuti perasaan. cuma tergantung ama sifat orang itu dan faktor penilaian kejadiannya.

ToOn99 6 Desember 2004 jam 6:36am  

Dari dulu begitulah cinta
Penderitaannya tiada berakhir

-Pat Kay- :D

#95 avatar
andrea7974 6 Desember 2004 jam 10:02am  

ToOn99 menulis:
Dari dulu begitulah cinta
Penderitaannya tiada berakhir

-Pat Kay- :D

Kalau memang cinta seperti itu, kenapa orang masih jatuh cinta? hahaha.... itu emang bener2 khas ucapannya si Pat Kay tuh..dia yg dikutuk dlm urusan percintaan :D

Azalae 6 Desember 2004 jam 10:04am  

:giggle: kayanya bukan cinta deh yang bawa penderitaan tapi emosi negatif lain.

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