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#1 | ![]() |
31 Oktober 2003 jam 11:13am
Satu hari Sultan merasa sungguh boring n bete abis, jadi dia tanya "Abunawas" jawab Bendahara. Sultan pun manggil Abunawas n baginda bertitah: "Kalau kamu pandai, coba buat satu cerita seratus kata tapi setiap kata mesti dimulai dengan huruf 'J'. Terperanjat Abunawas, tapi setelah berfikir, diapun mulai bercerita: Jeng Juminten janda judes, jelek jerawatan, jari jempolnya jorok. Jeng juminten jajal jualan jamu jarak jauh Jogya-Jakarta. Jamu jagoannya: jamu jahe. "Jamu-jamuuu..., jamu jahe-jamu jaheee...!" Juminten jerit- jerit jajakan jamunya, jelajahi jalanan. Jariknya jatuh, Juminten jatuh jumpalitan. Jeng Juminten jerit-jerit: "Jarikku jatuh, jarikku jatuh..." Juminten jengkel, jualan jamunya jungkir-jungkiran, jadi jemu juga. Juminten jumpa Jack, jejaka Jawa jomblo, juragan jengkol, jantan, juara judo. Jantungnya Jeng Juminten janda judes jadi jedag-jedug. Juminten janji jera jualan jamu, jadi julietnya Jack. Johny justru jadi jelous. Juminten jadi juliet-nya Jack. Johny juga jejaka jomblo, jalang, juga jangkung. Julukannya, Johny Jago Joget. "Jieehhh, Jack jejaka Jawa, Jum?" joke- nya Johny. Jakunnya jadi jungkat-jungkit jelalatan jenguk Juminten. "Jangan jealous, John..." jawab Juminten. Jumat, Johny jambret, jagoannya jembatan Joglo jarinya jawil-jawil jerawatnya Juminten. Juminten jerit-jerit: "Jack, Jack, Johny jahil, jawil-jawil!!!" Jack jumping-in jalan, jembatan juga jemuran. Jack jegal Johny, Jebreeet..., Jack jotos Johny. Jidatnya Johny jenong, jadi jontor juga jendol... jeleekk. "John, jangan jahilin Juminten...!" jerit Jack... Jantungnya Johny jedot-jedotan, "Janji, Jack, janji... Johnny jera..." jawab Johny. Juni, Jack jadikan Johny join jualan jajajan jejer Juminten. Jhony jadi jongosnya Jack-Juminten, jongkok jagain jualan jus jengkol jajanan jurumudi jurusan Jogja-Jombang, julukannya Jus Jengkol Johny "jolly-jolly jumper." Jumpalagi, jek...!!! jangan joba-joba jikin jerita jayak jini jagi jeh...!!! jusah jamit-jamit jabang jayi. |
#2 | ![]() |
1 November 2003 jam 9:24pm
This is BY FAR the best email I have EVER gotten. Thought I would share it. This is even funnier when you realize it's real! Rob is a commercial saturation diver for Global Divers in Louisiana. He performs underwater repairs on offshore drilling rigs. Below is an E-mail he sent to his sister. She then sent it to radio station 103.2 on FM dial in Ft. Wayne, Indiana, who was sponsoring a worst job experience contest. Needless to say, she won...... Hi Sue, Just another note from your bottom-dwelling brother. Last week I had a bad day at the office. I know you've been feeling down lately at work, so I thought I would share my dilemma with you to make you realize it's not so bad after all. Before I can tell you what happened to me, I first must bore you with a few technicalities of my job. As you know, my office lies at the bottom of the sea. I wear a suit to the office. It's a wetsuit. This time of year the water is quite cool. So what we do to keep warm is this: We have a diesel powered industrial water heater. This $20,000 piece of equipment sucks the water out of the sea. It heats it to a delightful temperature. It then pumps it down to the diver through a garden hose, which is taped to the air hose. Now this sounds like a darn good plan, and I've used it several times with no complaints. What I do, when I get to the bottom and start working, is take the hose and stuff it down the back of my wetsuit. This floods my whole suit with warm water. It's like working in a Jacuzzi. Everything was going well until all of a sudden, my butt started to itch. So, of course, I scratched it. This only made things worse. Within a few seconds my butt started to burn. I pulled the hose out from my back, but the damage was done. In agony I realized what had happened. The hot water machine had sucked up a jellyfish and pumped it into my suit. Now, since I don't have any hair on my back, the jellyfish couldn't stick to it. However, the crack of my butt was not as fortunate. When I scratched what I thought was an itch, I was actually grinding the jellyfish into the crack of my butt. I informed the dive supervisor of my dilemma over the communicator. His instructions were unclear due to the fact that he, along with five other divers,were all laughing hysterically. Needless to say I aborted the dive. I was instructed to make three agonizing in-water decompression stops totaling thirty-five minutes before I could reach the surface to begin my chamber dry decompression. When I arrived at the surface, I was wearing nothing but my brass helmet. As I climbed out of the water, the medic, with tears of laughter running down his face, handed me a tube of cream and told me to rub it on my butt as soon as I got in the chamber. The cream put the fire out, but I couldn't poop for two days because my butt was swollen shut. So, next time you're having a bad day at work, think about how much worse it would be if you had a jellyfish shoved up your butt. Now repeat to yourself, "I love my job, I love my job, I love my job ". |
#3 | ![]() |
3 November 2003 jam 7:02pm
gua blom bisa tidur neh :| |
#4 | ![]() |
3 November 2003 jam 7:46pm
Ga bisa tidur? Sipp bikin logo, header, footer, or total layout buat board gih. Hehehehe. |
#5 | ![]() |
5 November 2003 jam 10:07am
sedikit humor! Ada dua anak kembar namanya Tono dan Tino. |
#6 | ![]() |
5 November 2003 jam 10:19am
Blueberry, itu cerita beneran? Buset jellyfish masuk ke situ apa ga sakit? |
#7 | ![]() |
6 November 2003 jam 11:53am
Lee Sum Wan: Hello can i speak to Annie Wan Mr Sori: Yes u could speak to me. Lee Sum Wan: No, i want to speak to Annie Wan! Mr Sori: You are talking to someone! Who is this? Lee Sum Wan: Im Sum Wan. And i need to talk to Annie Wan! Its urgent. Mr Sori: I know u are someone and u want to talk to anyone! But whats Lee Sum Wan: Well just tell my sister Annie Wan that our brother was Mr Sori: Look if no one was injured and no one was sent to the hospital Lee Sum Wan: You are rude. Who are you? Mr Sori: Im Sori. Lee Sum Wan: You should be sorry. Now give me your name! Mr Sori: Im Sori!! Lee Sum Wan: I dont like your tone of voice Mr and i dont care, give me your Mr Sori: Look lady, I told you already Im Sori! Im Sori!! Im SORI!!! Lee Sum Wan: I told u before im Sum Wan! Sum Wan!!! You better be careful Mr Sori: Oh im so scared(sarcastically).Look i dont care about ur uncle Lee Sum Wan: No Avery Buddy just married my aunt. And Avery Buddy Mr Sori: Like i said i dont care which one of ur aunt screws everybody Lee Sum Wan: Wheech Wan is my sis! Mr. Sori: I dont know which one is ur sis! Why in gods name u think i Toot....Toot....Toot................. |
#8 | ![]() |
8 November 2003 jam 6:04am
Azzy : gue dpt dr temen kerja sih....jd beneran ato kagak, yah mboh. Disitu sih bilangnya beneran sih. Jojon : kocak oi |
#9 | ![]() |
12 November 2003 jam 9:01am
A man wakes up at home with a huge hangover. He forces himself to open his eyes, and the first thing he sees is a couple of aspirins and a glass of water on the side table. He sits down and sees his clothing in front of him, all clean and pressed. He looks around the room and sees it is in perfect order. So is the rest of the house. He takes the aspirin and notices a note on the table: He goes to the kitchen. And sure enough, a hot breakfast and the morning newspaper await him. His son is also at the table, eating. The man asks, "Son, what happened last night?" His son says, "Well you came home after 3 am, drunk and delirious. You broke some furniture, puked in the hallway and gave yourself a black eye when you walked in to the door." |
#10 | ![]() |
12 November 2003 jam 9:17am
lutu jugaa.. 1. Key-in the first 3 digit of your phone number into the calculator. |
#11 | ![]() |
13 November 2003 jam 9:59am
This true story below just about depicts the way we go around building our business in a complicated manner. KEEP IT SIMPLE.............. When NASA began the launch of astronauts into space, they found out that the pens wouldn't work at zero gravity (Ink won't flow down to the writing surface). In order to solve this problem, they hired Andersen Consulting And guys, do you know what did Russians do to solve this issue.........??????? The Russians used a Pencil only without spending a single cent !!! So.....be FOCUS ON SOLUTIONS, NOT ON PROBLEMS... Have a great day!! |
#12 | ![]() |
19 November 2003 jam 10:44pm
Sekarang ini kalo naik taksi harus waspada, karena begitu banyak kejadian - kejadian yang kurang berkenan di hati kita. Terutama kaum hawa, so.. ini lah tips nya untuk berhati - hati ketika ingin naik taksi Sesuai dengan isi surat keputusan bersama tiga mantri, mantri cacar, mantri beranak, mantri sunat, No. 13 13 TIPS AMAN NAIK TAKSI 1. Saat menyetop periksa jumlah roda saat anda nyetop taxi, 2. Periksa juga jumlah kursinya, kalau jumlahnya banyak, berarti 3. Sebutkan tujuan anda dengan benar untuk menghindari supir taxi membawa anda ke rumahnya. 4. Jangan malu untuk bertanya karena malu bertanya sesat di jalan, tapi jangan terlalu banyak bertanya karena besar kemaluan susah berjalan. 5. Perhatikan selalu argo meter, pastikan tulisannya 'argometer', 6. Sama pak supir jangan terlalu galak nanti diusir, jangan pula 7.Yakinkan diri Anda bahwa Anda sudah duduk didalam taxi itu 8. Jangan lompat ke luar taxi selagi taxi itu berlari kencang. Itu 9. Jangan pernah tertidur di dalam perjalanan dengan taxi, untuk 10. Kalau Anda laki2 dan supir taxinya bertanya siapa nama Anda, 11. Jangan naik taxi yang ada tulisannya "Tarif Lama". Anda bisa 12. Kalau Anda bosan dengan kerutinan kerja dari hari ke hari!, 13. Merokok dalam taxi ber-AC sebaiknya dihindari, kalau tidak |
#13 | ![]() |
21 November 2003 jam 8:11am
gile tuh mau naik taksi ato adain survey tuh... priscilla menulis: |
#14 | ![]() |
21 November 2003 jam 1:29pm
TEAM WORK There are four people named everybody, somebody, anybody and nobody. There was an important job to be done and everybody was asked to do it. Everybody was sure somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that, because it was everybody’s job. Everybody thought anybody could do it. Nobody realized that everybody would not do it. It ended up that everybody blamed somebody when nobody did what anybody could have done. |
#15 | ![]() |
21 November 2003 jam 1:34pm
Heheheh pernah dikasih tau nih waktu pelajaran human resources. |
#16 | ![]() |
3 Desember 2003 jam 3:13pm
Nawi seorang berandal kampung suka sekali Seorang kepala agama memperhatikan kelakuan |
#17 | ![]() |
5 Desember 2003 jam 11:40am
Javelish.. The typical Javanese language: 'lho',
Jakartenglish ? Jakarte English is marked by the
Surobenglish is marked by 'tah' and the famous word is
Other exclamation words of Java : 'wo_', 'wah', 'wé_',
Sundanglish is also available such as 'atuh', 'euy',
There are also abundant 'sound effect' in Javanesse |
#18 | ![]() |
Chan Cao
5 Desember 2003 jam 1:32pm
Mosting gambar bisa nggak ya, moga2 bisa dan nggak basi... |
#19 | ![]() |
5 Desember 2003 jam 2:53pm
CERITA ini terjadi di kalangan anggota Dewan yang terhormat. Suara di sana berkata, "Selamat siang Bapak Anggota Dewan." Dengan hati yang masih penasaran, anggota Dewan yang terhormat itu mengabulkan permintaannya. Tetapi, anehnya setelah beberapa minggu kemudian, wanita itu meminta hal Wanita itu menjawab dengan lembutnya, "Kita sama-sama anggota DPR, kita kan pernah tidur bersama pada waktu Bu Mega membacakan pidatonya di Gedung DPR!" ================================================ Tiga orang wanita di kota Mexico yang sedang mabuk berat tertidur di pinggir jalan dan begitu bangun mereka sudah berada di dalam penjara. Wanita pertama, yang berambut coklat, diikat di kursi listrik dan Giliran wanita kedua yang berambut merah, diikat di kursi listrik dan Wanita yang terakhir, berambut pirang, diikat di kursi listrik dan |
#20 | ![]() |
5 Desember 2003 jam 3:44pm
What I Want in a Man What I Want in a Man, Original List (age 22): What I Want in a Man, Revised List (age 32): What I Want in a Man, Revised List (age 42): What I Want in a Man, Revised List (age 52): What I Want in a Man, Revised List (age 62): What I Want in a Man, Revised List (age 72): |